Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 217 - Three Layered Tribulation?

Chapter 217 - Three Layered Tribulation?

Lin Wu had known that the heavenly tribulation lightning was needed to make the core transform into a Nascent Soul. The cracks appearing on it were like an egg hatching, but there was also a danger, of course.

If proper care was not taken or if a problem happened, the core would just shatter and the cultivator would die. It would have been fine if he had one core as the tribulation would have likely stopped at this point, but now that he had two it was not gonna stop till both of them had completed the process.

The thing that was problematic was that even if the second core was not completely cracked, and needed more time. This was also gonna affect the core that was already cracked. If it was affected more, Lin Wu feared that it may be destroyed.

He watched with fear as two more lightning bolts formed in the clouds.

"Dammit! This may really kill me… come on think! There should be something I can do…" Lin Wu muttered to himself.


Lin Wu closely observed the bolts as they fell and braced for impact.  josei

"ARGH!" He yelled in pain but his eyes shone as he realized something.

"IT CAN BE DONE! The clouds are the reason why it looked so difficult." Lin Wu said out loud.

Lin Wu had been observing the lightning blots with his full focus and realized that after they left the tribulation clouds, they didn't seem uncontrollable. Previously, he felt like they were heavy, like an anchor was attached to them. 

But the moment they left the Tribulation clouds, the lightning bolts became freed. Using his radiation perception, he could feel the power contained in it.

"I just need to do it at the right moment… but the time frame is too small." Lin Wu said as he grasped the time between the bolts of lightning leaving the clouds and striking the formation.

The time span was very small, less than a second. But he had to do it to ensure his survival. Lin Wu looked at the Tribulation attenuation formation and saw that its six pillars had gotten dimmer.

"Seems like even the Tribulation attenuation formation is at its limit…" he muttered to himself.

A staunch expression appeared on his face as he looked at the tribulation clouds. His body glowed as waves of spirit Qi arose from his body. This time they were not because of the breakthrough but because of his own self.


The streaks of lightning condescend in the tribulation clouds and their amount was much greater this time.

"Three bolts? COME ON!" Lin Wu said with determination.



The three bolts fell, two of them together, and the third one lagging behind a little bit. Lin Wu exerted a hundred percent of his power and focused on them, his innate skill radiation manipulation working at its maximum potential.

"HAAA!" Lin Wu shouted as two bolts of lightning hit him.

But then…


The moment the third bolt of lightning was about to hit the tribulation attenuation formation, it bent and struck the ground to the side, exploding it. The sound was louder than when the lightning hit him and it was as if an earthquake was happening.


Now Lin Wu's cores were completely covered in cracks. Both of them had been impacted and even the second one was 90% covered in cracks. The first one was teetering on the verge of shattering, but Lin Wu was able to divert the lightning at the last moment which had saved him.



Harsh winds blew, and it was as if the tribulation clouds were angry. Another layer of tribulation clouds started forming over the two exiting layers. They now looked like three mushrooms stacked on top of each other.

But then a new change happens. The three clouds were connected by a tube that opened up like a mouth. The tube went from the bottom of the first layer all the way to the third layer.

The lightning bolts could be seen streaking inside it, chaining between the three layers. It was as if a dazzling white-purple net had been formed in that 'mouth'. The more it moved between the three cloud layers, the deeper its color got. 

Lin Wu now knew that it was undergoing a qualitative change. With his radiation perception, he could tell the colorless part in it was getting more dense. Before it was at 3% but now it had reached 6%, doubling the previous amount.

A fierce look appeared in Lin Wu's eyes, as he knew this was the moment of reckoning. He would either succeed here or die trying. Finally, a couple of minutes later the lightning had changed its color and the center half of it was white in color while the outer half was purple in color.

There was now only a single bolt, and it was not even that thick. It was the mere thickness of a chopstick, yet there was a deadly power within it. Had there been anyone else here they would have fainted just from the oppressive pressure.

This time Lin Wu started using his skill from the very start before the lightning bolt had even left the tribulation cloud. He knew it was difficult, but he hoped to influence it, even if it was a mere fraction.


The bolt looked like a mortal that had been propped up with many attachments. It was lined straight in the 'mouth' of the tribulation clouds and looked menacing. The attachments were nothing but smaller bolts of lightning holding it up.

The moment these small bolts retracted, the half purple half white thing bolt of tribulation lightning fell.

"BREAK FOR ME!!!!" Lin Wu yelled as his aura reached a peak.

The entire millennium forest shook from the power that resulted from the collision of Lin Wu's aura and the Tribulation's pressure. The beasts trembled in their places while the weaker ones directly fainted.


In multiple places on the Long continent, a few old people were deep in their mediation, but then they suddenly woke up.

"Three layered anomalous tribulation? An abomination has been born…"

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