Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 639 - The Distressed Elders

Chapter 639 - The Distressed Elders

While Lin Wu was teaching Wang Xiong and Ye Jin in peace, someone else was currently in distress.


"T-That's what happened elder." A person spoke fearfully.

The other elders in the hall were tense as well and didn't know what to say. There was just one person who had come to deliver the report since all others were either injured or were taking care of the injured.

Elder Qianshu frowned and looked at Elder Liewei whose forehead was wrinkled and more were being added by the minute.

"Tell me everything from the start. This doesn't make sense." Elder Liewei stated.


The tired disciple took a deep breath and started his explanation again.

"We followed Wang Xiong and Ye Jin as we were ordered to, and stayed hidden. We tracked them down to a rocky hill out of the sect and found that they were actually there to find a beast." The disciple said.

"A beast? What kind of a beast?" Elder Qianshu questioned.

"At first we didn't get a proper look since we had to keep away from their sights, but we did feel the spirit qi fluctuations that came from their battle. From that we could estimate that it was a beast at the Nascent soul realm." The disciple answered.

"A beast at the nascent soul realm this close to the sect?" A brown haired elder said in confusion.

"Were there any reports of such a beast?" A female elder questioned another elder.

"No. No such report came to us in the past year. Plus, we do regular patrols in the hundred kilometer area around the sect nearly every day, thus we would have known if there was a beast as strong as that there." A short elder who only had one hand answered.

"Hmm… this means that the information about this beast was only known to the two of them… or perhaps even the Frozen Brook Division." Elder Qianshu said.

"I doubt that the entire Frozen Brook Divisions knows about it. If they did, our informants would have long since told us about it." The brown haired elder chimed in.

The elders thought for a few minutes before Elder Qianshu spoke again.

"Still, it doesn't make sense that over half of you died. For heaven's sake! You had two Nascent soul realm cultivators with you too, didn't you?" Elder Qianshu asked in an irritated tone.

"We did indeed, Elder. But… but… they were the first ones to die. They were killed in less than ten seconds as the beast directly ate one of them whole and munched away the head of the other." The disciple replied while stammering.

It was evident that it was hard for him to speak, and the whole incident was rather traumatic.

"What kind of a useless Nascent soul cultivators do we have? They can't even contend against one Nascent soul realm beast? Even if it was at the Adult Soul stages, they should have at least been able to retreat." Elder Qianshu said.

"We would have… if it was a normal situation." The disciple replied nervously.

He saw the inquiring look of Elder Qianshu and explained how they couldn't sense the cultivation base of the spirit beast and how they were caught off guard by an explosion. The explosion was the main reason why the beast was able to reach them so quickly and attack them.


"I don't know if this is our misfortune or if this was done intentionally…" Elder Liewei said.

Elder Qianshu only furrowed his brows and fiddled a bead in his hand.

"What about their skills? Did you at least get that information?" Elder Qianshu questioned.

"That we did yes!" The disciples said before handing the elder a jade slip.josei

Elder Qianshu took hold of it and quickly scanned through it. By the time he was done, his expression had eased up slightly.

"We have this as a consolation at the moment. But their skills… they are unlike what I've seen before." Elder Qianshu stated.

"Can I take a look too?" Elder Liewei asked to which he was thrown the jade slip.

After a couple of minutes, Elder Liewei's expression turned complex.

"I can identify some of the techniques as they have a base in other skill of our sect. But one thing is fore sure, they have modified them all. That Wang Xiong is using the inheritance he got in the Millennium forest to change out sect's skills." Elder Liewei spoke.

"That bastard was able to increase the power of those skills by quite a bit. Thankfully, we know about it now, or if we had to go against him directly in the future, we would have been caught in a tough situation." Elder Qianshu replied.

"Elder Qianshu is right. That man has too many secrets that we don't know of. Even after all these years, we still don't know about that strange crystal armor he used." The female disciple said in a tired tone.

"Speaking of that crystal armor… we never saw him use that again, have we?" the one armed elder asked.

"No, we haven't. At first we thought it was some kind of a technique, but after the research we did, we are sure that it is an actual spirit tool and not a construct made by a technique." The female elder replied.

"That armor can withstand and even redirect tribulation lightning, which shows that it is easily as powerful as a peak grades spirit tool. That is a very strong trump card to hide, so my question is… why did Wang Xiong not use it when he was being attacked by the beast today?" Elder Qianshu questioned.

Hearing this, all of the elders were puzzled and tried to think of an answer.

"Perhaps it has some additional cost that we don't know of?" An elder sitting at the back said.

"Hmm… that would make sense. It probably has a great cost of use that prevents Wang Xiong form using it as needed. We can add this to our records as well.." Elder Liewei agreed. 

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