Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 621 - Into The Depths For The Flowers

Chapter 621 - Into The Depths For The Flowers


Tian Chu felt like she had no option other than to go head with Tian Han. She herself didn't want to fail an important mission like this and put a stain on her clean mission rankings.

Every clansmen had a personal record of missions and showed how many they failed and passed. The ones who had a peerless record were highly valued and would get better resources.

The ones that were at the very top would even be taken in by the main branch of the Tian clan and be nurtured there. That was the dream that every Tian clan member had, and she was no different.

In fact, the main reason behind the rivalry between Tian Han and Tian Chu was for the position of the top disciple that would be sent to the main branch. It was something that only happened once every hundred years and the time for the next selection was going to happen soon.

Both of them thus needed to accumulate as many merits as they could by completing the missions. Plus, the better the mission was, the higher the merits they would get.

It was also why Tian Chu had an argument with Tian Han about the mission to gather Fragrant Parrot Bamboo Flowers, since it was a high paying mission that gave a lot of Merits.

If one completed it with fewer people, they would get more merits. But if they completed in a group, the merits would get divided into multiple parts. Even if Tian Han and Tian Chu got higher merit share as the leaders, it was still a good chunk of merit going to others.

That was why they suppressed others from getting it and no one from the other clansmen questioned or fought for the mission. Doing so would only mean that they would get challenged to a fight that if approved, would make them lose.

Among the Tian clan rules, infighting was not allowed. But if one took the permission for a proper fight and went according to the proper procedures, they would be allowed to fight.

Disputes over the mission could often be solved like this. Plus, one could very well state that only the stronger person was suitable for the mission and thus claim their right over the missions.

Tian Han and Tian Chu were both at the Peak of the Core condensation realm, with Tian Chu being slightly behind Tian Han. This was a cultivation base that was higher than most junior members of the clan.

Only the elders would be able to contend against them, but they weren't someone that would do the missions. Tian Xiaoge used to be one of the geniuses of the clan as well and had a good cultivation base.

But instead of staying within the clan, she chose to leave and join the Frozen Cloud sect. This turned out to be in her favor and her cultivation base rose after coming in contact with Wang Xiong.

Not to mention, she was now at the Nascent soul realm as well due to the influence of Lin Wu and the inheritance of the Taiji Celestial. If she were to ever return to her clan, she would be an elder, no doubt.

But since she had left the clan and joined a sect, she would never be included in the internal matters of the clan as per the rules of the clan. Even if her talent was good, the Tian clan's main branch would not allow her to enter there.

Tian Han took the lead and guided everyone to the depths of the forest. Hours passed by before they finally entered an area they had not been in before.




Various beast sounds could be heard echoing in the forest as the group of Tian clansmen wandered around.

"Stay alert, there can be dangerous beasts hiding right around the corner." Tian Chu warned everyone.

"I hate those bird beasts. We need to keep an eye on the sky too, or a bird beast might just swoop in." A female clansman said.

"Hey! Don't say that, you'll jinx it!" Someone interrupted.

And just as he said that, another sound could be heard.


"Now look what you did…" The person said as they saw a rather large bird beast flying towards them.


The bird beast looked to be in the core condensation realm and had four wings, two beaks, and two legs. Its beaks were attached in a 'V' shape and looked rather sharp.


The bird beast swooped down onto the Tian clansmen and attacked the ones that were at the back first.

"ON GUARD!" Tian Han shouted as he took out his spirit sword.


The sword flew out at great speed and blocked the Bird beasts's descent.


The beaks and spirit sword collided, making a loud sound that felt like steel clashing against steel.

"Attack!" Tian Chu shouted and threw out her own spirit sword.

The other disciples attacked using their own skills, and soon overwhelmed the beast.


The bird beast let out an unwilling cry before it was killed and fell to the ground.

"Take its core," Tian Han ordered one of his men.

"Yes, Senior brother!" The man replied and quickly dug out the core from the bird beast's chest. 

Tian Chu and the others looked on but didn't care much about the core, since they would be getting part of the spoils in the end anyway. As per the rules, they would have to divide the spoils of the mission once they reached the clan.

"Now keep your mouth shut," Tian Han said to his companions, while glaring at the female clansman who had spoken earlier.

"Y-yes, senior brother." She replied meekly.

"You can't just stop them from speaking. You have no right to do that." Tian Chu said, not wanting to back down.

"Humph! If you want to stay alive, you will do as I say, or there will be no guarantee of you living to see the end of this mission.." Tian Han stated in a cold tone.

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