Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 402 - Lian Li?

Chapter 402 - Lian Li?

If the other powerhouses knew about the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle, they wouldn't attack right away. First, they would try to find out more about her and then look for a weakness. Once that was all done, only then would they attack for sure.

It was also likely that it would be a sneak attack.

The Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle had seen many humans act in the millennium forest before and had gained a little understanding of how they operated. She did not want an additional trouble before she fully awakened her bloodline.

Having heard the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle's concerns, Lin Wu understood where she was getting at.

"Hmm, I doubt they would know about it right now. The man did have a mark on him that would inform his clan of his death, but I managed to block it from working. While they would find out about him eventually, I think it will take a long time.

Rather than that, our main concern would be Jiao Dian city as it is now fully destroyed and the people are killed. Since the Lian clan would not have information about this man's death, they would probably assume his last known location, which would be the city.josei

And if they come to see the city, they would find it destroyed and the temple of the Vermillion bird there." Lin Wu explained.

"Though we don't know if the temple would disappear yet or not." He added.

The Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle thought over it and found it to be okay. But she still had some doubts that she wanted to convey.

"How are you sure that the Lian clan knows about this man's previous location which was the city?" the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle questioned.

"Its simple, I read his memories. He had informed the Lian clan that he had arrived in the city about two days ago and had said that he would be living there for a few more days. And when the temple of the Vermillion bird arrived at the surfaces, it blocked all communications from the city.

This means that the man did not manage to transmit any message to his clan. Even after leaving his clan, he was still unable to get his communication jade slip to work because of the lasting effect of the temple." Lin Wu explained.

Lin Wu had not known that the vermilion bird's temple actually had a lasting effect on the communication jade slips. He had seen the memories of a lot of people but had not gone into detail since it was not the time for it then.

But with the Lian clan's young master, Lin Wu decided to go into detail and see how much he actually knew. He ended up learning quite a few things from it, such that the name of this man was Lian Li and he was the sixteenth young master of the Lian clan.

He wasn't even qualified to compete with the other young masters of the clan for the seat of the heir, but even then had a lot of resources poured into him. Lin Wu also learned that the mother of this Lian Li was one of the hundred concubines of the Patriarch of the Lian clan and was from a rather rich background.

She was the reason why Young master Lian Li had managed to reach the core condensation realm at the age of thirty eight! 

The Lian clan was also widely different from the Ji clan in that they didn't really focus on nurturing their younger generation with strictness. They rather let them be opulent while pouring countless resources into them.

Whereas in the Ji clan, they only gave a specific amount of resources to their younger generation and only those that showed drive and talent would get more of them and come out on top. The competition was fierce in the Ji clan and the people were tough.

Ji Shirong was literally the heir of the Ji clan and even then he was sent out alone to do his missions with a relatively limited amount of resources. Even when he was about to break through to the Nascent Soul realm, they did not invite him back to the clan and instead ordered him to figure it out on his own.

The Ji clan's method was more crude and harsh, but it gave rise to talented and strong heirs. The character of Ji Shirong could not be compared to that of the young master Lian Li at all. 

Also, the reason why Lian Li was not in his clan seemed ridiculous to Lin Wu. He had apparently gotten pissed off at some of his siblings and that his parents didn't respond how he wanted them to and thus he left his home.

'This man… he's really childish, huh? Running away from home at the aged of thirty eight…' Lin Wu didn't know whether to laugh at the man or pity the clan.

Still, it was not like Lin Wu could fully disregard the Lian clan. Despite Lian Li running away, they kept tabs on him and he even reported his location the entire time. The clan had even assigned not one, not two, but four Nascent Soul realm cultivators to guard him!

Two of them were carelessly sent away by Lian Li a month ago to do some task, while the final two were the ones who had sacrificed their lives to guard them. Just from this, Lin Wu understood that the Lian clan might be hiding their true power.

'If just the Lian clan has this much power and strong cultivators, then the Ji clan should have way more…' Lin Wu thought to himself, reconsidering certain decisions.

"We should get back to the city now. Where is that stone feather?" Lin Wu questioned.

"Here it is," The Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle said, pulling out the stone feather from her neck.

The stone feather was easily buried in her thick coat of feathers and could not be seen at all.

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