Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 203 - Who Is Breaking Through?

Chapter 203 - Who Is Breaking Through?

Lin Wu was shocked from seeing the heavenly tribulation too. He had not expected to see it today, and it has just appeared randomly here. He didn't know why but he had a bad feeling about it.

Even though Shirong was on top of a tree, the source of the heavenly tribulation could not be seen. Whatever beast or cultivators were undergoing the tribulation, the clouds would be concentrated over them. 

Lin Wu immediately switched to his avatar and teleported to the top of the hill where the tomb was located. The hill was taller than the other trees thus it was relatively easier for him to spot the source of tribulation.

"It's there, in the south at the sixth ring." Lin Wu muttered.

He was then reminded of the words of the mole beast. He had told that the rulers of the forest wanted to make one of their subordinates into a Nascent soul realm beast and they were looking for the opportunity.

'Seems like one of them succeeded… but who?' Lin Wu wondered.

He immediately contacted his servant beasts one by one, wanting to see if they had any more information about it. The two bird beasts and the beetle beast were in the blind about this and had only found out it right now when the tribulation clouds gathered.

The mole beast though had an answer.

"Master, the Slim Arm Ape King! He had been hiding his capabilities all along!" the Mole beast spoke

"What? Calm down and explain properly." Lin Wu said.

Lin Wu could tell the beast was anxious and its breath was out of order. It was likely to have been running or doing something strenuous, otherwise it would have not been like this. He also checked his vital status just to be sure and found it to be normal.

"The Slim Arm Ape, he isn't at the child stage of the Nascent Soul realm, he's at the adolescent stage. He had apparently been holding back his breakthrough this entire time and used the force of his breakthrough to trigger his son's heavenly tribulation.

His son was already at the peak of the core condensation realm and was waiting for the heavenly tribulation to come. With the help from his father, he is now about to undergo the heavenly tribulation." The mole beast explained.


Just as he finished speaking, a bolt of lightning streaked across the dark clouds, lighting up the sky in a bright white light. Lin Wu looked at the color of the lightning and found it to be white with purple edges, just like normal lightning was. But he could also sense a strange power contained within the lightning.  josei

He could tell that it wasn't just spirit Qi that was within it, but a different power that he couldn't quantify.

"System, what's your analysis?" Lin Wu questioned.



ANSWER: According to the data banks and the system's analysis, the heavenly tribulation contains a 'Dao' within it. This is the reason why the host is feeling the suppressor from it.


"Hmm… I had expected it as such. But seeing it is completely different." Lin Wu muttered to himself.

He was also gonna undergo heavenly tribulation soon enough and thus wanted to get more information about it. There was Shirong too of course, and Lin Wu was gonna be quite close to him during the tribulation. He didn't want to accidentally be affected by it, thus thought that getting more information would be the best course of action.

He went back to his main body for a second and saw that Shirong was not moving from his place and had instead sat down cross legged on one of the top branches of the tree, closely observing the heavenly tribulation.

"Even a single chance extra of seeing a heavenly tribulation is valuable. The people at the Deer Wood city are paying so much to see mine, while I can see one here for free. How can I waste this opportunity." Shirong muttered to himself.

Lin Wu internally nodded his head in understanding and returned to the avatar again to observe the tribulation properly. It had been ten minutes by now and the clouds were fully saturated by this point.

Thick lightning bolts the size of a bowl were slithering in the clouds like snakes. A suppressive feeling came from the clouds that silenced the entire forest. Even the beasts that could be seen flying from time to time stopped.



The lightning gathered around making rumbling sounds and then fell from the sky striking an area in the sixth ring. The sound was loud and shook all the trees of the forest with its force.

"Damn! It's powerful!" Lin Wu exclaimed.

After the first bolt fell, the lightning gathered again for a minute before striking.


This time its power was greater and even exploded some of the trees in the area. Lin Wu could tell this, since a lot of debris was thrown in the air due to the power of the lightning strike. Lin Wu felt goosebumps on his body seeing the lightning. He looked back at Shirong from his main body and saw that the faint threads on his clothes were standing due to the static electricity in the air.

But this caused Lin Wu to feel something different in his perception now. He changed his perception from normal to radiation perception and saw radiation spread everywhere in the air. But this radiation was different from the normal thermal radiation he was used to seeing. It had a different form, and it was distributed in waves.

Lin Wu looked back up at the sky and saw the dense blue colored lights there. Instead of black clouds, all he could see were blue ones. He finally understood what it was.

"Of course! Lightning is electricity, which is just another form of radiation." Lin Wu exclaimed in realization.

And just as he had this realization, more lightning gathered in the sky before a large 'mouth' was created in the clouds. Then from that 'mouth' a bolt of lightning that was three times thicker than before fell.


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