Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 232 - The Beast Rulers' History?

Chapter 232 - The Beast Rulers' History?


About four hours had passed and Lin Wu had gone to nearly every clan in the city now, along with some of the other organizations like the merchants who had their own small vaults. Some of them were not even located underground, but were inside their buildings.

Still, Lin Wu followed the same method of creating a small hole and asking the system to scan all the information.



DATA BANKS UPDATED: Please check for details in the relevant window or ask the system for specific questions.


"AHAHAHA! It is done!" Lin Wu laughed out loud.

He briefly scrolled through the numerous windows that had popped up and nodded his head in approval. Everything that he read was interesting, and some of it was even quite scandalous.

Not only had he found out information about the resources, but he had also found out all the dirt that the clans kept on each other and some people. There were all the secrets of those clans that now laid bare in front of Lin Wu.

"This will be quite useful at the right moment… hehehe." Lin Wu chuckled.

Lin Wu checked the item and saw that it was now close to morning and even on the map he could see all the people moving around, preparing for the tribulation. 

"Looks like they finished all the tests, huh." Lin Wu guessed.

He quickly returned to Shirong, who was still sleeping and entered the spatial storage ring.

Everyone in the city and around it were unaware that all of their secrets had been exposed to a certain worm. 

Lin Wu calmly read through the information he had obtained while waiting for Shirong to wake up. He was particularly interested in the information about other beasts. Mostly the ones that were considered to be strong.

He found more information on the Twin Lights liger as well. Apparently, three hundred years ago a beast tide had occurred that resulted in a lot of damage to the surrounding areas of the millennium forest. Even the Deer Wood City suffered under it and thus the Ling Kingdom sent a delegattion of Nascent Soul realm cultivators to battle them.

Due to being much more stronger than most beasts, these cultivators easily slaughtered them. But then this invited the wrath of the twin lights liger king. The people back then did not know that a beast like this even existed in the millennium forest. While they knew there were some Nascent Soul realm beasts living in the forest, they never expected there to be an Adult stage Nascent Soul realm beasts.

The Twin lights liger alone slaughtered three of the Nascent Soul realm that the Ling kingdom had sent, which was quite a devastating loss for them. After the battle, the people were scared that the Twin lights liger king would kill them all, but surprisingly it retreated after that and even the beast tide ended.

The cultivators obviously knew that the beasts who had high cultivation bases were quite intelligent, pretty much on the same level as that of the humans. This led them to believe that the Twin Lights liger was exerting his authority and announcing his domain. This was but a warning to the cultivators, which they later understood after more investigations were done.

Apparently, a few cultivators from sects had captured and killed a large number of beasts in the millennium forest, all in a short span of time. This invited the ire of the beasts and thus the beast tide was initiated.

After this incident, clear rules were established and any disciples of the sects that were going to hunt in the forest had to inform their respective sects about it first. 

Usually this thing was taken lightly as the number of beasts in the forest was simply massive and any reduction in them was difficult unless nascent Soul realm cultivators attacked them. That's why as long as cultivators that were in the Qi refining realm or the core condensation went to hunt, they were not restricted as strictly.

"Huh, so that mandate the beetle king was talking about has been active for a long time. Even humans cannot escape it…" Lin Wu muttered to himself.

Lin Wu read ahead and found out some more information about the other rulers of the forest, both the past and present. Out of the current rulers, there was no information on the olive viper king, the silver beak sky soar eagle, and the demon spine ape. But there was information on the slim arm ape and the split thorn horn beetle.

The part about the slim arm ape was also quite interesting to Lin Wu.

"Oh? I didn't expect there to be something like this in his history… the slim arm ape used to be someone's tamed beast…" Lin Wu read.

There wasn't any exact information on how it came to become a ruler of the forest but it was said that the master of the Slim arm ape died in the forest and freed it. After that, the beast grew in power and established his own domain in the forest becoming one of the rulers.

"So that's why it has some connections with humans and can speak human language. It has been living with one before and probably experienced quite a lot of the human world." Lin Wu guessed.

Lin Wu wanted to continue reading more, but then he sensed that Shirong was about to wake up.

"Ah well, I guess I can return to this later. At least I now have plenty of entertainment." Lin Wu muttered to himself.

Shirong woke up and stretched his body, feeling much more relaxed than before.

'It was a good decision to take a good night's sleep.' Shirong thought.

He opened the door of the bedroom and called out to a servant.

"You called young master?" The servant asked.

"Yes… inform clan head Lu that I'm ready and that we should head out," Shirong replied.

"As you command," The servant said before leaving.

Shirong closed his eyes for a second before opening them. But this time, they were filled with determination.

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