Rise of the Unfavored Princess

Chapter 99

Chapter 99

Chapter 99: Ch. 99: Home Sweet Home?

I let out a sigh when when I see the familiar grandeur of Winfred Plaza from my carriage window. Today the popular landmark is inundated with citizens, all excited to see the procession of the imperial army. They cheer and wave with excitement, reminding me of the first time I saw my father and brother’s grand return to the palace. It feels quite nice being on the opposite side of it. josei

I push my face close to the glass, waving at the common people outside. Their clothes are made from simply linen and muslin, the colors far more drab and simple than anything I’ve seen in the palace. But in terms of happiness, one family of 6 probably experience more joy within a week than the entire imperial family does in a year. I envy them greatly for that.

“They cheer for you, your highness,” Emma whispered from the side, not wishing to intrude in the moment.

“I can’t believe it,” I mutter in a stunned voice, my hand waving on autopilot. The last I’d heard of capital gossip, I’d been painted as a brat ungrateful for Empress Katya’s kind treatment.

My wrist feels broken by the time we enter the manned zone before the imperial palace and when we finally peel into the black iron gates that has gotten thousands killed for the glory. But it’s 100% worth it.

Guards stand at attention as we pull in, the red uniform of the lower ranked guards a sight I haven’t seen in what feels like eons. We’ve long separated from the main army, who have headed to the barracks located in the acres of fields to the west of the imperial palace. It’s so... quiet. No hubbub of foot soldiers chattering, nor the staccato tempo of boots striking earth. I already miss the noise.

We roll into the royal stables, the carriage jerking to a stop. The amusement ride has come to an end. Time to come back down to reality. A rush of heat flows into the carriage as a footman opens the door, I feel my dress stick my skin no slick with sweat. Eager to exit, I take Emma’s hand and step down the stairs while holding my skirt up so I don’t trip over it. But alas, as Murphy’s Law states, anything that can go wrong will go wrong.


The lace trim at the bottom of the dress hooks the bottom of the practical boot I have on, managing to tangle itself to the point I find myself teetering forward without anything to brace myself.

Emma has a strong grasp of my hand, but the same way nothing could stop the Titanic from sinking into the Atlantic, even her childish strength cannot stop the incoming impact into the smooth, immaculately paved road that is common in the palace.

“Ah!” A small sound comes from my mouth and I squeeze my eyes shut. But the impact never comes.

Two steady hands catch me under my armpits and pull me back to standing. My feet touch the ground so softly it feels like I’ve landed on a cloud. I pat my chest, letting out a breath at escaping a nasty bruise on my cheek.

“Thanks, Sir Fi-” I start to say out of habit, as he’s the one who’s always caught my falls and tumbles when I’m in the palace before telling me I have two left feet.

A sweeping red cape is the first thing I see, my eyes moving up a pair of legs and torso that have become familiar over the summer. The wave of revulsion that sweeps over me is not small.

My voice breaks when I settle on Emperor Helio’s face, my father standing closer to me than I would like.

“Emma!” The first thing that comes to mind is my loyal friend and I gasp, turning away from my sperm donor to check on her. But although she lacks in conversation, she makes up for it in smarts and physical ability. She’s all but lunged back into the carriage, putting a fair enough distance between my father and herself. But I can’t let out a sigh of relief, not when he’s still standing here.

I take a step back from my father, allowing my shock and annoyance to melt away under the practiced mask that feels like second skin.

“Thank you... Father,” I tell him with a curtsey so stiff you’d think it was my first time. He says nothing as I hurry away to where Marie stands, her face nearly bringing tears out of my eyes. I throw a couple looks over my shoulder as I go, but he leaves just as quickly, walking in the direction of the main palace apartments he lives in that I am quite unfamiliar with.

I shake off the weird experience, showing Marie a smile brighter than the sun.

“Marie!” I yell, she leans down and I wrap my arms around her neck.

She smells just as comforting as I remember, a scent that I can only call home. The hug alone wipes out the last vestiges of irritation at my father helping me up. In all honesty, I would’ve rather fallen and hurt my face rather than receive get touched by his blood soaked hands. Hands that mine have begun to mirror.

“Your highness,” she murmurs, her voice a wave of emotion that wipes away all of my other thoughts. “You made it back. And people speak of you everywhere within the palace, the promised child the Empire has long awaited.”

