Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 623 - Crocodile Head Wolf

Chapter 623 - Crocodile Head Wolf

Lin Wu could see what Tian Han was doing and understood his plot.

"Huh, simple but decent enough." Lin Wu muttered to himself.

He watched on as Tian Han brought his companions closer to death with each step. Tian Chu had been feeling more and more anxious, but she didn't know why. Cold sweat had appeared on her back, but she was trying to keep herself calm forcefully.

'I can't falter here… why am I so afraid?' She wondered.

But a few seconds later, her fear turned out to be valid.


A bone shaking roar was heard coming from the front as a strong wind shook the bamboos and trees around them. The bamboos swayed while the ones that were at the front were directly bent enough to touch ground.

"WHAT IS THAT?" Someone questioned in alarm.

"BEAST! A NASCENT SOUL REALM BEAST!" Tian Chu's spirit sense finally discovered the spirit Qi fluctuations once she got close.

But that was not a good thing, as for her it meant she had less chance of escaping it. Her gaze went to Tian Han, who was even further than her and thus closer to the beast.

The thought of Tian Han intentionally doing this never came to her mind, as it would mean that he was putting himself in danger too. After all, he was closer to the beast than her.

'No… if he was this close, he should have detected the beast before me… why was he still moving?' Tian Chu was confused.

"Haha, time for the show to begin." Tian Han laughed to himself as he took out a paper talisman and stuck it on his chest.


The talisman ignited and let out an azure smoke. The smoke turned into six rings and attached to each of his limbs, torso and forehead. The rings lightly glowed before Tian Han's body turned translucent.


Then without speaking another word, he flew up and disappeared.

"WHAT!?" Tian Chu was astounded at this.

"SENIOR BROTHER! WHERE DID YOU GO?" The subordinates of Tian Han were confused too.

They knew that Tian Han was antagonistic towards Tian Chu, but they never expected that he would abandon them, too. 

~tch~ tch~

"Dumb guys don't even know who to trust and who not to. This is what happens when you get sheltered by a clan with weird rules." Lin Wu said.


Another roar was heard as the trees and bamboos all around them were broken. 


Three of the men that were unfortunate were directly hit by the broken trees, and one of them was impaled through the chest with a bamboo.

~thud~ thud~

Their bodies fell to the ground lifelessly as the beast finally showed its appearance.


"Crocodile head Wolf! It's a crocodile head wolf!" The Tian Clansmen shouted.

The beast in question was six meters long and two meters tall in height. It had the head of a crocodile but the body of a wolf. Its cultivation base seemed to be at the Infant Soul stage of the Nascent soul realm but the vitality exuding from him showed that it was probably stronger than that.

"Oh? That's a rather bloody aura." Lin Wu noted.

Lin Wu had seen plenty of beasts by now and but only a few of them had an aura like this. It wasn't a natural aura, but something that one gained after killing a lot of beings and being stained in their blood.

The other beasts that Lin Wu had felt this aura on were the Twin Lights Liger King, The Olive Viper King, Zhu Tianying, and the Weasel. It was an aura that was often hard to perceive because it could mix with the normal aura of the being.

Lin Wu could differentiate it easily due to his enhanced senses and the help of the system.

"S-senior sister… it's that beast… the slaughterer of the Kina village." One of the subordinates of Tian Chu said.

"How is it still alive?" 

"Yeah, didn't the elders kill it back then?" 

It was evident that there was some mystery to the beast that was hard for them to understand. But Lin Wu who heard all this, raised his brows.

"Huh? Those elders were unable to kill a beast at the Infant Soul stage? That shouldn't be possible." Lin Wu said as he gazed at the beast again.

His spirit sense rose from his body and directly probed the beast.

"So that's why… it's not that they were unable to kill an Infant Soul stage beast, but that it wasn't at the Infant Soul stage back then…" Lin Wu said as he discovered the internal injuries of the beast.

There were many injuries on the beast's dantian and meridians that showed that it had only started to recover recently. There were some scars on its body too, but they were hidden underneath its fur.


"What ever the truth may be, we now need to escape. We can't fight this thing." Tian Chu said decisively.

And just as she said this, the Crocodile head wolf pounced at them. It moved very fast despite its size and opened its jaw wide. 

"NOOO!!!!!" One of the members shouted as their body was pulled into the mouth of the beast.

They were a bit too slow to respond and were sucked in by the beast's mouth.


The beast closed its long jaw and crushed the entire body of the cultivator with ease. Its jaw was big enough to fit at least ten such bodies and swallow them at the same time. 

"NOOO!!! TIAN XUFEN!" The companion of the person that just died shouted.

But that a mistake he made as the Crocodile head wolf swiped its claws, splitting the man into four segments. The man's face was stuck in the same screaming expression as his head was separated from his body.

Tian Chu watched on in horror but also didn't stop flying. 


But all of a sudden, something appeared in front of her to block her way.


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