Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 678 - An Old Couple

Chapter 678 - An Old Couple

Lin Wu still found it hard to believe all that had happened.

But looking at Tim who seemed to be confused, made him confirm that fact that it was indeed all true.

'What are you Tim?' Lin Wu couldn't help but question himself.

He was certain that there was a great secret behind Tim's origin, especially considering the voice that had told him to take care of him. Lin Wu used his spirit sense to check Tim's cultivation base and found that he was actually at the same level as him in a way.


"Seems like I'll need to hurry up." Lin Wu muttered to himself as he approached Tim.

"Happened what?" Tim asked.

"You broke through." Lin Wu replied.

"Me breakthrough?" Tim said in a confused tone until he checked his own strength. "ME STRONG!!!!" Tim said out loud.

The Dao Shell above his head thrummed with power before turning illusory and disappearing into his body. 

"Now, now. Don't get too excited. We have a lot of things to do with the mess that has been made." Lin Wu lightly scolded.

"Okay…" Tim responded, calming down.

'At least he still obeys. But I doubt he will do the same once he gets used to his new strength.' Lin Wu thought to himself.

With this done, Lin Wu sent messages to all of his servants and subordinates to return. There were a lot of things they needed to get in order and the system needed to fix the damages to the tomb as well.

Lin Wu knew that the coming few days were going to be long and tiring. But what he didn't know was the fact that the entire series of events in the Millennium forest had sent far reaching waves in the world.


Several hours ago…

There existed a large palace in the northern part of the Long Continent. Very few people knew of its location and even lesser knew who lived there. The area around the place was filled with trees and hills, with the place being hidden between the hills.

If one went beyond the hills, they would find it impossible to spot the palace as it would be perfectly hidden within the hills. But that was not all as a great formation array too protected it and kept it hidden.

At the top of the palace, one could see a large statue of a beast wrapping around the roof. The beast looked like a long serpent with four legs and a gaping maw filled with hundreds of teeth.

Each of its legs had three sharp claws and were grasping at the four corners of the roof. There were long whiskers on the face of the beast and two horns that stood at the top of its head.

The beast was staring at the sky, as if watching over any danger that may come.

Currently within this place, a pair of old man and woman were sitting. Their appearance could be compared to that of a hundred year old mortal and their hair was a bleached white.

Their faces were filled with wrinkled upon wrinkles and their eyes could almost not be seen due to the wrinkles hiding them. 

If anyone saw these two outside, they would think that they were almost dead. They were sitting on two thrones that were encrusted with various jewels and had the same serpentine beast wrapping around its back and raising its head on the top.

The two of them were sitting unmoving, as if they were statues, too. If it were not for the faint breathing that could be seen from their moving chests, one would think that they had died already.

The peace of the old couple was broken by an invisible wave of energy that reached them.


All of a sudden, the two of them let out loud coughs and spat out blood.

The blood sprayed a long distance, almost reaching ten meters in distance at once. At the same time, spirit Qi started spreading chaotically from the two of them.

"WHO?!" The old man questioned as he tried to get a grasp of his breath.

"Not who… What…" The old woman said as she too tried to calm her spirit Qi that was going crazy.

The two of them ate a few pills before finally managing to calm down.

"How can this be possible?" The old man questioned, confusion visible on his face.

"We cannot tell… we will have to find it… no… We NEED to find it." The old woman answered.

"I always thought the day would come… but never thought it would come during our generation…" The old man said with a hint of longing.

"Now is not the time for that… we need to tell the clan." The old woman replied.

"Hmm... You're right, my wife." The old man nodded his head and sent a small pulse of spirit Qi.

The spirit Qi moved like lightning through the air and disappeared into the distance. 


Within five minutes, strong spirit Qi fluctuations could be felt coming from the distance, the weakest being at the Dao Treading realm!

"ANCESTORS!" Several concerned voices called out loud.


Thirty cultivators landed in front of the palace as they quickly made their way to the main hall where the old couple was sitting. It could be seen that the palace was empty and devoid of people other than the old couple.

Yet even then, there was not a mote of dust in the palace and everything was immaculately clean, as if servants cleaned it non stop.


The doors of the hall opened as the thirty cultivators came to kneel in front of the old couple.josei

"What are your orders, O' great ancestors!" The man kneeling at the very front asked.

If one felt the spirit Qi fluctuations coming from the man, they would be astounded to find that they were stronger than the Dao Treading realm!

Seeing an expert at the Immortal Ascension realm kneeling to someone was a scene that would be unbelievable for most.

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