Rise of the Unfavored Princess

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Ch. 4: Doctor’s Visit

When I awoke, my head mysteriously felt much better, but much like the time I had woken up in Clara’s world, the ceiling was unfamiliar. It was much nicer than the one I am used to seeing, with actual, white plaster covering the wood. The entire room smelled like vinegar and cleaning supplies and the sheets I was carefully tucked under were a crisp white as well.

The room felt like a five-star hotel after my years inside Bianca’s little room that had originally served as her closet and storage. A cough racked through my chest, filling the quiet room and attracting an unwanted guest. A strange man I’d never seen before rushed into the open door of the room and instinctively shrank into my covers. He was short and a little bit dumpy, with excitement dancing in his eyes behind his glasses.

I’d hardly laid my eyes on anyone other than Bianca and people walking around on the streets outside our tiny house so it all felt new. Where was Bianca? Why did she leave me here? Had she decided she had enough of me and given me away to this strange man?

“She... She’s awake,” said a familiar voice in a tone of disbelief. I never thought there would be a day when I found Bianca’s husky voice comforting but that day had come. I looked over at her, desperate for her to save me from the stranger. She crept into the room cautiously, as if I would fall back into illness if she moved too quickly, and then surprised us both with a short hug before pulling away.

“This is good,” she concluded, nodding her head. I was surprised too, because this was the first sign of affection she had given me in years. The heavy musk of her perfume was thick in the air, so I could tell she hadn’t washed since she had brought me to what I presumed to be a clinic.

“Yes, she has passed out during the dangerous stage of the illness.” Dr. Strobum said, giving Bianca a rundown of what he had written on his clipboard. He kept taking occasional glances at me, as if he were surprised by the sight of a little girl. Well, I do look a little unusual. From all the people I’d seen on the streets, no one had brilliant white hair and gold eyes.

Wait, my eyes! Belatedly, I remembered that he could see the distinctive gold when he had entered. What if he recognized it as the gold of the royal family? If so, then all my self-isolation would be for naught. Like the petulant child I appeared to be on the outside, I buried my head under the covers so he couldn’t stare anymore. Dr. Strobum looked like a man too curious for his own good, his aging self at odds with his energetic disposition. If he summoned the royal guards or somehow got an audience with her father, then I would be dragged away to the palace.

My ears pricked up under the covers as listened in on the conversation.


“...yes, she is severely malnourished, which is why the illness took hold even faster. You need to feed her more nutrient-rich foods.”

I could practically hear Bianca frown. “Sounds expensive,” she replied passively.

“Well, what do you normally feed her?” the doctor inquired.

“Bread, milk, oats,” Bianca listed off quickly. I nodded under the covers. That was usually what I ate throughout the week. I usually cooked my oats in water over the fire and then dunked my hard bread in it to soften the rock hard dough. Milk, which had become increasingly scarce, was usually a treat I received once a week. The doctor tsked at the small list.

“Consider supplementing her meals with beans. They will help make up for what she’s missing in her current diet.”

“Thanks,” Bianca was curt. She was always a bit snappy, unless she was speaking to a client. That was when I’d usually hear simpering, silly words come out of her mouth.

“So... how much is it?” she finally asked after hitting Dr. Strobum with many one-word answers.

“Oh don’t worry about it!” I stuck my head out of the covers at his words. “Consider it free.”

Free? I looked around the spic and span room and the neat little desk covered in trinkets. It must cost him a pretty penny to maintain his clinic and yet he was willing to do her treatment for free? Bianca also found it suspicious as her pretty blue eyes narrowed on the slightly shorter doctor.

“Do you think I’m a charity case or something?” my aunt scoffed in disdain. Even though Bianca was technically a slave, as prostitution did fall under the slave act of the Empire, she had a little something called pride. It was why, even in the little hovel they were scraping by in, her dresses were in mint condition and her gray locks were twisted and braided into fanciful designs every day. I recall how she had to go into her secret stash that she kept under the floorboards in order to free herself from her contract and I understand how she feels.

“No, no, you misunderstand,” the doctor said, waving his hands in surrender. Bianca eased up her glower a tiny bit. He looked back at me and I fought the urge to dive under the covers again. “Such a tiny beauty like that, I would feel bad if I charged you further.”

I didn’t like his words and neither did Bianca. From the expression she was making, I could tell she was about to give Strobum a piece of her mind and my eyes wandered over the room as she began to do so. I stared at the little poster mounted above his desk meant to gauge one’s eyesight. I could read every letter, it seemed my golden eyes had perfect vision.

Antsy where I sat I wanted to play with his fun trinkets on the desk. There was a small, blue rubber ball and a windup toy that he probably gave to children who visited his clinic. But every thought fell clean out of my head as I noticed a small jar of peppermint candies on the corner of the table. Peppermints. Was it a coincidence? The last time I saw one was the day I’d been reincarnated and realized that I had died in my last life. And now there was a whole jar of them, mocking me.

“Would you like one?” asked the doctor, interrupting my thoughts. I had been staring so intently at the jar it seemed the man had assumed I wanted candy. He took one out of the jar and popped it into my hand before I answered, which was good because I wasn’t sure if I was going to respond. I haven’t spoken all that much in my 5 years, other than to myself and a few words to my aunt.

The familiar candy was minty fresh and slightly sweet, easily one of the best things I’ve eaten since I woke up here. The feeling of ill-boding eased up a little bit as I fell into the pure childlike joy of eating something sweet. josei

A heavy knock sounded on the door, interrupting Bianca’s tirade. She raised a brow at him, displeased.

” I thought you said this clinic opens at 10. Why are there people here?” Her stare pierced him where he stood. Bianca would have made a stellar lawyer back in my world.

Dr. Strobum rubbed his head, looking apologetic.

“I’m wondering who it is as well. Sometimes emergency cases can crop up at times like this. Please excuse me.”

He rushed over to the door and opened it, revealing my worst fears. Bianca gasped and took a half step backward while I burrowed into my covers, terror speeding up my little heart. The very people I had been trying to avoid for the past 5 years, the people who knew exactly what the royal gold eyes looked like: the royal guard.

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