Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 654 - Heading Back

Chapter 654 - Heading Back

Lin Wu and Yun Bai eventually reached the Frozen Cloud sect and stopped some distance away from it.

"Time for us to part, then. You can contact me if anything happens. Oh, and the communication jade slip should also work in the grotto now if you ever go back there." Lin Wu spoke.

The system had already figured out the formation array of the grotto enough that it could allow the communication between it and the outer world.

"Very well. I'll keep you informed." Yun Bai said before he flew towards the sect.

His figure disappeared after a certain distance and Lin Wu watched on for a minute.

"Let's hurry Tim. We have a couple of stops on our way to home as well." Lin Wu spoke as he quickly dug down.

"Hold onto my tail." Lin Wu ordered.

"Okay," Tim replied and latched onto the end of Lin Wu's tail.

Lin Wu's speed in his drill form was faster than his flying speed and since he already had the tunnel ready, he would be able to cover the distance faster. But Tim would not be able to keep up with him even if Tim had a decent digging speed too.

Thus, him holding onto Lin Wu was the better option that would save them time.

Lin Wu quickly transformed into his Drill form while letting some part of his tail more easy to hold on to for Tim. Once that was done he started to move and quickly picked up speed.


Faint tremors could be felt by some of the beast of the forest, but they didn't care much since they disappeared in a few seconds as Lin Wu went deeper. Within five hours, Lin Wu and Tim reached the first location where they wanted to take a pause.

"Hmm… this should be the area." Lin Wu muttered as he checked the map.

They were currently in a small area that was sparsely populated by short shrubs. The area had no particular name, but Lin Wu had detected a couple of Nascent soul realm beasts here.

Since he wanted there to be a quick route between the Frozen Cloud sect and the millennium forest, he had decided to remove as many problems that could prove to be an obstacle.

One such obstacle was none other than the beasts that would inhabit the areas between the two territories. 

"There they are," Lin Wu said as he found the markers on the map.


The ground started to shake as a bulge appeared in it. The soil parted before the large head of Lin Wu appeared from it.


The roar of a few beasts was heard as they warily watched the intruder.

"Come out Tim, time to hunt. Go!" Lin Wu sent out Tim.


Tim had no aversions to it and shot out eagerly. He was not one to back down from food and directly went to fight with the two Nascent soul realms beasts. Lin Wu simply watched from the back as Tim killed the beast one by one.

It took him about half an hour to do this, which was still impressive.josei



Blood Spilled as the second beast was killed, along with a few more that were caught in the impact.


Tim didn't stop a moment and directly started to eat the beasts. In just ten minutes, he had finished the two beasts along with a few more that he had killed. He became a little sluggish and Lin Wu could tell that it will take it a few hours to digest it.

"Let's continue." Lin Wu said, and Tim latched onto the tail again.

Lin Wu dug back into the ground and continued his journey. Four more hours passed before Lin Wu entered the area that he was looking forward to.

"There's the big guy…" Lin Wu said as he saw the large marker on the map along with a few words floating above it. "The Four Winged Guna Griffin…" 

This was the Dao Shell realm Beast Lin Wu had encountered a while ago when he was coming to the Frozen Cloud sect. He had ignored it back then since he was in a bit of a hurry, but now he had the chance to kill it.

'It's surrounded by its kin,' Lin Wu thought as he saw the markers.

There was a large marker along with seven smaller markers. The large marker was the Dao Shell realm Four Winged Guna Griffin, while the others were at the Nascent soul realm.

"It's a strong lineup…" Lin Wu muttered.

If it were anywhere else, such a combination of experts would be enough to cause a lot of havoc. It there was someone in the human kingdoms like this, that kingdom would elevate its power.

Even a single Nascent soul realm expert was enough to be a strong backing not to mention several of them on top of a Dao Shell realm one. 

"Will have to plan a bit…" Lin Wu muttered to himself as he thought of some strategies.

He had already battled against Yun Bai, who could be said to be very close to the Dao Treading realm, and had come out as equal in the end. Thus, Lin Mu was not afraid of losing against the Four Winged Guna Griffin.

'A battle is not the issue, but the commotion caused by the battle might be a problem. We want to keep things unnoticed for the most part. Even if this area of the Guna plains does not get much traffic, there is still bound to be people that will notice.' Lin Wu thought to himself.

He also reckoned that the seven Nascent soul realm Four Winged Guna Griffins might be a bit of a bother while fighting the Dao Shell realm one.

"Let's get some more information first." Lin Wu said as he ordered, "scan the beast's cultivation base system."




SCAN COMPLETED: Target Identified.

TARGET: Four Winged Guna Griffin

CULTIVATION BASE: Shell Genesis Stage of the Dao Shell realm


"That's doable…"

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