Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 279 - Dual Stinger Scorpion?

Chapter 279 - Dual Stinger Scorpion?

Lin Wu looked at the other insect beasts that had accompanied the two contenders.

"I believe you are here to take them back?" Lin Wu questioned.

"Yes senior!" They hurriedly responded.

"I'll let you guys out." Lin Wu said before triggering the teleportation formation.


All the insect beasts disappeared in the blink of an eye and reappeared in the area outside the tomb. They looked around feeling dumbfounded again but were able to recover much faster than before since they had already been through it once.

"Quick, quick! Take them back to the nest!" The insect beasts said before they dragged the two sleeping beasts to the nest.

Lin Wu watched them on the screens and once they were gone nodded his head.

"That scorpion beast is likely to be much stronger than the others. System, show me its data." Lin Wu ordered.

The system had automatically scanned the scorpion beast when Lin Wu was starting the process of mutation.



TARGET: Barb-Pincered Scorpion 

CULTIVATION BASE: Late Stage of the Core condensation realm


INFO: The Barb-pincered scorpion is a beast that lives in the fifth and fourth ring of the millennium forest. It is an overall strong beast with its dangerous stinger and sharp pincers. When given the right conditions the Barb-pincered scorpions can awaken their bloodline and evolve into Dual Stinger Scorpions which have the sentential to reach the Dao Treading Realm.


"Oh my… seems like I found a diamond in the rough." Lin Wu said, feeling amazed.

Seeing that its bloodline awakening already put it at such a big level, Lin Wu didn't know what would happen now that he was mutating it further. 

"But how does a beast like this exist here and none of the rulers know about its potential?" Lin Wu wondered before realizing something.

"System, where did you get this information about the Barb-pincered scorpion?" Lin Wu questioned.



ANSWER: The initial part of the information was obtained from the Lu clan's vault, but the additional information about its awakened bloodline was obtained from the restricted section of the Royal Library.


"Of course! No one even knows about it." Lin Wu said before opening that part of the book and checking it.

"Just as I thought. There is no link here between the barb-pincered scorpion and the Dual Stinger Scorpion." Lin Wu stated.



ANSWER: This information was extrapolated by the system by thorough analysis and comparison between different characteristic.


"Hmm… the benefits of gathering new data are already showing. So system, since you know what its bloodline awakening could be, do you also have a method for that?" Lin Wu questioned.



ANSWER: The system does not have the methodology currently but if a task is assigned, the system would be able to extrapolate it from the obtained data. Though with the mutation being initiated in the Barb-Pincered Scorpion, there are some unknown parameters that would be added to it.

If the host still wants to go ahead with the analysis, the system recommends that he wait till the Barb-Pincered Scorpion is done with its mutation.


"I guess we can wait and see for now. Besides, taking control of that scorpion just after I mutated him would not look good to the rulers. Better bide my time…" Lin Wu decided.

This was one of the aspects of Lin Wu's bigger plan. Each beast that he would mutate would become linked to him and would thus have to listen to his orders due to being part of his bloodline. His bloodline suppression on them would be much stronger than any other beast.

Not to mention these beasts would feel an innate desire to serve Lin Wu, which would only make things simpler. But… this would only happen once he fully activates the imprint that had been placed on their beast cores and brains.

"Let's see what's going on in the forest recently…" Lin Wu said, before contacting his other servants.

He talked with them for about an hour and listened to all the updates that had happened while he was cultivating. He had asked them to find some spirit herbs and fruits, including vegetables and spices last time he had met them.

"Master, we found some of the things you wanted as well. We marked the areas where they grow like you asked too." The beetle beast spoke.

Lin Wu had told them to not take all of the fruits, vegetable and spices as it would mean destroying the main plant. Instead of that he had told them to mark the location so that they could be collected later on carefully and transplanted into the Tomb's grounds.

He wanted to do this since the Taiji Celstial's tomb even had areas where spirit herbs and other plants could be cultivated. There were special formation arrays that helped with that and he was 1000% intending to use them.

Lin Wu had wondered why there were no herbs in those areas if the Taiji celestial had chosen to add them here, but then the system told him that most of those areas had stopped working due to the lack of spirit Qi source and the rest of them were intended to be used as rewards for the heirs.

Lin Wu could not get them directly even if he wanted as it would go against the basic rules that had been set up in the tomb. He had all these treasures in his view but could not touch them. It was really a tease for him.

"And what about rebutting spirit beasts as your subordinates?" Lin Wu questioned.

"Ah, that part was easy master. We didn't even have to do much and a few beasts willingly came to us and told us that they want to become subordinates." The mole beast answered.

"Excellent. Continue your work and report to me when something happens." Lin Wu said, before stopping the communication link.


"So many things to do and so little time…" Lin Wu muttered to himself as he closed his eyes before returning to his cultivation.

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