Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 608 - Spies Of A Different Continent?

Chapter 608 - Spies Of A Different Continent?

Having seen the weapon and gotten the location of the Bloom, Lin Wu deliberated on if he should go there. It was now that his spirit sense picked up on something else.

"Oh? There's more to it, huh…" Lin Wu said as he saw the Old man entering an underground room that was hidden under the floor. 

He took out a rectangular plate from a chest that was kept at the end of the room and held it up. He then took out a dagger and cut his thumb before drawing a pattern on the plate with his blood.


The moment he did that, the plate started to glow and a bunch of runes appeared from it. The runes changed into a communication formation and a circular screen appeared in front of the old man.

The circular screen was blank at first, but a few seconds later, an image could be seen in it.

"Why are you contacting us at this time?" The voice of a man could be heard coming from it.

The one speaking was a man that had his entire face covered with a cloth. Only his eyes could be seen, and they had a deadly glint to them. The pupils were Grey in color while the rest of the eye was normal.

"The Bloom." Old man Lu replied.

"But that's still some time away." The man on the screen said.

"I thought so too. But we have gotten eyewitness reports that the Bloom has already started. It seems to be early this time around," Old Man Lu spoke.

"Hmm… what about the others? What are they thinking?" The man on the screen questioned.

"I haven't gotten around to asking them yet. According to our initial agreement, we would be keeping contact between ourselves limited so as to avoid others knowing about the truth." Old Man Lu answered.

"Then it is time to end the agreement. If it really is 'The' Bloom we have been waiting for, then you all can return after finishing your mission." The man on the screen replied.

"Alright. How will the goods be delivered after we gather them?" Old Man Lu questioned.

"I will have to inform the leaders. But for now, expect there to be some unexpected changes. The situation isn't exactly safe in the Long continent. Thus there might a chance that you will have to bring it yourself to us." The Man on the screen answered.

Hearing this, the expression of old man Lu turned serious.

"You want me to cross the ocean alone?" Old Man Lu asked.

Upon listening to this part, Lin Wu was stunned.

"My, my, my… seems like I've stumbled onto another secret huh…" Lin Wu said to himself.

"Yes." The man on the screen stated. "We cannot afford any Dao Shell realm cultivators to escort you right now. The Long Clan has been on alert recently and might find out about us. We cannot afford that to happen." He explained.

"The Long Clan? What is it that's happening?" Old Man Lu asked.

"You do not need to know that now. Just focus on your mission and complete it as soon as possibles." The man on the screen said before closing the connection.


The screen shut down before fading away into ruins and spirit Qi particles. The old man frowned, seeing this, and shook his head.


"I'm getting too old for this… I wish this had come earlier or perhaps even further down in the future." The old man said as he rubbed his forehead.

Done with this, The old man left his house and went to talk with a few other people. All these were the other Core condensation realm cultivators that were hiding in the village, and Lin Wu knew of them all.

"Seems like they have been acting as spies or something all this time. Also, seeing as he talked about leaving the continent, they are definitely not from here. The only question that stands is the continent that they are from.josei

Is it the Hu continent or the Gui continent?" Lin Wu wondered.

He felt like observing the old man a little more, but knew that he could not do so easily.

"Hmm… time to use that thing. This is the perfect moment to do it." Lin Wu said as he took out three disks from his storage. 

The disks were made from the free crystal like the rest of Lin Wu's body, but were finely carved with runes. They were rather small as well, with each disk being half the size of a normal gold coin.

Lin Wu held it in this tail for a few seconds and injected some spirit Qi and instructions in it before throwing the three disks out.


The disks flew out like Frisbee and disappeared in the distance. They arrived in the village a few seconds later and split apart into three Frisbees. They then quickly reached the three old spies that were there and stuck to their clothes all without them knowing. they also changed the color to become transparent making it hard to tell what they were.

"Now to see how it all goes…" Lin Wu said as he checked the map.

The Location of the Bloom was near the Tian clan's branch from what Lin Wu could see. While it was not exactly in the territory of the Tian clan, Lin Wu estimated that it was just an hour's distance from it.

"This is pretty much two birds with one stone." Lin Wu said before deciding to go to the Bloom.

Since his mission to the Tian clan wasn't exactly missions sensitive, there was no problem in him going to the Bloom site.

"Go where?" Tim questioned, seeing that they had changed the direction again.

"We might actually get to eat some new things." Lin Wu said, making the weasel beast excited.

It even sped up and took the lead.

"Where are you even going when you don't know the location?" Lin Wu said as he saw the weasel rush past him.

"Ki?" The weasel stopped and looked at him before returning to Lin Wu's side.

"That's better.." Lin Wu said before continuing toward the Bloom Site.

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