Rise of the Unfavored Princess

Chapter 95

Chapter 95

Chapter 95: Ch. 95: A Warm Welcome

The difference between my return to Radovalsk and my unexpected departure is more drastic than the difference between first-class and economy class on a plane.

I alone ride in a carriage, a discreet but luxurious vehicle with supple seats I can’t stop bouncing on. My father, my brothers, the royal guard, and all high-ranking generals within the army ride horses, the fine stallions setting them head and shoulders above everyone else.

But even so, I cannot fully enjoy the return due to many factors: the empress waiting for me in the palace, Julian’s iffy response regarding telling his subordinates, and our impending break-in to the most heavily guarded individual in the Erudian Empire.

The past few days have been more stressful than applying to college, which should not be possible.

“Your highness, we’ve arrived,” Emma informs me quietly, tugging me out of my daydream of little versions of me running around as everything is on fire.

I look out the window to see Belfort Castle, the ancestral home of the Duchy of Avernall and Finn’s future dwellings. Thinking of the fox-like knight who’s always shown me a kindness that no one else seems capable of, my heart unavoidably softens.

“Do you think we can see Sir Finn soon?” I ask Emma with excitement as I teeter down the carriage steps made for people much taller than myself.


But she doesn’t need to answer that question at all. Within the opening reception hall of the stone castle, one that fits easily into the natural woods and greenery of the duchy, a shock of platinum on a familiar royal guard greets me.

“Finn! Sir Finn!” I wave like a fanatic, nearly jumping up and down if it isn’t for Emma clamping down on my hand.

The familiar knight turns around and I rush in for a hug. The man obliges, picking me up and twirling me around.

“Your highness!” he exclaims, catching me for a quick spin before he sets me down and bows.

The steward who had sucked in a breath to announce my presence gets cut off with a hand gesture from Finn.

“How are you? How is your family?” I inquire, peppering my favorite guard with questions.

Finn’s handsome face tightens and it is indeed as events occured in the book, his father is ill and he will soon take over the duchy. Which means I can kiss goodbye to the good old days of Finn’s clever tongue and warm presence around the Rose Palace.

Another part of me whispers that I can say hello to having the soon-to-be Duke of Avernall as an ally and friend, but I smother that voice the best I can.

“My father has taken ill... that is why I am here to greet the imperial delegation. My younger sister, Victoria, she is right around your age! Perhaps you two can meet,” Finn tells me. josei

It is at this moment that I notice that Finn is indeed not wearing his royal guard uniform, swapping the imposing navy and gold military suit for a charming, old-fashioned 3-piece gray suit that is fit for meeting the king. The back of the suit jacket falls to his knees, his blonde hair coiffed into a stiff, side swept hairdo.

I give Finn a thumbs up, a hand gesture that everyone I’m acquainted with know about.

“I would very much enjoy meeting your family. Perhaps, if you don’t mind, I can visit your father and heal him.” The last bit I say at little more than a whisper as I don’t wish for anyone to overhear. Even after I say it, some part of me wishes to smack the side of my head.

The faster Sir Finn becomes the duke, the faster I can have someone in power who is 100% in my corner. But Finn’s warm smile has a tinge of sorrow I’ve never seen, softening my heart that I thought had turned to stone.

My father and brothers, who had arrived later after properly securing the transmigrator weaponsmith, arrive at this time in the hall.

“Welcoming His Majesty Emperor Helio and His Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Augustus and Imperial Prince Julian!” The steward cries finally, his face turning nearly as red as his livery denoting his service within the duchy.

When the emperor arrives in a duchy, it’s kind of a big deal, even if we only remain for one night before we venture onward. Especially when its within a duchy that was just saved from being annexed into Sarsaval. Vassals from within the duchy are present, essentially all the counts, viscounts, barons, and decorated knights who serve under the Duke of Avernall.

Gathering around the aged reception hall, banners of old hanging from the towering walls, I feel a sense of gravitas as my father strolls in to greet his kneeling vassals. Even with all the nobility within the capital, even the ones out here in the fringe are subjects under my father. In the duchy of Mulworth as well, all the nobility with all their fortunes and power must bow to my father.

Heads are bowed, people smile eagerly at my father hoping to attain his favor. To be a king, let alone an emperor, I can almost understand why one would kill their brother for such undisputed power and honor.

Sir Finn switches to business mode, stepping forward, but not too close, to bow and personally greet my father on behalf of the ill duke. My father just nods, neither impressed nor disdainful of the performance. You would almost think he’d been born for this kind of treatment.

“We shall be holding a banquet tonight to celebrate the Erudian Empire’s successful victory and apprehension of the prisoner. It would be our greatest honor if you could attend, Your Majesty,” Finn reported.

As a member of the royal guard, he has worked closely with my father before and understands some parts of his temperament well enough. Thus, while Sir Finn speaks in a flattering manner, he does not kiss my father’s ass or do any unnecessary grand gestures. As such, my father obliges, nodding once before Harold leads him to the room within the sprawling castle where he shall rest.

