Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 289 - Plan For The Duel?

Chapter 289 - Plan For The Duel?

After finishing his explanation and making sure Wang Xiong understood it, Lin Wu stopped the connection with him.


"Seems like I gotta accelerate my plan now… anyway I get to collect more data now at least." Lin Wu muttered to himself as his eyes glowed.

Overall, the plan that Lin Wu had made was simple. He was going to go to the Frost Cloud sect and wait there for Wang Xiong's duel. If the duel went well and he defeated his opponent without any additional problems, then it would all be fine.

But if that did not happen, Lin Wu would be helping him win this fight. Though Lin Wu did not tell Wang Xiong that he would be heading there himself. He simply told him that he would help him in a certain way that he would only know at that time.

This way if something happened to Wang Xiong beforehand he would not spill this accidentally. Lin Wu's existence would stay hidden even if that happened and he wouldn't have to think much.

In either case, Lin Wu would be taking the resources from the sect. In fact, he was now thinking that this duel came at the right opportunity. Lin Wu had been wanting to fix the problem with the power supply to the Tomb and the sect could be a good option.

He would also be able to gain quite a lot of data for the system's data banks there, which would only improve the performance of the system. Now the only problem left for Lin Wu was that whether he would be able to enter the sect without being detected.

The system would be able to find a solution to this, but the chat was that he would have to be there early for that.

Wanting to be quick, Lin Wu contacted all his servant beasts.

"I will be entering seclusion for the time being, so just put the things you bring outside the tomb and leave someone to guard them." Lin Wu gave his orders.

But before they could reply to him, he cut the connection. Next, Lin Wu checked up on Shirong's condition and that of the avatar. The avatar was functioning as it should have, and Shirong was simply traveling without any interruptions for now.

Seeing that both sides were in order, Lin Wu brought up the formation screen of the tomb.

"Alright system, teleport me to the southern most part of the millennium forest." Lin Wu ordered.




SPIRIT QI CONSUMED: 2000 units [liquid spirit Qi]


Runes started to appear around his body as they combined into a formation before wrapping him. 


Then, in a glow of bright light, Lin Wu disappeared from the hall inside the tomb. The feeling of teleportation was quite unique to Lin Wu. During it, Lin Wu could see the teleportation channel through which he was traveling at a great speed.

The inside of it was mostly empty, but there were still a few random glowing lights that he saw. Some of them looked like twilling stars, while a few were blaring like the sun. He couldn't tell what they exactly were but knew that they were out of the range of the teleportation channel.

The way a teleportation formation worked is that it would create a channel through the lesser void and connected two points in the world. Traveling through the void was much faster than the real world and was often the fastest way of getting to far distances.

Lin Wu was barely in the teleportation channel for about thirty seconds before he reached his intended location.


A loud thud was heard as Lin Wu's massive body fell to the ground, leaving a long imprint on it. The beasts that lived around this area went silent as well as they sensed the aura coming from Lin Wu's body. 

This was the 1st ring of the millennium forest, which was the outermost part and mostly had body tempering realm beasts along with a few Qi refining realm beasts. The presence of a Nascent Soul realm beast was crushing for these weaker beasts, and they did not even dare to move.

Lin Wu though, felt a little dizzy from the travel that he had just gone through and calmed himself down.

"Damn, that's almost like going through a roller coaster." Lin Wu muttered to himself.

He took a look around and spread his spirit sense, checking out that area. Finding everything normal, he opened the map window of the system.

"System, mark the Frozen cloud sect on the map and plot a route to it." Lin Wu ordered.



CALCULATING PARAMETERS: Please wait a moment.


PLOTTING A ROUTE: Navigation HUD activated


Seeing the notification of the system, Lin Wu felt better and looked at the route on the map.

"Hmm… I should just dig through the ground. Would be faster and people won't see me either…" Lin Wu made up his mind.

He then activated the innate skills of Cellular Crystallization and Cellular Manipulation before changing his shape. His body became a bit more slender, and the spikes on his back became streamlined. Grooves appeared on his head and the spikes on his body started to move around before arranging themselves into a spiral pattern.

These spikes that were arranged in a spiral pattern were bent inwards which allowed it to have a better grip. It would increase the speed at which he could now dig. His red ears that were due to the Hard Eared Limber Mice King also receded into his head and he entered the ground.



The soil was pushed aside at a fast speed as whatever rocks and stones that came in his path were crushed. Once Lin Wu was fully in the ground, he followed the navigation HUD and oriented his direction before straightening his body.

He was now over a hundred meters deep in the ground, so as to avoid any random person's spirit sense and also to reduce the vibrations felt.

"Frozen Cloud Sect here I come!"

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