Rise of the Unfavored Princess

Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Ch. 12: Library Visit

I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face and it isn’t just because I didn’t get stabbed by a single piece of hay that night. My cheery mood is evident and even Marie mentions it as she ties pretty pink ribbons into my hair. josei

My plan to con my way into being the promised child all feels so real now and the sheer joy of having a concrete plan to avoid an early death has left me feeling giddy. Now I don’t have to suck up to my emotionless father in hopes of earning an ounce of favor that will pay back in dividends when I’m falsely accused. I had a deadbeat father in my last life, this is nothing new. I’ve packed all my hard feelings about Emperor Helio into a little box and kicked it to a deep, dark corner of my mind.

Forget fatherly love, all I want is to continue to enjoy my new, luxurious lifestyle without care. My thoughts wander back to the buttery soft coffee cake I had with fruits this morning, and my mouth starts watering again even though my stomach is full. If I want to continue to enjoy stress-free meals like these, I’m going to need to access the royal library for proper research.

I stroll past the well-tended rose gardens to the front entrance of my palace, denoted by a white arched walkway with two royal guards standing tall on each side. When they see my small self making my way over, they turn and bow obediently.

“Your highness,” they say in unison. I just wave, using my little kid pass to get out of being excessively formal.

“Good morning!” I respond. One of the guards, a blonde, handsome man looks familiar but I can’t quite place where I’ve seen him before.

They look nervous and rightfully so. The last time I had approached the entrance, they denied me from exiting on grounds that it was not safe for me to wander the palace. This time, however, I plan on walking through the arch no matter what.

“I’m leaving today,” I announce first.


“Your highness, I’m afraid you are not allowed to leave because of your-“, a guard starts.

“Because of my safety, right? Well, I thought about what you said last time and I have a solution. From now on whenever I leave the Palace, one of you can accompany me!” I give them my full, megawatt smile and clasp my hands together, but now the guards only look even more unsure.

“Princess... we are just following orders that we’ve received,” the blonde guard admits, the words looking like they pain him. I nod understandingly, but on the inside, I’m getting ready to go for the throat.

“Oh?” I respond innocently. “And whose order is that?”

“Lord Amarelius, your highness,” the other guard answers. The blonde guard gets a funny expression on his face as he hears Wolfgang’s title and I suddenly recall where I saw him. Flashes of memories that night in Bianca’s house make my cheerful expression fall from my face.

“And is he higher or lower ranked than me?” I inquire, my tone no longer retaining the same charm as before. Looking at the young man who had tried to coax me out of the dress cabinet reminds me of how traumatic it was when the guards fetched me from the slums and I do not wish to remember that night.

“Your rank is greater than his in terms of sovereignty, but his is greater than yours when it comes to military powers, your highness,” the blonde quickly counters. He has a decent head on his shoulders, but I already knew that from the time he discovered the hidden door to my room.

“Sooo,” I say, placing one finger from both hands beside each other. “I’d say that makes us about even, wouldn’t you...”

I trail off, waiting for the guards to give their names. The unfamiliar guard appears stressed, a bead of sweat visible under his helmet, while the blondie looks amused.

“I’m Sir Paul.” His voice trembles as he introduces himself. I tsk a little on the inside. That man will not get very far in the military if he is so easily scared by a child like myself.

“And I am Sir Finn, your highness. And yes, that would make you even,” the blonde announces grandly, dipping into a bow. Finn the Fox, I call him in my head.

Now I smile once more.

“Then until Sir Ama... Amarel, oh you know who I’m speaking of,” my youthful tongue tripping over the tongue twister of a last name, “until he personally comes and tells me I am not allowed to leave the Rose Palace, then I will go as I please until then.” I almost say kapeesh at the end, but I narrowly realize that it’s a word that doesn’t exist in this world.

“My lady,” Marie starts nervously. She had been against my plan all morning and now she crept from where she stood behind me to speak.

“It’s fine, Marie. Isn’t Sir Finn?” I look him dead in the eye.

Finn bursts into a loud, belly grabbing laugh.

“Indeed, your highness,” he responds, wiping a tear from his eye. He is the first of the two guards to move out of my path and the other quickly follows suit, looking like he is about to throw up his breakfast.

I begin to walk out the archway, feeling extremely triumphant and ready to take on the world. But Finn the Fox was not quite finished yet.

