Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 469 - Calm Before The Storm

Chapter 469 - Calm Before The Storm


Lin Wu ended up taking about four days before he was finally able to plant all of the spirit herbs. The requirements for some of them made it so that he couldn't plant them next to each other or that he needed to modify the soil in some way.

Overall though, it was a learning experience for Lin Wu and now he had the entire spirit herb garden set up. 


"Finally done…" Lin Wu said as he observed it from the distance. 

He looked at his hard work for a few more minutes before checking the map.

"The avatar should be here in a day now…" Lin Wu said after considering the distance.

A serious expression appeared on his face as his eyes glowed. 

"Time to get the team ready…" Lin Wu muttered to himself before contacting the three Beast kings.

He explained to them what they needed to do and the positions that they should take. Lin Wu had let the system analyze the map to see what locations could be of a strategic advantage.

One had to remember that while Lin Wu was just targeting Olive Viper King for now, there was no guarantee that the Twin Lights Liger King would not interfere in it. After all, Lin Wu had killed a lot of his descendants as well before.

After he was done with the rulers, Lin Wu contacted his subordinates and told them their part. They weren't going to be directly involved in the battle, as they had other things they needed to be doing.

"We shall do as you command, master." All of the servant beasts said before Lin Wu closed the link.


Lin Wu took a deep breath as he looked at the tens of monitoring windows that were floating around him.

"Now to just wait…" Lin Wu said as he started to cultivate to spend the rest of his time.


In the center of the millennium forest where the Dark Bloom Caverns were located, a pair of eyes opened. One eye was entirely white in color while the other was black in color. They peered out of the Caverns and looked around the forest.

"The forest seems to be strange… what has happened while I was asleep?" A deep but cold voice muttered.

"You're awake, my King?" Suddenly another voice came from the distance.

A few seconds later, the sound of someone running could be heard as a large Lamp Light Liger appeared. It had a scar on its face that went from its nose to the corner of the mouth. It was bigger than the other Lamp Light Ligers and it was obvious that it was at the peak stage of the core condensation realm.

"I am…" The same deep and cold voice replied.

A faint rumbling sound could be heard as the two eyes started to move. Once they appeared in the light, one could see a massive liger beast. The stripes on its body alternated between black and white, matching its two eyes.

The Lamp Light Liger that had just appeared looked like a child in front of the Twin Lights liger King.

"The forest has been relatively calm these few days, thought the calmness in unsettling. I can't help but wonder if there is something going on with the other rulers." The Lamp Light Liger spoke respectfully.

"Hmm… a calm before a storm… is the Olive Viper King about to do something?" The Twin Lights Liger King wondered.

"He… he's been inactive since he got injured recently as well." The Lamp Light Liger spoke.

"I see… and what about that other worm beast that appeared? The one that has a similar bloodline to the Olive Viper King?" The Twin Lights Liger King questioned.

"The same for him, too. There have been no particular changes about it in the past few months. But before that he apparently fought the Demon Spine Ape and won effortlessly, yet even then… he didn't take the throne of a Ruler.

We also felt someone breaking through at the forbidden tomb and it is none other than that worm beast. He has already reached the Adolescent Soul stage of the Nascent Soul realm." The Lamp Light Liger answered.

"Seems like this newcomer has bigger aspirations than I thought… never thorough a worm might be smarter than a snake in this aspect…" The Twin Lights Liger King spoke.

The Lamp Light Liger stood there and listened to the ramblings of his king silently, without daring to speak. Only after the king had spoken his share of words did he speak again.

"Do you want me to do anything, my king?" the Lamp Light liger asked.

"For now? Nothing… but do keep an eye on things. I'm sure something is about to happen." The Twin Lights Liger King replied.

"Do you mean to say a war between other rulers could be happening?" The Lamp Light Liger questioned.

"Possibly… we may have a new ruler this time… or perhaps… something different." The Twin Lights Liger king answered.

Hearing this, the lamp Light Liger became tensed but nodded his head.

"I shall do as you command, my king." The Lamp Light Liger said before leaving.

Once he was gone, the Twin Lights liger King looked into the depths of the Dark Bloom Cavern.


"Will I finally get the chance to be free from this?" 


Time passed and finally, at the edge of the millennium forest, a floating platform could be seen. It came to a halt near one of the surrounding hills and stopped. An emerald green crystalline worm was could be seen coiled on top of it.

A minute after the platform came to a halt, the Avatar opened its eyes as they shone in the dark of the night.

"It is time!" The avatar of Lin Wu said.


In the next moment, the platform below it disappeared into thin air and the avatar jumped down from the sky and drilled directly into the ground; the rumbles of his movement spreading but fading away quickly.

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