Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 662 - A Meeting With The Beasts

Chapter 662 - A Meeting With The Beasts

Once Lin Wu was done checking in with the Avatar, he looked up how the other servants and subordinates of his were doing.


Multiple monitoring windows appeared in front of him, showing him the status of all the others.

Most of his servants that were not in the tomb were making their way towards it, while the ones that were already, teleported to the main hall where he had the meetings. Right now, there were only the beasts there though.

Lin Wu had not asked the humans since they were still in seclusion. 

'Hmm… both of them are close to a breakthrough…' Lin Wu thought.

Tian Xiaoge was almost at the edge of a breakthrough and would probably have her heavenly tribulation in the coming week. Pei Jun on the other hand was about to reach the Child Soul stage of the Nascent soul realm.

While he was not in the same sensitive situation as Tian Xiaoge, Lin Wu didn't think it was needed to call him in as well. 

"They will understand the information more quickly anyways. It's the beasts that need more explanations." Lin Wu said before waiting a bit more.

About five minutes later, everyone had gathered in the hall and seemed to be ready.

"Time to meet them…" Lin Wu said before he teleported in.


His body disappeared in a flash of runes and reappeared in front of all the beasts. His servants and beast subordinates looked on in anticipation, wondering what Lin Wu had called them here for.

"King Lin Wu, Greetings." The former kings greeted.

Even the Twin Lights Liger King did the same and even seemed to be more respectful than before. The other kings noticed this and were a bit surprised. But after a few seconds understood that if Lin Wu had managed to make him his subordinates as well, it meant the Liger king was already subdued.

"Welcome, everyone. Today I have called you here to tell you about some developments that have taken place." Lin Wu spoke.

"What are they, King?" The Beetle King questioned.

"Well, for starters… we have a few allies now." Lin Wu answered.

"Oh? Who are they?" The Emeraldine Horn Beetle asked.

"The first would be the Frozen Cloud sect." Lin Wu replied.

"The human sect?" The beasts were surprised.

"Yes… well, at least they will be our complete allies once a few things are sorted out." Lin Wu added.

"But among them, we have a very strong ally. You all have met him before too." Lin Wu spoke.

"We've met him?" The sparrow beast wondered who might it be.

There weren't that many strong beasts they all had seen and if Lin Wu said they were an 'ally' and not a subordinate, it meant that they had a relatively high status too. The Slim Arm ape king thought over it and could only think of one answer for this.

"Is it… that Demon beast? The one that saved us when the Southern Tusk tapirs and their king attacked?" The Slim Arm Ape King questioned.

"Indeed. That is Yun Bai, the Frost Fox clan patriarch, and also the guardian of the Frozen Cloud sect." Lin Wu answered.


The beasts couldn't help but take in deep breaths after hearing this. Most of them had witnessed the might of Yun Bai and the ease with which he had killed a Dao Shell realm beast had stunned them. 

The Twin Lights Liger King had not seen Yun Bai and neither did he know who he was, but what he did know of was the strong spirit Qi fluctuations that he felt on the day of the battle.

He could tell that those were not of just any being and whoever they belonged to must have been very strong. 

"He will be our main backing from the frozen Cloud sect for now, but additionally the current chief disciple of the Frozen Cloud sect is also a subordinate of mine. There are some conflicts going on in the sect, but once they are resolved, the position of Wang Xiong will be all but assured.

Once that happens, we will basically have the full backing the sect." Lin Wu explained.

Hearing this, the beasts were stunned. They had just gained another expert that was on the same level as that of Lin Wu now. It made them feel a bit pressured, but also safe at the same time.

"My King, your words implied there were more allies. Who are they?" this time it was the Demon Spine Ape King that asked.

Lin Wu was a bit surprised seeing the tone and choice of words that the beast had used.

'He's getting his temper in control?' Lin Wu wondered.

"Yes there are more. While they are weak right now, they might have the potential to be a very strong ally later on." Lin Wu spoke. "They are related to someone you know as well, Slim Arm Ape King."

Hearing this, the Slim Arm Ape King raised his brows.

"Who might that be?" he questioned.

"Someone from the Tian clan." Lin Wu answered, stunning the beast.

"R-really?" he asked.

"Yes. While they are part of a Tian Clan branch, they have the potential to enter the main branch. Plus since they have chosen to become my servants as well, if they succeed in their endeavor, we might have the Tian clan with us in the future." Lin Wu said contently.

"H-how did you meet them?" The Slim Arm ape couldn't help but ask.

"Well… I visited the Tian clan's branch. The one that Tian Xiaoge is a member of." Lin Wu replied.