“However, your highness,” he begins from behind me and I slow to a stop. “You still need a guard to accompany you to your destination.”

I grit my teeth, because he is right.

“Just for today,” I sigh. I don’t want to let one, irritating knight ruin what should otherwise be a splendid day.

This is my first day walking around the royal palace. I’d seen glimpses of this architectural wonder when I was hastily escorted to the Rose Palace but this is the first time I am seeing it in full. My path is covered in dappled sunlight from the overhanging willow trees and maids and servants alike bow when they see me. I almost want to pinch myself for it feels like I’m in a dream rather than reality.

I am clutching Marie’s hand since I don’t know where the library is and it isn’t long before we come to a stop before a grand, spiral building with guards in front. I stare at the tall structure in shock because it is the tallest building I have ever seen in this world.

“The royal library is quite impressive, isn’t it your highness?” Finn asks, smiling at my small form bending over backward to see the entire library. The cool air inside the building is in stark contrast to the outdoor warmth and Finn quietly informs me that the temperature within is carefully regulated by magic so that none of the rare books crumble or yellow.

The floor to ceiling is covered in shelves of books that extend higher than my eye can see. There hangs in the air, the ever-familiar scent of dust and paper, a constant in any library no matter which world. I wonder how the librarians here can possibly manage to remember where any of the books are in here. I wonder briefly how one would even manage to get a book from the shelves the same height as an average house but I notice a library custodian standing on a floating platform with a balcony that slowly goes up and down the shelf.

Although I know it exists, I have not seen much magic and I can’t help the grin sprouting on my face. I was a real sucker for Harry Potter and other fantasy novels, this is practically a dream come true for Maria!

“Look! Look at that!” I saw in awe to Marie, pointing at the floating platform. I desperately want to ride it, but I’m sure they would let a child go on the potential dangerous contraption. The man on it, a custodian in a dull gray waistcoat with matching trousers, notices me on the ground and the platform lowers to the floor. His footsteps echo as he walks over to me and I can tell this man recognizes me. After all, there aren’t that many other white-haired kids running around the palace that has been the hot topic of palace gossip.

“Your highness,” he says nervously, dropping into a low bow. He stands back up straight in a snap and I notice he wears glasses that make him cute in a nerdy way. For the thousandth time, I lament my luck for being reborn as kid instead of as an adult.

“I’m looking for some fun books to read, with many pictures in them,” I say earnestly. “Can you take me there?”

I have no desire to read elementary level books, however, I must operate cautiously and don’t want to raise suspicion as a 5-year-old reading books about the history of the Empire and the Holy Church. Marie waits near the grand entrance of the royal library and Finn follows the custodian and I as we meander deeper into the winding mazes of shelves. He stands a good enough distance away that I am certain he cannot hear me when I tug at the custodian’s hand and smile.

“Sir,” I say, chuckling at how shocked he is to have royalty touch his hand. In truth, I am no better or worse than him, I would have gotten my hand cut off if I had touched him two weeks ago.

“I actually lied to you earlier.”

His brows crinkle together.

“O-Oh, your highness.” He has no idea how to respond.

“I’m going to wait here because I am tired of walking, so can you please get my books for me. I do like books with pictures, but I like history books even more.”

I hold his hand a little tighter and pout at him a little bit.

“People will think I’m weird if they see I’m reading adult-level books and I don’t want to get made fun of,” I say pleadingly.

I can tell I struck a nerve in the custodian because his back straightens and his face goes serious.

“There is nothing strange about reading advanced level books, no matter what anyone says. It just means you are an intelligent child!” he says emphatically. Perhaps he faced this kind of teasing as well when he was younger.

“But I still don’t want anyone to know, so when you get me a few books about the Empire and the Holy Church, can you please stack a few children’s books on top so no one sees them? Pretty please?”

He nods vigorously.

“As you wish, your highness,” he replies and his long legs quickly carry him out of view as he fetches my books.

Finn approaches when he is gone and asks what we discussed. I cheerfully tell him to mind his own business.

Before long the sound of footsteps echoes once more and the custodian emerges from the narrow space between two bookshelves with a healthy stack of books. But tall Finn stepped ahead of me and scooped them out of the custodian’s arms with ease as if he were carrying a pile of feathers.

“Thank you, Mr. Librarian!” I say with a smile. The man smiles back and he looks friendly enough. I’m sure we will become better acquaintances as I intend to visit often.

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