Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 418 - Spirit Qi Battery?

Chapter 418 - Spirit Qi Battery?

Lin Wu now knew for sure that the situation had gone too deep into the negative.

"Seems like normal tactics might not work here anymore…" Lin Wu muttered to himself as he gazed at each and every person in the enemy group trying to come up with a plan.


But before he could even think more, he felt the sixth layer of the barrier flicker as well. The smoke that was coming from the incense burners only got stronger and managed to pierce through the barrier, eventually making it disappear.

"Ahahhaa! After all these years, it is finally working! We knew the power of the Skull God would one day come out on top!" A couple of the Nascent Soul realm cultivators from the group spoke.

No one knew, what Shirong was thinking right now, but he suddenly sped ahead towards the group of the Nascent Soul realm cultivators.

The eyes of the cultivators went wide for a moment, as they were surprised by this.

"He dares come straight at us!? Get him!" One of the Nascent Soul realm cultivators yelled.

"He can't think well about himself and surrender. Now he's going to suffer for a long time!" Another Nascent Soul realm cultivator spoke.


Shirong stepped on air, creating small explosions wherever his feet struck. The wind attribute spirit Qi coming from the steps shot out in a circular manner and struck the weaker enemies.



"Save me!"

"My legs!"

  Varies cries of pain and fear could be heard coming from the Qi refining realm cultivators and even some Core Condensation realm cultivators. Even Shirong's non-offensive moves were enough to hurt the people in one go.

But this was not enough for Shirong as he spun his hands around in a rapid motion.




Lighting arced across his arms as it turned into whips. The gauntlets on his arms elongated and sprouted long spikes, which then turned into segmented sections that were joined by a small crystalline cord.

The crystallized whips were moving around at rapid speeds while spurting lightning from them. Wherever they went, they cleaved through flesh and broke rocks. The structures around them kept on getting more and more damaged until eventually only an area void of anything was left.

The Followers of the Skull god that were in the range were all killed whether they be at the Qi refining realm or the core condensation realm. As for those at the Nascent Soul realm, the two that were closest managed to get maimed as their limbs were cut off.

"Argh!" Various shouts filled with pain could be heard echoing across the ruins.

The Nascent Soul realm cultivators whose limbs had been cut off still managed to retreat, though. Even if they did not have limbs, that didn't really stop them from moving around by just flying.

"Bastards!" Shirong cursed as he felt the drain on his spirit Qi. 

While this attack was strong, it also consumed a proportionate amount of spirit Qi from him. Lin Wu was only providing him with thirty percent of the spirit Qi of the total. Though this was not because he was saving and skimping on it, but because he had a bad feeling about it.

"That child… he's the most dangerous one here. He's been staring at us the entire time and not attacking." Lin Wu muttered to himself.

The inaction of the Dao shell realm cultivator was why Lin Wu was limiting his spirit Qi use. He feared that if he used it all up right now, it might become troublesome for him later. 

Lin Wu gritted his teeth before finally deciding to use something that he had made a while back, but never got to use.

"System, use the spirit Qi battery protocol." Lin Wu ordered.



COMMAND: Accepted 

CUSTOM PROTOCOL ONLINE: Spirit Qi Battery protocol.

REROUTING RESOURCES: Internal spirit stone array created

INITIALIZING CIRCUITS: Synchronizing with the subject

INITIALIZATION COMPLETED: Protocol link established


"Aha! What…" Shirong grunted

A couple of seconds after Lin Wu gave the order, Shirong suddenly felt his meridians trembling along with his Dantian. Then in the next moment, hundreds of pricks were felt all over his body and made him cry out in pain.josei

But the pain was only momentary and once it faded away, it was replaced with power, pure unending power!

"What is this?" Shirong looked down at his body.

Small red patterns had appeared at the lower surfaces of the crystal armor, right where it touched his skin. The patterns were a bit vibrant and if one looked closer, they would realize that they were not just static patterns; they were actually flowing.

"Is this… my blood?" Shirong said in shock.

The more his blood circulated among the patterns, the more spirit Qi poured into his body. 

'This feeling… it's different… far different from the Immortal Crystal armament's usual infusion of spirit Qi.' Shirong understood.

Instead of the spirit Qi being poured into him, it felt more like his overall capacity had increased. This was different from using spirit stones as well, since the rate of flow was far quicker than that of the spirit stones.

"If this doesn't help him, then nothing will… time to go all out!" Lin Wu said to himself.

Somehow his emotions were transmitted to Shirong due to the new link, and he felt enraged as well. But along with the rage, Shirong had a new kind of an emotion. He felt as if he was being looked down upon by the followers of the Skull god.

He felt as if it was the hugest offense that these people dared to exist in his presence. It was a primal feeling that he could not explain, stemming from deep within his blood.

"HAAAAAAA~!!!!~" Shirong suddenly let out a roar that bordered on beastly.

And along with his roar, a strange screeching sound was also mixed in. The crystal armor on his body glowed in a blinding light as the red eye patterns on the top flared up into a burning red.


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