Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 606 - Understanding

Chapter 606 - Understanding

Upon hearing all that Lin Wu had said, Wang Xiong didn't know what to do. He felt like all the years he had cultivated were for naught, and a small beast had managed to overcome him. But then his mind went to a word Lin Wu had said.

"What bloodline does it have, Senior? It must be very good, right? If it can reach the Nascent soul realm." Wang Xiong questioned.

"Well… originally, it was a copper hide weasel. But he was already at the Nascent soul realm then. He then got here, ate the materials in the mine and improved his bloodline. It has now become a Myriad Obsidian Weasel." Lin Wu explained.josei

"What the… a copper hide weasel?" Wang Xiong had never expected this.

When he was estimating the information about the weasel and comparing it with other weasel beasts, he had take then copper hide weasels in consideration too. But even they did not reach Nascent Soul realm this quick.

Even if they were strong, they would still take a few hundred years to do this. 

'I would have understood if he entered the Nascent soul realm after the development in his bloodline, but… he already was in the Nascent soul realm before that.' Wang Xiong thorough.

Ye Jin was having similar thoughts, and she couldn't help but compare the weasel to the highly talented disciples of the top sects and clans. The record for the youngest Nascent soul realm cultivator was held by one of the former patriarchs of the Long Clan.

It was a well known record and people could only marvel at it, but never hope to reach it. The former patriarch had reached the Nascent Soul realm at the age of fifty and that was considered to be a record.

While there might have been more people in the word that achieved the same, there were no official records from them. Or they simply chose not to reveal it. Shirong was one such example and had actually broken the record.

But he had simply decided to keep it a secret. If he was the same Shirong of the past, he would have let it be known everywhere. But after experiencing all that he had, he had learned it was better to keep some things hidden.

'A simple beast has pushed human prodigies down… this…' Ye Jin was at a loss for words as well now.

It was now that Wang Xiong finally spoke.

"Is that why senior want's to protect the weasel beast?" Wang Xiong asked.

"Mmhmm… the beast is worth raising and training. Plus… he is literally a child so will be easy to mold." Lin Wu replied.

"Beasts of his talent are not easy to come across. At least not the ones that have relatively normal bloodlines. Those 'great' beasts having memories ingrained into their bloodlines that they awaken at birth, thus they can't be controlled at all." Lin Wu explained.

Hearing this, Wang Xiong understood that this was part of some secrets that might be part of the beasts. He thought considering Lin Wu was a beast too, it was normal for him to know all this.

That was also why he didn't question how Lin Wu knew the weasel's age and history. He simply assumed that he had his methods, if not just talk with the weasel. He had after all, seen Lin Wu order the weasel earlier and the beast had clearly listened to him as well.

"Then… what will this weasel beast be doing?" Wang Xiong questioned.

"He will be part of our organization, of course! He will be a sharp sword that will strike down the enemies!" Lin Wu answered in a firm tone.

Wang Xiong could simply nod at this and could understand Lin Wu's thinking.

'Having a strong and talented beast under one was understandable. It is the same as recruiting a strong disciple in a way for Senior Lin Wu, isn't it?' Wang Xiong reckoned.

Now that Wang Xiong was on terms with the current situation, he no longer felt as angry as before. He could see that keeping the weasel alive and letting him grow was far more beneficial to them. 

'Plus as senior said, the weasel might reach the Dao Shell realm soon. Even a single Dao Shell realm expert will be a great help. Especially since Guardian Yun and Senior Lin Wu both have certain restrictions and cannot appear in front of others easily.' Wang Xiong thought.

"I think you should call in your team and take over the mine now. There are a lot of materials in it, including the Earthen Depths Obsidian." Lin Wu spoke.

"Huh? What about the spirit stone mine? Does it not contain that?" Ye Jin suddenly asked.

"It contains that, too. It's simply a treasure trove. You two can take the others and explore it. I've set a formation array here and it should keep the area hidden and protected for a bit." Lin Wu replied.

"That… that's amazing!" Wang Xiong couldn't wait to explore the mine now.

"Also…" Lin Wu took out another jade slip from his body and passed it to Wang Xiong. "This contains the information of the materials and the map to reach the bottom. The path is a bit complex." He added.

Wang Xiong checked the jade slip and found a list of materials that Lin Wu, or rather the system, had found in the mine. The ones that Lin Wu had seen were only the ones that were present directly on the surface. There were a lot more hidden deep within the rocks and would need to be dug out first.

"Such a large deposit of Earthen Depths Obsidian!" This was the thing that Wang Xiong was stunned by the most. "This is even more valuable than the mine is a way." He added.

"The mine is pretty good, too. Though the total value of the different materials definitely outweighs the short term value of the mine." Lin Wu stated.

"What will you do now, senior?" Wang Xiong asked.

"I have some things to do, so I'll be gone for a bit. Though you will still be able to contact me.." Lin Wu replied.

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