Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 327 - Old Ruins And Barrier?

Chapter 327 - Old Ruins And Barrier?


Lin Wu didn't really bother with Shirong for now and just continued to fly behind the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle. It was actually a bit difficult for him to keep up with the beast despite it slowing down for him.

Keeping up with the speed of a Dao Shell realm beast was quite difficult for Lin Wu. Besides, this was not the fastest way he could move. Lin Wu's fastest movement method was to move in his drill form.

They flew straight for about two hours before they reached the place that the Eagle beast was talking about. Lin Wu could see it from the sky itself. 

It was a sprawling set of ruins that spanned for about ten kilometers. From what Lin Wu could see, it was probably the remains of a sect.

"Huh? Ruins of an ancient sect? So the stories were really true?" Shirong suddenly said.

Lin Wu could also sense the formation arrays in the distance using his spirit Qi. They were spread all over the area and seemed to be complex. The eagle beast came to land near the edge of these formations and waited for Lin Wu to arrive.


"So this is the place you were talking about?" Lin Wu questioned the Eagle beast.

"Yes. I've tried to enter it but no matter how much power I use, this barrier doesn't break." The eagle beast replied.

"Why did you try to enter it, though? Did you sense anything good inside?" Lin Wu questioned.

"Indeed, I can sense a large amount of spirit Qi being suppressed in there. I don't know what it is, but it is bound to be a treasure." The eagle beast answered.

"Is that so…" Lin Wu Muttered before asking the system to do its work.

"System, check if you can figure out the formation." Lin Wu said.



SCANNER ACTIVATED: Limited Functionality available

TARGET SELECTED: Analyzing parameters

TARGET IDENTIFIED: Large scale, multi-layer formation array found.


While there was still interference in the area, the system was still able to scan something like a formation array directly due to being close to it. Plus Lin Wu was directly using his spirit sense to probe the barrier and thus it was easier for him to check it.

"Can you make an entry way into the barrier, system?" Lin Wu questioned.



ANSWER: The system can find a weaker node from where the host should be able to enter the first layer of the formation array. There are multiple barriers in this formation array and each has an independent formation matrix.


"Hmm… we can work with that. I think I got an idea…" Lin Wu said.

He then followed the system guide and saw the weaker node a short distance away from there. Lin Wu prodded Shirong to move there, and he really did. This time he was a bit more cooperative as he realized there must be something inside the runes because of which the Immortal Crystal armament had brought him here.

'Though why is that Eagle beast here too and why did it let us follow it? It's almost like… the Immortal Crystal Armament Communicated with the Eagle beast… but why would it do that?' Shirong had a lot of questions appearing in his mind now and the image that Lin Wu had made of a spirit tool was slowly being changed.

This was something that was bound to happen eventually and Lin Wu didn't mind. He wanted to make it seem to Shirong that he was more than just an Immortal Weapon. By now he didn't fear Shirong or his power and only wanted the access to his clan.

Lin Wu knew for sure that the Ji Clan had a literal treasure trove of knowledge hidden in their clan, and Shirong was the best option at accessing it. Not to mention that the man would also come in handy in a few more plans that Lin Wu had about the future.

The place where the weaker node was located was actually an old collapsed hut. Lin Wu could sense that the barrier here was weak due to lacking spirit Qi. Looking down, he could see the formation inscriptions that had been damaged over time.

"So this is why it is weaker here… I think I should be able to pass through this as long as I use the effect of the sapphire meridians." Lin Wu said.

Shirong, who was also observing the barrier felt an urge to touch it. Not thinking much, he extended his hand and felt spirit Qi suddenly surrounding it. The moment his hand touched the barrier, he saw something surprising.

"What!? The spirit Qi managed to get past the barrier?" Shirong said with surprise.

Even the Eagle Beast who was watching from the side was surprised. She had used her entire strength to try to get past this barrier, but had been unable to. And now Lin Wu had done it somehow.

Shirong then saw that the spirit Qi coming from the Immortal Crystal Armament increased and exerted more force on the barrier. Understanding what he needed to do now, Shirong placed both his hand on the barrier as spirit Qi came pouring in from the other hand too.

It was as if the spirit Qi ate at the barrier, and after a few minutes, Shirong managed to pierce his fingers through it.

"HAHA! It works!" Shirong said with excitement, completely forgetting that there was still a Dao Shell realm beast nearby.

It was evident that the fear he felt from the beast had reduced after seeing its tolerance to him. 

Shirong continued doing what he was and even supplied his own spirit Qi to the Immortal Crystal Armament, which Lin Wu gladly took up and stored in the spirit Qi storage. Both of them worked in tandem and about an hour later, the hole that they had created had become large enough for a child to pass through.


Shirong lifted his hands and felt tired now. He had extenuated quite a bit of spirit Qi in opening this. 

"Should be able to pass if I go horizontally…" Shirong said.

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