Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 503 - The Beetle Beast's Breakthough!

Chapter 503 - The Beetle Beast's Breakthough!

Lin Wu saw the entire interaction of the club tailed lizard with the system and found it to be rather surreal. 

"Didn't think the system would talk like this to others… now that I think of it, it hasn't really spoken to anyone else other than me." Lin Wu muttered to himself.

Lin Wu trusted the system to have made the decision. If he was here he would have done the same and didn't mind that it allowed the Club Tailed lizard to stay. In fact, now that had seen that her eggs hadn't hatched, he was even more curious about how the hatchlings will be like.

"The bloodline might have caused some changes that I don't know about. Perhaps the system might be able to gather some new data from them. That way, I guess it's better to let them live here for now." Lin Wu said.

Lin Wu continued watching the memories and let them proceed.. Another year passed and now it was the second year since he had fallen asleep. The things were still going stably, though there were a few conflicts that had happened among the beasts in this time.

They were mostly between the newer beasts that came to the fifth ring of the forest from the lower rings. Of course, the subordinates of the five kings showed them their rightful places.

The ones that were a bit smarter were recruited while those that were too dumb were sent back to the fourth ring. As for the ones that were still aggressive, they were killed without mercy.

Then came the third year when the first major event happened. 

"Huh? The Split Thorn Horn Beetle broke through to the Nascent Soul realm!?" Lin Wu was surprised, to say the least.

He knew that the Spirit thorn horn beetle who was his servant was already at the peak of the core condensation realm and was almost at the pseudo Nascent soul realm back when he saw her last.

But now after three years of accumulation she had finally broken through.

"System, show me her data, quick!" Lin Wu ordered.



SERVANT DATA: Split thorn horn beetlejosei

STATUS: Vitals stable

Cultivation Base: Infant Soul Stage of the Nascent Soul realm


LOCATION: Available on map



Seeing the data, Lin Wu confirmed this fact. 

"But how? Doesn't the forest restrict the number of beasts that can reach the Nascent soul realm… no wait that's not it. It just makes it harder to break through when there are five rulers. But even then they can still breakthrough." Lin Wu remembered.

Lin Wu checked more about the Split Thorn Horn Beetle and saw that her breakthrough came as a shock to the other beast kings as well. There was an unease in the forest for the entire year during this time as the beasts were under the impression that there might be another battle for the position of a ruler.

But surprisingly, nothing of that sort happened and the beetle beast kept her presence to the minimum. In fact, she barely left the territory of her ancestor and seemed to be working there to expand her influence.

It was then that Lin Wu understood what was happening.

"Ahh… so she's gonna take over from the current beetle king." Lin Wu muttered.

The other beast kings also understood the same matter and took breaths of relief. But still, they weren't fully free either and got to training their own subordinates so that they could also reach the Nascent Soul realm.

Among the five beast kings, the Two Ape beasts now had the strongest camp due to being related. But now there was a contender again. Even if the beetle beast was calm right now, there was no certain chance she might stay the same.

If she ever decided that she wanted more areas under her control, the battle for influence might start again. 

But in this entire thing, there was something that most beasts didn't know. It was the fact that the Beetle beast was actually the servant of Lin Wu and was loyal to him. And since he was a king already, it was obvious she wouldn't become a king on her own.

She even stayed with the current beetle king only because he was her ancestor. If not for that she might have never done that. Then there was also the fact that Lin Wu was the one who had originally asked her to do that.

Finally, four years passed and now Lin Wu saw some humans appear in the forest.

"Huh? Aren't they… disciples of the Frozen Cloud sect?" Lin Wu recognized their robes.

He could see several of them in the forest and they had come from the southern part of the forest. That area was the territory of the beetle king and Lin Wu now and thus anyone that intruded in that area would have to deal with them.

"But still… aren't they a little too careless?" Lin Wu said upon seeing the cultivation bases of the disciples.

A majority of them were in the Qi refining realm while a few were at the Core condensation realm. There were even a handful of them that were at the Nascent Soul realm.

"Hmm… system do we have records of them?" Lin Mu asked.




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"Just as I thought… these Nascent soul realm cultivators… they are from the same camp as that of the Niu San. That disciples that fought Wang Xiong and died. Wang Xiong also killed his other companions." Lin Wu said in slight confusion.

The last he had heard of Wang Xiong, he had become the chief disciple of the Frozen clouds sect and had become rather important there. His status had sky rocketed and he was busy in expanding his influence as well as cultivating diligently.

Lin Wu had not checked upon him for a while and now decided that he should do that too. For all he knew, the arrival of these disciples might be related to him.

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