Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 356 - It Came From The Great Ocean?

Chapter 356 - It Came From The Great Ocean?



The ground around the pond started to split apart as more vines appeared from between the cracks. But that did not last long, as the ground which had cracked, crumbled below and water replaced it.

As Lin Wu had seen before, the ground near the pond was hollow and there was a lot more water spread there. The Aquadream Sea Lotus had broken apart the ground in the process of pulling its body out. 

When the creature was fully revealed, Lin Wu understood how much he had underestimated it before. The part that had appeared in the pond was not even ten percent of its body.


The Aquadream Sea Lotus let out a loud screech from its many mouths that were located inside the flowers. There were currently over fifty such flowers there, along with thousands of leaves.

The total area that the Aquadream Sea Lotus had now occupied was of about a kilometer in diameter. Overall, this was definitely the largest creature Lin Wu had seen till now in this world.

"Oh no…" Lin Wu muttered, feeling the dangerous aura of the creature.




More and more jets of water were shot out by the Aquadream Sea Lotus as Lin Wu dodged them. The speed of those jets was very fast and had it not been for the distance Lin Wu had put between himself and the Aquadream Sea Lotus, he would not have been able to dodge it.

Lin Wu simply kept on retreating while dodging the attacks of the Aquadream Sea Lotus. It was getting harder as the number of water jets just kept on increasing with each second. Another thing Lin Wu noticed was that it was getting harder for Lin Wu to use his spirit sense.

"What is happening, system?" Lin Wu questioned, getting worried.

If Lin Wu could not use his spirit sense to the full extent, it would get harder for him to dodge as spirit sense was his basis for that. It allowed him to observe and sense things faster, which would not have been possible with just his vision.

Plus, the range of the spirit sense was also a lot more than what his vision could cover at once. 



ANSWER: The Aquadream Sea Lotus has the ability to cause mental disruptions along with spirit sense using the spores that it spreads. These spores are microscopic and are spread out from the flower heads. 

These spores are one of the reasons why Aquadream Sea Lotus is considered to be one of the most dangerous creatures of the Great Ocean and kill a lot of travelers when they try to cross it to reach the other continent.


"Hang on! Why is there an Aquadream Sea Lotus here if they are supposed to be in the Great Ocean?" Lin Wu wondered, but realized the answer on his own.

"THAT CHANNEL!" Lin Wu exclaimed.

When Lin Wu had checked the map earlier, he had seen a branch of the pond extending underground, which went beyond the limits of the map. Lin Wu had a hunch earlier that it may reach the Great Ocean, but now that guess was confirmed.

"The Aquadream Sea Lotus managed to reach here using that underground water channel. Then that meant that the Aquadream Pond Lotus, that the Copper Hide Weasel earlier must have been an offspring of this Aquadream Sea Lotus. 

No wonder it attacked now since it sensed us near the pond." Lin Wu spoke.

Lin Wu continued flying back without stopping for the fear that the Aquadream Sea Lotus might chase them. He knew that any being at the Nascent soul realm could fly, and this Aquadream Sea Lotus was at the Dao Treading realm. It was bound to be significantly stronger than that.

"System, can this Aquadream Sea Lotus chase us?" Lin Wu asked.

There were many more information windows that had appeared when the system had given Lin Wu the information about the Aquadream Lotus but Lin Wu did not have the time to read it, due to being interrupted but the Aquadream Sea Lotus's appearance.



ANSWER: The Aquadream Lotuses can't leave water for long periods of time. They need water to survive and even after reaching the Nascent Soul realm, they would not leave the water bodies. Though the higher their cultivation base reaches, the larger their bodies get.

This gives them another method to leave the water, which is to leave its roots behind in water while letting their massive bodies fly. 


"SHIT! No way this distance will be enough then." Lin Wu said before speeding up even more.

He looked at the Copper Hide Weasel and felt pissed.


But he received no answer as the beast simply kept hanging onto Lin Wu's back. At this point, Lin Wu could also not care much and kept on flying. He had reached the mountains where the Copper Hide Weasel had made its nest when he saw something new.


The Aquadream Sea Lotus's body parted as a translucent orb rose from it. The orb was many times many times smaller compared to its body and looked to be about a meter in diameter as well. But the power exuding from that orb was massive, too.

If one looked at it, they would see something blurry kept inside of it. When Lin Wu saw it though, he insistingly understood what it was.

"Dao Shell? That's a Dao Shell!" Lin Wu recognized.

In the Dao Shell realm, a cultivator would create a Dao Shell which was similar to a core one formed during the core condensation realm. The one big difference was that it was not used to birth a Nascent Soul but rather something else.

A Dao Shell was used for nurturing a Dao Embryo and a Dao Embryo was only formed when one reached the Dao Treading realm. 


A bright blue light was suddenly let out from the Aquadream Sea Lotus's Dao Shell as Lin Wu watched.

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