Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 406 - Second Level Of The Undaunted Sapphire Body Art?

Chapter 406 - Second Level Of The Undaunted Sapphire Body Art?

The medicinal efficacy of the Triple Meridian Reinforcement pill started to show its effects, and under the combined effect of the Undaunted Sapphire Body Art, it became further catalyzed.


The spirit Qi fluctuation coming from Lin Wu's body changed slightly, its rhythm becoming sharper than before. 

Lin Wu continued to cultivate and saw the bluish tint in his meridians increasing bit by bit. The pinkish glow was being consumed and the blue tint increased in exchange. Of course, the exchange was not equivalent and the blue glow of Sapphire meridians was easily overpowering the pinkish glow of the Triple Meridian Reinforcement pill.

This all continued for about an hour before all of the efficacy of the Triple Meridian Reinforcement pill was used up.

'Finally, it is done…' Lin Wu thought to himself. 


Lin Wu let out a breath and looked at his body now. The total length of the sapphire meridians in his body had increased, as could be estimated from the bluish tint.

"System show me the updated Host data." Lin Wu ordered.




AVATAR'S CULTIVATION TECHNIQUE: 1. Taiji Dual Unity Scripture 

2. Immortal Sky Shaker Art- First level (Wind attribute spirit Qi initiate)

3. Undaunted Sapphire Body art- Second level (31% Meridians converted)


"Perfect!" Lin Wu said upon seeing that his avatar had managed to reach the second level of the Undaunted Sapphire Body Art. 

This was even beyond his main body's process, but he didn't care as much and knew that he could catch up with it later. 

"The main body is stronger than my avatar anyway, and this helps them get a bit closer. That way I would have a drastic disparity when using both of them and switching between them." Lin Wu muttered to himself.

What Lin Wu didn't want was to have really good proficiency and skill with one body and getting too habituated to it. If that happened and for example, he switched to a different body, there was a chance he could make a mistake.

For example, fighting an enemy that was far stronger than him could cost him his life, if he made a mistake. He might be too used to the main body's higher strength and cultivation and thus causing him to act disproportionately to his strength when in the avatar body's

Lin Wu extended his tail and activated the sapphire meridians, using it to convert and amply his spirit Qi. The tip of the tail started to glow in a faint blue light and Lin Wu pressed it on the barrier of the platform.

Since he had a really good test subject right here, Lin Wu thought he may as well try it out and thus he did. Upon placing his tail on the barrier, at first, nothing happened, but about ten seconds later, the runes on the barrier started to part.

If one looked closer, one would see that the blue glow on his tail was pushing the spirit Qi contained within the runes of the barrier. It wasn't really fighting with it and thus didn't trigger any offensive reaction from the platform's barrier.

About a minute later, the part of the barrier where Lin Wu touched was completely devoid of ruins as it created an opening there. The rest of the structure of the Barrier was not affected at all, and was still stable.

This was a shocking thing as usually affecting a barrier like this could cause the rest to react as well. If one was lucky doing so, they might just encounter a trap that would activate but not hurt them. And if they were unlucky, only death would await them at the end.

Not to mention the barrier on the platform was nothing normal and was of a far higher quality and complexity than the other barrier formations that the cultivators might use. 

"Damn! If even a barrier of this level is affected, then this technique is truly a top tiers technique. The creator of this technique was truly a genius if she managed to figure out something like this back then." Lin Wu exclaimed.

Feeling pleased with the progress that he had just done, Lin Wu nodded his head. 

"I should deal with the Spirit Qi Reservoir pill as well. But first… I need to restore my spirit Qi." Lin Wu chuckled.

He coiled back up and cultivated for an hour before being able to replenish all of his spirit Qi and filling his Dantian to the full. If he continued to cultivate and went past this, this spirit Qi would just be used by his body to further his own cultivation base.


"This should be enough… time to take out the pill." Lin Wu muttered before holding the pill between what looked like a pair of tweezers that had risen from his tail.

He then started to pour all of the spirit Qi that he had accumulated into his body. First came out the spirit Qi currently flowing in his meridians, which entered the Spirit Qi Reservoir pill. The pill trembled slightly in his tweezers and almost slipped out.

"Ah, need a better grip…" Lin Wu said, before transforming his tail to look like what was a scoop shape. He put the pill in there and folded the tail to cover it. Now if the pill trembled and jumped out of his grip, it would not fall on the ground, thereby ruining it all.

"There we go! Much better…" Lin Wu said as he continued the process after the little interruption.

The spirit Qi that was in his meridians was replenished by the spirit Qi in his Dantian as it triggered a never ending cycle of consumption. About fifteen minutes later, all of Lin Wu's spirit Qi had been consumed but even then the pill wasn't full!


"Should have known… though in a way it is good since I'll be getting a far better supply of spirit Qi in case of an emergency." Lin Wu muttered to himself as he put away the pills and cultivated again.

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