Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 537 - A Meal After A Ten Year Fast

Chapter 537 - A Meal After A Ten Year Fast

Lin Wu looked at the corpses that were still frozen solid.

"Need to defrost them first." Lin Wu said. "And I got the perfect thing for that." He added.

He simply waved his tail as radiation manipulation was activated. The water molecules in the corpse started to vibrate and heat up. The ice quickly started to melt, and the corpses were getting warm from the inside.

Due to Lin Wu's microwave radiation being intense, the inside of the corpses heated up way quicker than the outside ice. By the time the outside ice was fully melted, the inside was already cooked.

Five minutes later, the process was complete and Lin Wu was now free to eat.

"Let's get to eating… meal time." Lin Wu said as he opened his mouth wide.




Various sounds were heard as Lin Wu ate all the corpses one by one. He started from the Nascent soul realm ones and only after finishing all of them did he head on to the Silver Tusk tapir beast's corpse. 

This was the very first Dao Shell realm beast he was going to eat and was thus quite excited.



Since the corpse of the Silver Tusk Tapir was far bigger than the others, it took Lin Wu longer to eat. Not to mention, its bones were also tougher and made it harder to eat. Still… under the grinding of Lin Wu's crystal teeth that literally moved like a grinder, the bones were eventuality pulverized.

"Ahh~ that was a nice meal. It was cooked too, though not evenly. I'll need to focus on my microwave cooking more, I remember being rather good at cooking food in the microwave before." Lin Wu said as he lounged on the ground.

He felt rather bloated and knew that he had truly eaten quite bit. 

"Let's see what's the change now." Lin Wu said as he pulled out the notification.

The notification would always keep on stacking and Lin Wu could choose to see them whenever. He had set filters for them so that he would only see the most important ones right away while the minor ones will be directly added to the long.



BEAST CORPSES CONSUMED: 26 Nascent soul realm, 1 Dao Shell realm

SPIRIT QI OBTAINED: 16,258,196 units (liquid spirit Qi)



2. Silver Tusk Tapir

HOST DATA: Updated

SPIRIT QI STORAGE: 20,025,937 units [liquid spirit qi]




"That's good enough, but won't put much of a dent on the amount I need for the upgrade to the next stage. Though it might be just enough for the Black Dao Shell to be upgraded." Lin Wu muttered.

Lin Wu thought of if he should upgrade the second Dao Shell as well, but decided to wait for now.

'I'll wait for now. If I need it in a pinch, I'll be able to use it then.' Lin Wu thought.

Lin Wu also got a decent amount of Vital essence which would help him sustain himself for a long time and also help in healing himself when the need arises.

"Hmm… the vital essence was less than I thought. It should probably be because the corpses have been kept frozen for that long. They do lose vital essence even then." Lin Wu guessed.

With this task out of the way, Lin Wu decided to take care of the tasks that were related to the others now.

"Hmm… the disciples of the Frozen cloud sect… wonder if they will qualify the trials of the Taiji Celestial too." Lin Wu wondered as he looked at the monitor window.

There he could see the disciples sitting in the shrine of the Sky Bright Daoist. They had now been living there for about ten years now, which was not that much when compared to the lifespan of the cultivators.

'Did the Frozen Cloud sect not ask anything about them? They've been gone for a while now, or did they perhaps inform them beforehand.' Lin Wu wondered.

He also thought about contacting Wang Xiong, but decided against it. He wanted to deal with that a bit later and wanted to be done with the tasks that were closer at hand first. 

"Hmm, the eight of them are still in the process of obtaining the inheritance of the Sky bright Daoist. The five are still trying to pass the last trail and the two are cultivating privately, probably waiting for me." Lin Wu observed.

After watching them for a minute, Lin Wu decided to talk to the 'Monk'ey beast again.


"Congratulations on breaking through, Master!" The 'Monk'ey beast said out loud.

"Thank you," Lin Wu casually said

The 'Monk'ey beast looked at Lin Wu and found him to be different from before. He didn't question him, but did notice that the aura of Lin Wu had increased once more. 

"You called for me for something, master?" The 'Monk'ey beast asked.

"Time to get the two disciples," Lin Wu replied.

"You are willing to let them take the trials of the Taiji Celestial?" The 'Monk'ey beast questioned.

"Mmmhmm, they've waited long enough." Lin Wu answered.

"Then I'll get them. Do I need to tell them anything to prepare them or will master be talking to them himself?" The 'Monk'ey beast asked for confirmation.

"Hmm… bring them in. I'll talk to them myself a little interaction won't hurt." Lin Wu replied.josei

"As you wish, master." The 'Monk'ey beast said before teleporting away.

Lin Wu had gotten a bit bored and wanted to interact with the humans. He wanted to also know more about the two disciples and what was actually going on with Wang Xiong and the situation at the Frozen cloud sect.

He also wanted to know the results of the mission that they had embarked on and how much the sect knew about the tomb now and the beasts of the forest as well.

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