Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 672 - The Weasel's Awakening

Chapter 672 - The Weasel's Awakening


A strange rumbling sound spread throughout the tomb, as all the formation arrays reacted.

Even Lin Wu who was deep in cultivation, was woken up and felt a little dazed.

"Huh? Wha…" Lin Wu muttered in confusion and looked around.

Walking up from a state like that was similar to being waken up in the middle of deep sleep and the side effects were similar. Though for Lin Wu, the system acted quickly and updated him about what was happening.


Tens of windows popped up in front of him one by one, as notification went off like bells in his ears.

"Its barely been over a month and what the hell is happening?" Lin Wu said out loud.

He learned of the chaos of the forest which was soon quelled and the Dao Shell realm fluctuations that were felt.

"Do a total scan of the forest, NOW!" Lin Wu ordered.




MASS SCAN: Selected

SCANNING: The Millennium forest- please wait a moment…


NOTIFICATION: New Dao Shell realm signature detected.

WARNING: Anomaly detected in the tomb!


Lin Wu's mind worked quickly as he went through all the things and checked the map.

"So the Twin Lights Liger King finally broke through, huh… Will need to see him. But before that… what is this anomaly?" Lin Wu said as he saw the flashing marker on map.

Pulling up the tomb's map overlay, Lin Wu soon found the location where the anomaly was and it was very well known to him.

"Of course it's him." Lin Wu said while face-palming… well face-tailing to be accurate.

Lin Wu could feel that the formation arrays of the tomb were agitated and some of the defensive ones were activated as well. They weren't something that should normally activate since they were inside the tomb.

This was only possible if the threat was inside the tomb. If it was external, the tomb would haven been able to bear attacks as strong as that of a Dao Treading realm creature or perhaps even above in certain condition.

But for now, Lin Wu needed to deal with it.


Runes appeared around Lin Wu as he quickly teleported into the hall where he had left Tim in.


In there, Lin Wu could feel pulses of energy shooting out from Tim. He still seemed to have his eyes closed, but Lin Wu knew he was not awake.

"Tim! Can you hear me?" Lin Wu called out.

But Tim gave him no response and simply stayed as he was. His body was tensed up and his fur was standing on its end, giving him a spiky appearance like that of a hedgehog.

"System, what are these energy pulses?" Lin Wu questioned.



ANSWER: According to the system's analysis, these pulses are different from the spirit Qi and vital energy, currently being unique to Tim the Myriad Obsidian Weasel. The system has no reference for them and can only estimate that they are increasing in response to the beast's increasing power.


Hearing this, Lin Wu furrowed his brows as a few ideas appeared in his mind.

'Is it time for his breakthrough already?' Lin Wu wondered.

He looked towards Tim and furrowed his brows before extending his spirit sense.


The spirit sense soared through the air and headed towards Tim, but just as it was about to get within five meters of him, a wave of energy hit it.


Like a bubble being blown back, Lin Wu's spirit sense was deflected.

"What?!" Lin Wu exclaimed in shock.

Thinking that he might have made a mistake, Lin Wu tried to use his spirit sense again, this time even going so far as to increase the power by twice.


But the result repeated, and Lin Wu's spirit sense was dissipated before that. This made Lin Wu's face drop as not only had he lost a part of his spirit sense that he'll need to refine again, he was now facing something that he might actually not be able to deal with easily.

"Before just his skin was impossible to penetrate and now I can't even get within a certain range. Whatever is happening to him, it is certainly unique." Lin Wu muttered to himself.

After saying this, Lin Wu watched Tim for a few seconds before looking for other solution.

"System, can you scan him?" Lin Wu questioned.



ANSWER: The energy pulses are functioning as a restrictive field and the system cannot analyze it thus.josei


"Drat! Will need to figure out what this exactly is, and if it is a problem or not." Lin Wu said as he hurriedly thought of things. 

Since he couldn't touch or get near with his spirit sense and the system was in the same state, Lin Wu thought of taking advantage of an alternative method. He looked at the many formation arrays that were flickering and an idea appeared in his mind.

"System, use the formation arrays as an auxiliary monitoring formation arrays and see if you can figure out what the problem is." Lin Wu ordered.

To him, it was evident that the entire formation array of the tomb was being forced by the energy of Tim to act, but what he didn't know was the other effects of it.


Under the control of the system, the formations started to change their patterns and a few circles made of runes came out from below. These circles rose to the body of Tim and did what they were supposed to.


But after just five seconds, a crack appeared on the circle.

"This won't work either…" Lin Wu said, feeling a bit disappointed.

Lin Wu tried to use a few more methods that were devised by the system, but all of them failed. It was as if, Tim was the bane of it all and nothing could affect him. It was something familiar to Lin Wu, as even he could do the same.

Though the requirements for it would be vastly different.

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