Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 381 - Barging In?

Chapter 381 - Barging In?

Jiao Fan, Old Man Tiandi and the other two Nascent Soul realm cultivators were literally knocked awake. The doors of the inner hall shook like windows during a storm and the sound explosion couldn't help but get past them.

"Something has happened outside. Is it the formation array attacking the door?" The Nascent Soul realm cultivator, who was on the side of Old Man Tiandi said.

"No, that can't be it. Whoever made this temple and made the formation array would not have let that happen. The formation array would have made the doors open automatically if the flames were going to attack us." Jiao Fan said.

His condition was sightly better than before and he was no longer bleeding. His face was still pale though and his meridians aching. He had barely managed to gain slight control of his spirit Qi back, but even that was painful.

As for spirit sense? None of them could use it. After all, it had only been two hours since they had managed to enter the inner hall. If the effects of the Mind Expanding Lardite were this easy to dispel or heal from, its use would have been much more rampant.

Because of this restriction on their spirit sense, they could not perceive what was happening outside and neither did they know that even if they tried to do that, they would not be able to see past the doors as they could block spirit sense as well.

All in all, this was the perfect disaster and the four were absolutely, definitely, and truly fucked.


Suddenly, in the next moment, another explosion was heard as the entire hall shook. Dust fell from the ceiling and the pillars cracked.

"Again? What the hell is happening?" Old Man Tiandi got anxious.


"Should we check?" The Subordinate of Jiao Fan asked.

"We can't risk opening the door of the inner hall and let the flames in. We will be surely killed if that happens." Jiao Fan said as he wiped the cold sweat off his brow.


The four men could feel a suppressive aura coming from the outer hall. Even though their spirit sense and spirit Qi were temporarily crippled, they could still feel it. This showed that the aura was far more powerful than anything they had experienced before.

"This aura… isn't it?" Old Man Tiandi stuttered.

"That bird beast we saw… with that crystal serpent." Jiao Fan muttered.


And just as Jiao Fan said this, the doors of the inner hall were forced open. The four men were startled and, seeing that the doors had been opened got into defensive positions. They took out their defensive treasure and trump cards before hiding behind the pillars.josei

This had taken them less than a second to do and the entire time they were looking at the doors. But the problem was that they could not see anything as a thick cloud of dust and smoke was blocking their view.


They finally heard the cry of the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle and shuddered.

"It truly is that beast! Did it enter the temple?" The Nascent Soul realm cultivator, who was on Old Man Tiandi's side questioned.


A gust of wind blew through the door and dissipated the smoky dust cloud. 


The clouds came towards the four men and they accidentally inhaled it. They coughed in protest and felt very uncomfortable. Their meridians already felt like they were burning, and now their lungs were doing the same.

Jiao Fan who managed to calm down a bit, finally saw past the doors.

"No… it can't be…" Jiao Fan said in disbelief.

The four men all looked in the direction and saw an astonishing sight. The formation array of the Temple was fully active and the statues of the vermilion bird were all letting out a bright light. Tens of thousands of runes floated around as flames raged on.

But this was not the shocking part, the shocking part was that these flames were not attacking Jiao Fan and the others despite the doors being broken. Instead of that, the flames were moving towards the opposite direction.

"Why are they…?" Jiao Fan's subordinate muttered.


The Cry of the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle came once again and her figure was finally visible past the thick blanket of flames. She was standing among them as if taking a walk in the park and strutting towards the inner hall.

"Why are the flames not affecting it? This formation is strong enough to kill even Dao Shell realm cultivators. The beast should have been hurt too." Old Man Tiandi Said.

"Wait, didn't the beasts appear along with the appearance of the temple? What if they are the guardians of the temple and can't be affected by it?" The Nascent Soul realm cultivator, who was on the side of Old Man Tiandi hypothesized.

"No, if that were so, the flames would not have been attacking that beast. Look! They are clearly attacking it, that too with full force." Jiao Fan replied. "And the power seemed to be even greater than what it used to attack us…" He added upon comprehending this point.


The Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle let out a screech as she scoffed at the flames around her. Only Lin Wu who was some distance behind her, could understand what her screeches and cries meant.

"These puny flames think they can hurt me? Humph! I'm the descendant of the legendary Vermilion flames and these are just some fake imitation. How can they even dare stop me!" The Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle pridefully proclamation.

Sadly, there wasn't really anyone who could understand her words or they would have definitely been impressed.


'This beast… I could have just stopped the formation beforehand but now… better to just leave it to her.' Lin Wu thought to himself.

"The bird beast! It's doing something," Old Man Tiandi pointed.

The four men saw the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle raising its wings wide and taking a deep breath. The breath was strong enough to suck the flames towards it. 

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