Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 575 - The Frozen Cloud Sect Being In The Dark?

Chapter 575 - The Frozen Cloud Sect Being In The Dark?

The little revelation by Lin Wu turned out to be more of a bomb for Wang Xiong and Ye Jin. The movement and migration of such a large number of beasts was a matter of great concern.

As one of the top ten sects of the Long Continent, the Frozen Cloud sect had a duty to ensure that the people in their territory lived in order. This pertained to both cultivators and commoners.

If they were harmed by the migration of such beasts, they would have to bear the karma. Not to mention their own benefits would reduce since it would be their people dying. These were the same people that supplied them with external resources and helped with trade and commerce.

As much as cultivators thought the commoners were beneath them, the commoners were still an important part of the world. Without them, perhaps the cultivation sects might not be able to exist for long.

While the commoners were at the bottom of the pyramid, they were also the foundation. They were the source of new talent and also many other things, like information. Without them, the sects would soon find themselves lacking.

In a sense, the duty of a sect was similar to that of a king and his ministers. Both took care of the commoners under them, though the number of people that sect had livings in their territory was usually less.

But they were still commoners that were often rich and powerful, as many of them were none other than family members of the sect disciples. Not everyone could cultivate nor have the talent to do so, thus they took up other professions and became the foundations on which sects rose to prominence.

Even the disciples wouldn't like their families getting hurt, and if it was found that the Frozen Cloud sect had missed such an important matter, the morale of the disciples would go down greatly.

"This… I do not know how this matter turned out like this. We should have known the moment the Southern Tusk tapirs got close to the sect. They can't even go to the area south of Millennium forest without passing by us first." Wang Xiong spoke.

"Can't they go around us, though? There are forests and mountains that extend quite far outside our territory." Ye Jing asked.

"No… even if they do try to do that, the other beasts will keep them in check. Don't forget there are many Dao Shell realm beasts, even if they are rare. I doubt even a Silver Tusk tapir would like to fight another Dao Shell realm beast like it.

After all, even if it can match its power, the same cannot be said for the rest of the herd. They would simply be killed in a matter of minutes if they intruded on the territory of other beasts.

While there is a chance it could happen, we would have still noticed it. A fight between Dao Shell realm beasts is no joke and will cause enough noise and destruction for it to be heard hundred kilometer away." Wang Xiong replied.

Now, even Lin Wu was confused and wondered about the situation. Originally, he had thought that the Frozen Cloud sect had let them pass without any interference, since it could be considered to be a natural series of events.

Beast migration was something a lot of beasts did and was a natural part of the ecological cycle. But a sect would still keep an eye on it and be alert for any problems that might arise.

"You don't think… someone intentionally pulled out attention away from it, do you?" Ye Jin asked, feeling a bit fearful.

To her, if someone was able to do this, they would have to be either very strong or very influential, as to silence elders from all three divisions.josei

"No… even if the disciples and elders can be fooled, there is someone that won't be… Guardian Yun won't let something like that happen under his watch." Wang Xiong stated.

"Just who is this Guardian Yun and why haven't I heard of him?" Ye Jin asked, feeling curious.

"I'd like to know more too," Lin Wu chimed in.


"I guess it would be better to hear it from the man himself. I have taken some oath's that prevent me from speaking about it to others." Wang Xiong explained.

"Very well… take me to him." Lin Wu spoke.

Hearing this, Ye Jin looked at Lin Wu and furrowed her brows.

"But… will that be fine? I mean, senior is technically trespassing." Ye Jin said with concern.

"Oh, it will be fine. I believe Guardian Yun would prefer if we kept it a secret as well." Lin Wu replied.

Wang Xiong nodded his head as well and spoke, "Senior Lin Wu is right. We should just meet Guardian Yun directly." 

"Very well! It's decided then, bring me to him." Lin Wu said.

"Please follow me, Senior. Oh, and… you'll be staying underground, I believe?" Wang Xiong asked.

"Yes. You two just go on as normal, I'll be behind you." Lin Wu replied.

With that done, Wang Xiong and Ye Jin flew in the direction of a certain mountain. It was located in the middle of several other mountains and seemed to be covered in the fog all the time.

Half way up from it, nothing could be seen due to the thick fog. Not many disciples actually came to this area, since it was restricted and only certain elders and core disciples even had the permission to enter it.

The fog covered mountain was peculiar to Lin Wu for several reasons. The first was the fact that it was smaller than all the others around it and the second was a bigger one, being that the system was unable to scan it.

'An interference field… this is certainly not simple.' Lin Wu thought.

There were several areas of the Frozen Cloud sect that the system could not just scan directly without being detected, but this area had an entire interference field around it which was very suspicious.

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