Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 227 - Assimilating The Hard Eared Limber Mice King Bloodline?

Chapter 227 - Assimilating The Hard Eared Limber Mice King Bloodline?

Lin Wu was now wondering what it could have been that pushed the Silver Beak Sky Soar eagle to kill all its subordinates and the other beasts in the millennium forest. There were a few reasons he could think of but they didn't make complete sense.

At first, he thought the Silver Beak Sky Soar eagle wanted to eat the beasts for the same reason as his which was to gain more spirit Qi. This was likely to have been an idea that came to her due to the appearance of the Olive Viper King who had rapidly increased in strength by eating beasts.

But then this was counterproductive, if what the beetle beast had said was true, the beast rulers could not just keep on eating the beasts of the forest without any restraint. If they did so, they would have been cursed in some way and die.

If the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle still did it despite this, then it would have had to leave the forest, which could have been done even before killing them. If she was going to leave the forest, then competing with the other rulers didn't make sense.

Another reason that Lin Wu could think of, which was rather straightforward, was that the Sliver Beak Sky Soar eagle was just pissed and, like a pissed employee of a company, wanted to cause havoc before leaving the job.

This kind of made sense, since her killing all the beasts would give her a lot of spirit Qi and also cause trouble for the other rulers in the form of a territory battle that would kill more of their subordinates.

But by the time they would come to find her and stop her, she would have already left the forest.

'Hmm… is that it, then? Did she really get frustrated from the competition among the rulers and decided to leave and start over?' Lin Wu wondered.

"Everyone wants to get strong as this is the cultivation world, but to what extent can they go before they think it is enough and give up?" Lin Wu questioned himself.

He then shook his head and muttered, "no matter. I've just started and got a long time to go. I'll think of it when the time comes, for now I'll just focus on getting stronger." 

He looked through this Host Data and his eyes came to settle on one thing: Bloodlines.

Lin Wu had the bloodline of the Hard Eared Limber Mice King that he had upgraded before and increased the compatibility to the highest he could take it. It had been on his list for a while but he had not actually assimilated it for a while since he was waiting for the right moment.

And what better moment than right now, since he was alone and free to do anything he wanted. But then this gave rise to another question on Lin Wu's mind when he was thinking of bloodline assimilation.

"System, what will happen to the avatar when I assimilate a new bloodline?" Lin Wu questioned.



ANSWER: The avatar is not affected by the newly assimilated bloodline and will not gain the bloodline either. The bloodlines that are assimilated by the main body of the host will belong to the main body, while those obtained and assimilated by the avatar will be kept by it.

The bloodlines are intrinsic to the bodies and thus cannot be synchronized the same way as to how the innate skills and Qi skills are synchronized.


"Ah, I see. That does make sense." Lin Wu agreed.

He looked through the host data one more time just to make sure everything was alright before proceeding.

"System, start the assimilation of the Hard Eared Limber Mice King bloodline." Lin Wu ordered.





BLOODLINE SELECTED: Hard Eared Limber Mice King


As soon as the process started, Lin Wu felt his body shaking and shivering. Then came the heat as his body started to heat up. If one were to think of it, it was as if Lin Wu was sick and had a fever.

But strangely, Lin Wu actually did not feel any pain even if he did feel a bit of discomfort from the heat. But that much heat was nothing to him, who was quite resistant to heat and cold.

Then, within his Dantian, he could see the illusory figure of a Hard Eared Limber Mice King appear. It was running around restlessly, as if it wanted to escape this place and was colliding against the walls of his Dantian.

But Lin Wu's Dantian was incredibly tough and no netter how much the illusory figure of the Hard eared Limber Mice King tried, it could even create a dent in it. Then suddenly, a wave of suppressive aura was emanated from one of the infants that was sitting at the center of the Dantian.

This infant had an emerald green skin and was the nascent Soul that belonged to The Crimson eyed emerald worm bloodline of Lin Wu. 

The Hard Eared Limber Mice King paused upon sensing the suppressive aura, but then began thrashing around restlessly. It was then that the Emerald Skinned Infant opened its eye.

Its eyes were crimson red and started into the illusory figure of the Hard Earned Limber Mice, which let out a meek cry before dissipating into a cloud of smoke. This cloud of smoke spread all throughout the Dantian of Lin Wu and merged into it.

Then Lin Wu felt his body throbbing before finally calming down. He felt as if he had gained something and his hearing capabilities had increased by a lot. At the upper side of his head, a short distance from the spikes, two protrusions appeared. 

If one looked at them, they would think that they kind of looked like ears. These ears had a slight red tint to them which matched with Lin Wu's crimson red eyes. Since these were also made of the same crystals as the rest of his body, they were freely modifiable and could be moved around.

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