I don’t realize it when we’re back in the Rose Palace, my face having been buried in Marie’s shoulder as she carried me back. I can also hear Emma’s small steps not far away and I smile to myself. The attendants that my father gave me trail us far away enough that they don’t intrude on the moment.

The white arched entrance to the stunning rose garden of my palace is an uncomfortable homecoming, like getting a fishbone stuck in your throat while drinking a hearty bowl of soup.

“Everything is the same,” I say. My tone is not nostalgic, but Marie mistakes it as so.

“I made sure those maids maintained the palace while you were gone. I always knew you’d make it back, your highness,” Marie tells me pleasantly. Deep down, I wouldn’t have minded if the entire place just burnt down to the ground while I was gone.

“I had to come back,” I simply say in response. There was no way I was going to let Empress Katya get the last laugh over me.

I feel a hand caress my back. “Once news of your healing abilities entered the capital, the maids who struggled to clean all of a sudden found their vigor. I’ve never seen the windows and door knobs sparkle so much!” Marie chuckles. I can feel the vibrations of her laughter through my body.

The pink walls were repainted, I immediately notice. The pretty, hand painted frescoes that decorate many of the walls of the palace have found their way into the Rose Palace, breathing new life into the place. The furniture has been replaced with a more current set, and the maids quickly rush to the side and lower their heads when I pass. It’s like I’ve entered the Twilight Zone or something.

Marie carries me all the way to my room, dropping me off at my bed.

“Are you alright, your highness? Have you been injured?” She loosens the tight bonnet under my chin and checks my hands for injuries.

“No. No, I’m quite alright,” I tell Marie. My heart grows warm at her tender care. Nina and another attendant carry in a single trunk, the contents consisting of all the clothes I wore during my unexpected vacation. For a noble girl, a single trunk would be considered an embarrassment to be seen vacationing in.

I scratch my head, realizing that with my newfound presence in the public eye, I’ll have to be more mindful of conducting myself as someone worthy of the imperial family so I don’t become the butt of every joke in high society. But with my pitiful funds and Empress Katya’s webs tightly woven around the palace coffers, it’ll be a cold day in hell before I get any money out of the treasury.

I make a mental note to sneak out of the palace whenever Julian wakes up and see how Arabella’s is doing. According to the novel, it began to profit after a notable noble lady wore her dress to the celebration ball. The very celebration ball that shall happen in two weeks to celebrate the end to the war.

“What’s this?” Marie’s fingers brush my neck, right where Jack nicked me with a sharp razor while my head hung off the edge of our wagon. One of many fond memories I shall treasure from my trip.

“It’s nothing,” I mutter, thinking up another topic to distract her. “How is your nephew?”

Marie’s face broke into a wide smile, pushing her chubby cheeks up.

“Oh he’s wonderful. Absolutely wonderful. Thank you for asking, your highness. I so loved to hear about how my family is doing. My sister, Helio bless her, raised him well.”

We chat a little bit about Leif, idle chatter until my dress becomes too uncomfortable to keep on.

“A job?” I ask.

Marie wringing her hands together sheepishly. “Leif’s young and able, quick with his words and he can read his letters. But finding work has been hard.”

I nod idly. Marie has done a lot for me these past few years. Trying to find her nephew a decent job is the least I could do. “I’ll see what I can do.”

The words overjoy Marie, I can see she cares about her nephew a lot. Despite my protests, she gets on her knees and bows to me.

“Thank you! Thank you so much, your highness. I can never repay this great favor!” Marie pledges to me, ignoring my attempts to help her stand up.

“Actually there’s something you can do right now. Can you please prepare a bath and some food? I feel disgusting.” My shy blush is impossible to hide.

“Right away, your highness,” Marie responds, poorly smothering the smile that spread across her face. It’s like old times, almost.

A clatter of steps rushing up the stairs breaks up the harmonious moment. Despite never treating me with respect, the maids had been properly trained when they entered the palace and walked in uniform, soft steps. Hearing the sudden clatter was as difficult to fathom as a bolt of lightning on a cloudless day. Marie and I involuntarily look at one another, our thoughts flowing in the same direction just as a maid’s frantic head pops through my door.

She drops into a flustered curtsey, her cap having nearly fallen off her head during her run. It parallels the day when a maid informed me that the empress had arrived, only for my hand to be permanently disabled. I tense up without realizing it, only for another name to come out of the maid’s mouth.

“A decree from the emperor has arrived!”

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