Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 194 - Desperation?

Chapter 194 - Desperation?

In front of the two, a beast that was five items as big as an elephant was standing. But just the size wasn't what had shocked them as there were plenty of beasts that were that big in the world. Rather, it was the appearance.

The beast looked like an amalgamation of multiple humans and beasts. There were limbs of both humans and beasts popping out of its  body from everywhere and it had a large number of eyes spread all around its body. It moved by crawling but its speed was still astonishing. 

The beast was currently starring at the two cultivators with malice in its eyes. A smoky aura surrounded it and a rotten smell emanated from its body.

Wang Xiong tensed his body and took a deep breath. His spirit sense extended and probed the beast but when he did so his eyes went wide.

"Nascent soul! The beast is at the Nascent Soul realm!" Wang Xiong shouted.

He looked at the junior sister beside him and then at the horde of Shadow dread beasts coming towards them.

"Escape! I'll hold them back!" Wang Xiong said as frosty air emitted from his body.

The woman looked on in disbelief as her senior brother flew up without hesitation.

"NO SENIOR BROTHER!" she shouted.

But Alas! It was already too late. 

"GLACIER CRASH!" Wang Xiong shouted as the ice started to form in the air.

In less than ten seconds, it had already reached a huge size and was enough to core the body of the large Shadow dread beasts. Still, the beast was moving rather fast and chasing behind the woman. She tried to dodge its attack but was barely avoiding them. Her speed awes vastly inferior to that of Wang Xiong and thus there was little chance for her to survive unless a miracle happens.

Wang Xiong watched on in rage as his spirit Qi thrummed with power. It was as if this had pushed him beyond a certain imitation of his and his aura reached a peak.

"Oh? A breakthrough in the middle of the battle?" Lin Wu muttered, seeing the scene.

He looked at his real body and saw that the spirit Qi was swirling around it too. He was having an actual breakthrough and not just in the illusory world.

But Wang Xiong did something that he had not expected. Instead of focusing on the breakthrough, he channeled it into the skill he was using. 


Then, almost in an instant, the piece of glacier grew to a massive size and spikes appeared on its bottom. The frosty air started to freeze the shadow dread beasts that were running below, and even the large beast was starting to slow down. The Woman was barely able to escape the blow of the large Shadow dread beast when she noticed the change in her senior brother.

She gritted her teeth and spat out a mouthful of blood. Her speed suddenly increased as her complexion became paler. If she had hesitated now, the frost air would have likely frozen her as well.

"Senior brother was able to achieve the second level of Glacier Crash on his own… his aptitude is truly beyond us… had it not been for those arrogant bastards he would have already become a core disciple." The woman muttered to herself.

"Now this is interesting… looks like I've got an underdog here, huh? Well, more fun for me later on." Lin Wu said to himself as he continued observing the screen.

Now that the large beast had been slowed down by Wang Xiong, he was able to target it.

"DIE!" Wang Xiong shouted as the glacier fell, along with himself frozen within it.

His voice was filled with power such that it echoed even outside the glacier.

The smaller Shadow dread beasts were already frozen and as such couldn't do much, but the large one was still snuggling. Alas, the size of the glacier was too large for it to escape.


The fall of the glacier created tremors that traveled far and wide. Even the shadow tide was affected and ripples papered in it, which made it halt for a few seconds but then continued. The woman had managed to escape the entire ordeal, but she still had a thin layer of frost that had selected on her hair and body.

She watched on with bated breath at the glacier and didn't know what to do.

"Hmm… seems like I'll have to change my pawn now." Lin Wu muttered, feeling a bit disappointed.

Lin Wu had manipulated the test such that Wang Xiong should have had the highest chance of winning, but there were still unexpected things that append. He never thought that he would sacrifice himself that easily. Despite his appearance, he seemed to have a kind heart, which made him vastly different from Shirong.

"Time to make some changes to the plan then… gotta make it so it would work with a weaker cultivator now…" Lin Wu muttered to himself when he suddenly stopped.

"Huh? What's she doing now?" He said upon seeing the woman fly towards the glacier.

She came to the very top of it and held a sword in her hand.

"SHATTER FOR ME!" She yelled before slamming the sword into the ice.


The sound of a crack was heard as a fissure opened up in the ice. It was evident that the entire glacier was held by spirit Qi and now that had been stopped, its integrity was getting weaker. Even a few attacks from the woman were able to break it open. 




She continued hacking and cutting at it, till she reached the part where Wang Xiong was encased in. She pulled him out and checked his breathing.  josei

"He's alive!" she exclaimed.

But just as she said that Wang Xiong's breathing started getting weaker.

"NO! YOU CANNOT DIE HERE!" She said before placing her hands at the heart of Wang Xiong.

A determined expression appeared on her face as she started pouring her spirit Qi and vitality into the body of Wang Xiong.

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