Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 449 - Onwards To The Millennium Forest

Chapter 449 - Onwards To The Millennium Forest

Lucius looked around on the map but could not see Qi You anywhere.

"Huh… so he had a teleportation talisman. No wonder he was able to cover such as long distance so quickly, he and his kingdom have a fixed location teleportation talisman…" Lin Wu understood.

"System, check if the man is anywhere just in case?" Lin Wu ordered.




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"So he really did travel quite far. Well… I guess I can just let it be for now since it doesn't really cause me any problems." Lin Wu muttered to himself.

'At least I got to learn of the situation of the kingdoms a bit more and even who has Dao Shell realm cultivators. Plus I got to know of how the cultivators of these places teach about the Dao Treading realm.' Lin Wu thought to himself.

He turned around and made his way to the small lake where he had hidden the platform. The lake was just slightly bigger than the platform and managed to accommodate it completely. Though it wasn't as if the platform was too deep in the lake either.

Due to the sides of the lake being shallower than the middle, the platform inadvertence stayed close to the surface of the water due to being prevented from going any deeper. Right now, the platform was not directly visible from the outside, but if one got closer to the lake and looked into the water, they would find the flat platform just at a two meter depth.

Still, to Lin Wu, this didn't really matter as it was far unlikely for anyone to find it. And even if they did there was little they could honestly do with the platform. Its main purpose which was to take the inheritor of the Vermillion bird to different sites was already fulfilled.

Originally this platform was not even supposed to leave its intended paths. It was only able to move on those paths because of the invisible spirit Qi channels that had been set up. These were hidden to most people and would not even be sensed by a formation master.

The spirit Qi was kept at a frequency that only the platform could sense and it would then absorb that while traveling. It was similar to how there were power lines at the top of a train from which it absorbed electricity to run the engine.

But Lin Wu here had modified that with the help of the system to make it so that the platform could operate independently without the need of those channels. There were already spirit Qi absorbing formations on it, which the system modified to take spirit Qi from the air.

This way the platform had changed from a train that could only move on a specific path to an aircraft that could go anywhere as long as it got fuel. Of course, the efficiency was far lower in the case of the platform since it did not have the concentrated supply like before.

Though this was something that could be changed later on since the only change that happened due to that was the lowered speed. No longer could the platform move at sub-sonic speeds.

In fact, its speed was actually a bit slower than Lin Wu's full flying speed. But the platform was still something Lin Wu wanted to keep as it was just too cool and could come in handy later.



The sound of water parting was heard as the platform started to rise up from the lake. The water on it slid off and dripped from the side as the sound of a waterfall was created temporarily.


Lin Wu jumped onto the platform and let it rise up into the sky. A few beasts that were nearby were startled but it caused no problem for Lin Wu. Once the platform reached the maximum height it could for now, which was just slightly more than two hundred meters, it started to move.


The platform sped through the sky and started moving towards the east.

"Hmm… at this speed I should reach the Ling Kingdom in less than a month and the forest a couple of days after that." Lin Wu muttered to himself.

He checked the map and zoomed out to see the distance which was of several thousand kilometers. The Ling kingdom was on the eastern side of the continent, while the Ivory Heron kingdom was on the western side.

'I guess I can just cultivate here while the system carries me there.' Lin Wu thought to himself.

"No wait, I may as well just switch to my main body and let this wine cultivate on autopilot." Lin Wu decided.

With that done, he gave the system some instructions on how to travel. He wanted the system to avoid the main populated areas so that the platform would not be seen. The platform originally had an illusory formation that could hide it completely but the Skull god had damaged that as well.josei

Plus the spirit Qi needed to run all of those formation arrays at once was far higher than what the platform could absorb right now. Thus Lin Wu had no choice but to take a detour.

He could technically just store the platform in the storage of the system and travel on his own, but that would mean that he would have to actively travel there. This would end up wasting some time which Lin Wu reckoned he could use much better.

The trade-off was obvious. On one side he would reach the millennium forest in what would be perhaps less than fifteen days, but this would leave him exhausted and tired when he reached the forest.

And on the second side, he could use the platform to travel which would use up no spirit Qi of his own and even give him time to cultivate. By the time he would reach the millennium forest, Lin Wu would be even more stronger than he was right now.

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