Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 167 - Three Dead Beast Kings?

Chapter 167 - Three Dead Beast Kings?

Lin Wu's body was thrumming with power as he channeled more and more spirit qi into the attack. He was also synchronizing it with Shirong's Immortal Sky Shaker art and was assimilating the wind attribute spirit qi into it.

Once the energy reached a certain level, Lin Wu converted the spirit qi that he had accumulated in it to radiation. His innate skill radiation manipulation worked at full power as it was infused into the wind. This attack seemed to be similar to the Immortal Sky Shaker Art: Sundering Tempest, but its application was different.

If the Immortal Sky Shaker Art: Sundering Tempest was meant for a wide area, the current attack was meant for a narrow area but deeper impact.  josei

By now, Shirong had reacher quite a height and it was now impossible for him to go any further. Not only was the spirit sword's grade not high enough, but the weight of the Immortal Crystal Armament was also too much for it to carry.

"This should be high enough," Lin Wu said to himself as he communicated with Shirong to stop.

Shirong could also tell that they had reached a crescendo, and now it was the time to fall.

"Enough of this, get ready to die!" Shirong shouted before dropping from the sky.



The Immortal Crystal armament dropped and Shirong was holding on to its handle, falling along with it. The speed of the fall was fast but soon it exceeded the sound barrier, creating a sonic boom.


The sonic boom seemed to have disoriented the Hard Eared Limber Mice as they all screeched in pain, unable to move anymore. The wind attribute spirit qi combined with radiation was spiraling around the broad shield like head of the Immortal Crystal Armament, cutting off a circular area on the ground.

This was the exact spot where the Hard Eared Limber Mice were currently located according to the map. Lin Wu had to actually change the layer on the map so that he could view the underground layer. This was also the reason why it seemed to him as if the Hard Eared Limber Mice had appeared out of nowhere. 

Lin Wu needed to switch from the surface view to the next layer below it to view them.

Still, the spiraling energy being released by the broad shield like head made it so that the Hard Eared Limber Mice kings could not move from their place. Lin Wu had trapped them in three ways; first, the sonic boom which disoriented them, then the spiraling energy which created a situation where they were basically in the eye of a storm, and finally the radiation itself, which restricted their spirit qi.

With the velocity that Lin Wu was falling, the energy cyclone was digging deep into the ground and soon his entire body pierced the ground.



As if a fire cracker had been lit up in a pile of mud, the soil spread all around as a crater about twenty meters wide and eight meters deep was formed.

Shirong had already closed his eyes due to the blinding light coming from the energy cyclone and did not dare to probe it with his spirit sense either. He knew that the Immortal Crystal armament was protecting him even now and if it was someone else holding onto it, they would have long since been reduced to shreds.

This was exactly what Lin Wu wanted. The reason why he had made his head into a broad shield like form was that it made it easier for him to change its form from that. When the shield like end pierced the ground, Lin Wu morphed it into his own head and opened the mouth wide, the needle sharp spike like teeth on display.

The Hard Eared Limber Mice kings didn't even have a chance to let out a cry as they were instantly devoured by Lin Wu and shredded to a mix of minced meat and bone fragments in his mouth. The spike like teeth moved like the blades of a blender and finally reduced the beasts into pulp.

And as soon as he did that, the notification sounded.



SPIRIT QI OBTAINED: 6014 Units [liquid spirit qi]

QI STORAGE: 95782 units [liquid spirit qi]

VITAL ENERGY OBTAINED: 2564 units-> 256 units vital essence 

VITAL ESSENCE: 15941 units


REQUIREMENTS FULFILLED: The Bloodline of Hard Eared Limber Mice can now be upgraded to that of a Hard Eared Limber Mice king.


INNATE SKILLS DETECTED: 1. Sound Command 2. Kin Command


Lin Wu's original goal was to merely increase the compatibility of the Hard Eared Limber Mice bloodline but with the two Hard Eared Limber Mice kings that he had fully consumed along with the spirit qi and vital energy of the other one, it was enough to directly upgrade it to the Hard Eared Limber Mice king bloodline.

It had also revealed two additional innate skills that belonged to the Hard Eared Limber Mice and one that Lin Wu thought belonged to the Hard Eared Limber Mice king.

In addition to that, Lin Wu had also obtained quite a bit of spirit qi and some vital essence too. Only now did he realize the passive effect of vital essence. It was automatically rejuvenating his body and regenerating his fine injuries without him needed to actively fix them using the innate skills or the assistance of the system.

"Alright, let's see what's up with the other Hard Eared Limber Mice now that their kings are dead." Lin Wu muttered to himself before bringing up the map window.

On there he saw that the beasts were still disoriented and were not moving, merely crying in pain which was mostly screeching. It showed to Lin Wu that they were still under the effect of that substance and did not have a complete consciousness.

The energy cyclone was still spinning around him but it had become much thinner and about five seconds later it completely disappeared. But before that happened, Lin Wu reverted back to the normal form of a spear. Shirong also felt the change in the weight and shape and realized that it had ended.

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