Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 446 - Multiple Calamities

Chapter 446 - Multiple Calamities

Hearing all that Qi You had said, Senior Kong sighed to himself before pouring himself a cup of tea.


"Fine… I'll tell you. My first disciple practices a cultivation technique that makes him extra sensitive to spirit Qi fluctuation. Thus, in order to train this ability more, I assigned him to the outpost near the Dread Coil Marsh.

He was to focus on expanding its scope and see if he could let it work even in the Dread Coil Marsh, which is so suppressive to us cultivators. But then yesterday, he sensed a spirit Qi fluctuation as well, which alarmed him and he came to inform us.

I didn't think that it was a Dao treading realm cultivator at first, and thought he was just mistaken due to his lack of experience. After all, it wouldn't be the first strange thing we saw from the marsh.

But now… now that seems to be true." Senior Kong replied.

Minister Qi You had a confused expression on his face but then after thinking for a bit a horrified expression replaced it.


"Senior Kong… the Dao Treading realm fluctuation we felt north of the Bing Kingdom was also mixed with water attribute spirit Qi. The one in the Jiao Dian city was weaker than it, being at the Dao Shell realm which had the fire attribute.

The mountains northwest of the Bing kingdom were completely flooded as if a new sea had been created there." Qi You explained.

The more the people heard, the more they were stunned.

"This means… There is not one but two Dao treading Realm beings out there." The first Nascent Soul realm cultivator spoke.

"One that has mastery with fire and one with a mastery in water… we weren't able to investigate much due to the damage that was caused in the forest and mountains, but I think the two beings may have had a conflict.

Perhaps they fought and thus was the result?" Minister Qi You spoke.


The three Nascent Soul realm cultivators trembled and didn't know what to think of this.

"Which senior could do something like this?" They questioned.

Senior Kong thought furrowed his brows after hearing this.

"I don't think it was human cultivators that caused this… none of the Dao Treading realm cultivators that have mastery over fire and water are currently out in the open and none of them are in a conflict either." Senior Kong spoke.

"Could it be someone new that broke through?" Another Nascent soul realm cultivator questioned.

Minster Qi You shook his head in response.

"That is highly unlikely. Each breakthrough of a Dao Treading realm would cause a massive commotion and others would be bound to notice it all. Even if there was one cultivator that managed to do this secretly, two of them doing it was even more unlikely." Minister Qi You explained.

"Then what could be the reason behind this all?" The Nascent Soul realm cultivators asked.

"I think… it might be beasts." Senior Kong spoke.

"Beasts?…." The Nascent Soul realm cultivators muttered.josei

"If it really is beasts, then… that might actually be possible." Minister Qi You spoke.

At this moment, one of the Nascent Soul realm cultivators suddenly had an idea.

"Could it be that one of the ocean beasts left it and caused the flooding in the mountains and forests?" He asked.

"Hmm… it is highly unlikely. Aquatic Dao treading Realm beasts live deep in the great Ocean and never really come near the coasts." Senior Kong replied.

Silence descended in the hall as all the people inside were deep in thought.

Lin Wu on the other hand, was surprised that they all reach this point.

"Damn! These people are really good at analyzing things, huh…" Lin Wu muttered to himself.

"No, wait! There is one Aquatic beast that can actually leave the ocean!" Minister Qi You spoke.

"There is?!" The Nascent Soul realm cultivators were shocked.

"I once read about a beast that is both a plant and beast at the same time. A hybrid, if we could call it that. It lives in the Ocean and is very strong." Minister Qi You stated.

"Aquadream Lotus…" Senior Kong muttered.

"YES! That's the one!" Minister Qi You agreed.

"Master, what is this beast?" The Nascent Soul realm cultivators asked.


"Fine, I'll explain." Senior Kong said before pouring himself another cup of tea and beginning his explanation.

"Oh? They actually know about this beast too." Lin Wu muttered to himself.

He then watched on as Senior Kong explained the peculiarity of the Aquadream Lotus and its different forms that existed in the world. It took him an hour to explain it all, and everyone was stunned by the end of it.

"I never expected there was so much more to this…" Minister Qi You spoke.

"The one that probably caused the flood was an Aquadream Sea Lotus. Only that can be at the Dao treading realm and live outside the water for long enough to be able to do that." Senior Kong stated.

Hearing all this, the three old Nascent Soul realm cultivators felt like a new world had been opened up for them. Despite being over three hundred years old each, they didn't know that something like this existed.

"But this still leaves us with the other Dao Treading realm beast… the one that burned the Dread Coil Marsh." Minister Qi You replied.

And just as Qi You said this, he felt the communication jade slip hum on his waist. He held it for a moment and saw the message before opening his eyes that were filled with more shock.

"I fear… I fear that the one which burned the Dread Coil Marsh might be even more stronger than the Aquadream Sea Lotus." Minister Qi You stammered.

"Why's that?" Senior Kong questioned.

"At least the mountains in the north west of Bing kingdom were just a small part of the entire area… but the one that burned the Dread Coil marsh… it burned it entirely! The flames are raging on all sides of the marsh, I just got the news that it's burning on the northern end too!" Qi You said out loud.

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