The beasts already knew of the humans that were being trained by the 'Monk'ey beast and how they had become subordinates of Lin Wu. Of those, there were two that were currently cultivating in the tomb.

While the other kings had not seen them nor met with them, they did learn more from Lin Wu's servants. Plus, since Pei Jun was a nascent soul realm expert as well, they did feel like they needed to know more about them.

Just being at the Nascent soul realm made Pei Jun be on the same status as some of them. Plus, they didn't want to be pushed back by some human and hurt their pride as beasts either.

"Ah! Speaking of the Tian clan… you've been to their main branch in the past, haven't you?" Lin Wu asked.

"Y-yes. I have a couple of times." The Slim Arm Ape King replied.

"Then, can you tell me if you know anything about these few things?" Lin Wu questioned before showing him the things he had taken from Tian Han.


The spirit Qi fluctuations coming from the spirit tools could be felt by the beasts and they were a bit surprised, as one of them was quite strong. The sword with the power of a Dao Shell realm expert was taken by Lin Wu as well, and he knew that there was probably some secret hidden in it.

'There's no way someone would just leave it for him for no reason. There is bound to be someone pulling the strings and playing some game.' Lin Wu thought.

The Slim Arm Ape King carefully looked through the different spirit tools.

"I can't really tell what some of these are, but they look like normal human spirit tools… but these two… they are different." He finally spoke.

"Oh? How so?" Lin Wu questioned.

The two spirit tools that the Slim Arm Ape King had picked out were the Aural Exposure Hoop and the sword with the Dao Shell realm power.josei

"I've seen this hoop spirit tool before. My master used to have one a long time ago as well. I think it's one of the spirit tools that the clan makes." The Slim Arm Ape spoke. "But this one… the small sword… I know the symbol on it." He added.

"You know?" Lin Wu questioned.

"Yes… My master spoke of it once. His clan has had a lot of experts, but they didn't really appear in the secular world as per their clan traditions. But there are always a few that do not want to follow that and reject the rules.

Those that do this are often punished, depending on how severe their crime was. Most of the time, it is the weaker members that do this since they feel that they are being pressured by the clan. 

But there are a few that are not weak… it is these ones that the clan has a hard time dealing with." The Slim Arm Ape King answered.

Lin Wu was intrigued by this and wanted to know more.

"Explain to me in detail, all that you know." Lin Wu ordered.

"Of course," The Slim Arm Ape King said before taking a deep breath. 

The beasts could feel slight nervousness in the Slim Arm Ape King's voice and even his aura seemed to be a bit different. It made them wonder what was so different about this information, too.

"As I said, there were always some that want to oppose the clan and do not want to follow the rules about them having to hide. The ones that do this often have great ambitions and want to gain a place in the world.

Even if they would lack the resources that they can get in the clan, they still go out. Most of them are pulled back to the clan and punished. My master was one of them as well. But then he managed to get the permission to leave the clan since he was going to die anyway.

But not all of them are punished. Some of them manage to evade the clan and escape. Of course, this is just temporary and if they prove to be too much, the Strong elders of the clan themselves will go and catch them.

They are at the Dao Treading realm and are enough to deal with most troubles. There are even those at the Immortal Ascension realm, but they don't appear most of the time. Especially not for matters such as this.

Though there was an exception… one of the disciples of the sect managed to escape that was not weak. He was in fact said to be the most talented disciple of the Tian clan. So much so that the clan even wondered if he would be the one that might lead the clan to fulfilling the founders' prophecy.

But all that was for naught, as he was not exactly as prophesied. This of course, greatly brothered him since his status was greatly elevated before being lowered once the requirements were not met.

It angered him to no end, and he rebelled. Leaving with a few of his most loyal followers he hid for years. The clan tried to find him but it was very difficult. He was after all, the most talented member and had access to a lot of resources.

He had taken a significant number of them from the clan before leaving as well. Additionally, he had participated in the catching of other clan members who had escaped in the past and had experience with it all.

He knew how the clan worked and what their tactics were. This gave him an edge that the others did not have and he evaded them for years.

The clan always kept an eye out for him and his followers, ready to act even if it meant that a part of their power would be exposed to the world. The man was basically gunpowder that could explode at any moment and reveal their legacy to the world.

They definitely did not want that.

Finally, after many years of search, they found traces of him and went out to catch him. This time the Immortal Ascension realm ancestor of the sect made and exception and comae out himself to subjugate the man.

No one know's exactly what happened after that, but the accepted result is that the former clan member was killed." The Slim Arm Ape King explained in detail.

"But that's not all, is it?" 

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