Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 659 - Efficacy Of The Numbing Poison

Chapter 659 - Efficacy Of The Numbing Poison

The rate that Lin Wu had calculated was of course, a conservative estimate. He would have other ways of increasing his speed, including the consumption of other spirit herbs and materials during this time.

He might even be killing some humans and consuming them, so the numbers should be increasing more.

'Not to mention, I have more than just one Dao Shell… the other one will need to be nurtured as well later on.' Lin Wu thought.

His avatar was part of the equation as well, but thankfully, it could cultivate on its own as well. Though this was where he would have to divide the resources he had, since he would have to choose between the two bodies to use them.

Hours passed by like this as Lin Wu continued thinking of his future plans while cultivating.


Finally, sixteen hours later, Lin Wu could feel some movement near him. 

He opened his eyes and saw that the legs of the Dao Shell realm Four Winged Guna Griffin were trembling.

'Is this the limit of the poison?' Lin Wu wondered and observed it for longer.

With each passing hour, the trembling of the beast was getting intense. It looked like the muscles were spasming at once, but after an entire twenty two hours had passed, Lin Wu saw the leg properly moving.

"That should be it." Lin Wu said as he let the system scan the beast.



NOTIFICATION: Scanning target

SCAN COMPLETED: Numbing Poison concentration in the body has fallen to 50% of the original dose.

NOTIFICATION: Half life of the Numbing Poison is approximately 22 hours, 14 minutes for Dao Shell realm beast at the Shell Genesis stage.josei


"That's good to know. Once I get the estimate from the other Four Winged Guna Griffins the system should be able to extrapolate the other details." Lin Wu muttered as he moved to kill the beast.


Two stabs were all it took to end the life of the beast; one to the head and one to the Dantian. The Nascent soul of the Four Winged Guna Griffins was exterminated directly and the Dao Shell started to collapse as well.

"Best store it before it loses the spirit Qi." Lin Wu said before putting it away in the system storage.

Once that was done, he went to observe the other Four Winged Guna Griffins.

Thirty eight hours passed before he saw the same series of events in one of the Four Winged Guna Griffins that was at the Adult Soul Stage of the Nascent soul realm. 



NOTIFICATION: Scanning target

SCAN COMPLETED: Numbing Poison concentration in the body has fallen to 50% of the original dose.

NOTIFICATION: Half life of the Numbing Poison is approximately 38 hours, 9 minutes for Nascent soul realm beast at the Adult Soul stage.



Lin Wu immediately killed the beast after that and stored it in the system's storage. He went back to observing the remaining four beasts and got all of their half lives in the coming twelve hours.

As he had expected, the longest half life was for the Four Winged Guna Griffin that was at the Infant Soul stage of the Nascent soul realm. The system gathered this data and quickly got to analyzing it.

An hour later, Lin Wu had the initial estimates of the system

"Oh? A Shell Completion Stage Dao Shell realm beast would only stay paralyzed for 12 hours while the Shell Expansion Stage Dao Shell realm would stay paralyzed for a little over an hour." Lin Wu read.

The decrease was rather drastic, though Lin Wu understood that it might be due to the exponentially increasing amount of spirit Qi that the creature would have at those stages. This would allow them to resist it better and eliminate it as well.

Though when he saw the estimate for the Dao Treading realm beast, he was even more surprised.

"Why's the half life like this?" Lin Wu questioned as he read it.

'Half Life = [1 hour, 19 minutes + (Dao Embryo type and physique variables)]'

The basic half life was the same as that of the Shell Expansion stage of the Dao Shell realm, but the addition of the unwritten variable was confusing.



ANSWER: In the case of Dao Treading realm creatures, the half life will greatly vary depending on the type of Dao Embryo they have and their physique as well. Ones with greater resistance to such things will be able to shorten the half life.

This did not apply in the creatures below Dao Treading realm is because the host is at the cultivation realm as well. As long as the cultivation base of the creatures does not exceed the host's own by an entire realm, their physiques should not matter.

Though there are always exceptions and the system will need more data to analyze further.


"So it's like this… I'll keep that in mind." Lin Wu nodded to himself.

He stored the last corpse in the system storage and decided that it was time to leave now. He dug back down into the cave he had made, and saw that Tim was still deep in sleep.

"That meal must have filled him up pretty good. Though he should wake up soon." Lin Wu reckoned.

He clasped the beast with his tail by transformation it around him so that he would still be able to use his drill form with no problems and continued his journey. 

After hunting the Four Winged Guna Griffins, Lin Wu only stopped twice. Once was to kill a Nascent soul realm beast that lived underground as well and another that lived in a lake that was in his way.

The beast that lived underground was a massive mouse and the one that lived in a lake was a fish beast. Both were killed quickly by Lin Wu to ensure there would be no problems in the future and he stored them away.

By the time it was afternoon, Lin Wu was at the periphery of the Millennium forest.


"Finally, I'm back…"

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