“Your highness,” Nina says frantically after Emma lets her into the guest bedroom I’m residing in for the evening. “We have no dresses worthy of a banquet for you to wear! Forgive us!”

I was sitting by the window and thinking, a past time of mine that I haven’t been able to do for weeks, before her loud cries cut into the false tranquility I’ve lulled myself into.

“It’s no matter,” I shrug, sliding off the narrow window ledge overlooking the well maintained grounds of Belfort Castle. “I didn’t expect you to.”

Nina pauses mid-tears, not expecting me to say that. She wrings her hands apologetically and sniffles.

“Then shall I make you a dress, your highness? I-I’m actually not a bad hand at sewing,” Nina stammers out.

I chuckle, looking at the maid who’d been under House Duvernay’s thumb and still very well could be.

“I recognize your efforts, but that won’t be needed. Doesn’t Sir Finn have a sister? I shall borrow a dress from her,” I tell Nina.

Indeed this is what proper etiquette would suggest, so I am not overreaching in any way. Not to mention, I’m very curious what Finn’s younger sister and most importantly, the future BFF of the main character, Clara, is like.

And I’m not disappointed.

The little girl before me in a darling, pastel blue dress, wide innocent eyes of an actual 8 year old is exactly how I expected Victoria Rensley, sole daughter of the Duke of Avernall, to be. She’s a doll of a child, pampered to the extremes but still carrying an easy going personality. And most importantly, despite being a great beauty in her own right, she doesn’t stand out too much. Her blonde hair isn’t quite as flaxen gold as Julia’s nor the shimmering white blonde of Finn. She has lovable and slightly plain features, nothing that could outshine a hotheaded redhead female lead.

Victoria drops into a curtsey, holding a stuffed animal under her arm.

“Your highness!” she squeaks. It’s so cute I’m frozen for a second before I smile widely and greet her in return.

“Pleasure to meet you, Lady Rensley.”

“Just call me Victoria, all my friends do!” she says in return. And in this way, I make the acquaintance of the official “best girl friend” in the novel.

Victoria has a very agreeable and jovial personality, the innocence of an actual child shining through her. It makes me wonder why Finn thinks I remind him of her. A bundle of pureness that one wishes to protect, I most certainly am not.

However, in the puffy, pink gown that she loans me, I somewhat look like one.

“It’s very...” I start as Victoria’s sweet little eyes stare at me with hope, “cute!”

“That one is my favorite, your highness!” she informs me cheerfully.

I swallow down my actual opinion. The dress is not bad at all, but in these few weeks of simpler dresses with less layering, I feel unaccustomed to the pomp and volume of a proper lady’s dress. Not to mention, this one has a few too many frills and bows for my liking, and I can’t very well take a pair of scissors to it like I would my dresses in the palace.

Deciding to strike while the iron is hot, I smile as sweetly as possible to Victoria.

“You are so kind to loan me your dress. I wish for us to be friends. Shall we be pen pals?” I feel like I’m reading off a script, my ability to interact with children seemingly waning in this moment. I get along just fine with Emma and Lord Wolfe, but my charm doesn’t seem to work on Victoria.

“Is there something in your eye?” she asks me innocently as I try my best to blink endearingly towards her.

I resist the urge to face palm myself. “Oh yes, there was something in my eye just now. I’m just blinking it out.”

“Oh!” Victoria squeals so loudly I jump. “Let me help! Let me help! My nanny always blows on my eye to get something out of it and I’m good at it too!”

I shake my head. “No, no I’m quite alright.”

“It’s okay! I’m really good! I promise!” Victoria advances on me and suddenly I realize that she’s got a good few inches on me. I cast a frantic look at Emma but she’s in the midst of doing one of her rock impersonations and pays me no mind.

As a result, I enter the banquet with horribly dry eyes that I have to keep blinking to moisturize. But at least, now I’ve got my link to the future main character for whom this whole world was created.

“Something in your eye, your highness?” Sir Finn asks me.

We are all seated on the longest table I’ve ever seen, the banners of all the vassals of the duchy lining the walls until they reached the Erudian flag at the center. The men feast jubilantly. They are a good deal less formal than the capital, cracking jokes with one another as if my father isn’t there. My father, to his credit, looks less like he has a stick up his ass, although he solely speaks to Lord Wolfgang, who sits on his left, and Augustus, who sits on his right. I am a good few seats down, which I’m grateful for as I can go practically unnoticed.

“No! No! No!” I hastily say just in case this habit of blowing other people’s eyes runs in the family.

Finn chuckles at my response, but unfortunately, I don’t have the chance to carry on in light-hearted conversation with my favorite royal guard. I make eye contact with Julian and we nod to one another as he holds an idle conversation with an honored knight who’s missing his arm.

Tonight, as the banquet goes on within the castle, we shall speak with the prisoner.

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