Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 690 - Nice X10

Chapter 690 - Nice X10

Lin Wu, Tim and the Twin Lights Liger King were currently making their way towards the Frozen Cloud sect.

Lin Wu had given several different instructions to his subordinates, each having several duties. He knew that they were going to be of other uses, even if he was not taking them to the Frozen Cloud sect.

The Millennium forest would be having a change in its image, in the coming time and Lin Wu wants dot be prepared for that. And the way to do that was to have his subordinates ready for anything.

Thus Lin Wu gave them orders to prepare for a few things that might happen in the future possibly.

'If all goes well… I might be able to create a new identity for the millennium forest.' Lin Wu thought to himself as he flew.

The map updated in real time and pointed out the different markers on it. Most of them were hidden away by the filters Lin Wu had set and only the most important ones were currently being shown.

"How far is the Frozen Cloud sect, exactly?" The Twin Lights Liger King asked, feeling curious.

"At our speed, we should reach it in less than a day." Lin Wu answered. 

Though if he were to use his drill form, he would be even faster and would be able to cover a long distance with ease. After all, he had already removed most of the obstacles that would block him usually.

"I thought it was farther than that?" The Twin Lights Liger king questioned.

"It would be if we used the route the humans use. But I eradicated the beasts that would trouble us and charted a route around the more troubling areas." Lin Wu answered.

"I see… so we just have a straight path to follow?" The Twin Lights Liger king asked.

"Pretty much.  There were a couple of Dao Shell realm beasts, that were the main problem, but they don't exist anymore. As for the others, they are too weak and won't dare to come near us." Lin Wu replied.

"Hmm, that's convenient." The Twin Lights Liger king spoke.

"Oh wait, there is something we need to avoid; the human cities and other settlements. There are a few that come along the way." Lin Wu added.

Though what he didn't tell the Twin Lights Liger king was that if he were to follow the underground path, Lin Wu could pretty much ignore them as well. 

'Hmm, underground paths are truly the best. At least no one thinks twice about it, whereas for skies, the cultivators will watch out.' Lin Wu thought to himself.

The Twin Lights Liger king simply nodded his head and continued to fly. He had originally come from the northern part of the Long continent thus didn't know much about this part of the region.

After all, he had been unable to leave the millennium forest ever since he became the ruler and was bound to the formation array of the Millennium forest as one of the pillars that sealed the being.

Their journey was uneventful, with there being no unexpected attacks or surprises. The beasts that encountered them directly ran away. After all, there were few beasts that would dare to go against three Dao Shell realm beasts.

Even a Dao Treading realm beast might have to think twice before picking a fight. Additionally, the beasts who were more sensitive to the bloodlines would feel the pressure coming from the three as well.

They were no average beasts after all, with Tim being a literal mystery right now. 

By the time morning arrived, Lin Wu and his team had reached the official boundary of the Frozen Cloud sect. This was the extended one hundred kilometer area that surrounded it.

Lin Wu had once spent some time here and captured a Frozen Cloud sect disciples for his access token. Since they were not yet in the actual sect itself, they had no problems. Plus, the reduced traffic from the sect disciples also made it so that they were unnoticed.

"Wait here, I need to do something first." Lin Wu ordered.

The two beasts slowed down and landed behind a hill. 


Radiation spread out from Lin Wu's body before surrounding The Twin Lights Liger king and Tim. Since Lin Wu had already implanted the Emeraldine Legion bloodline in the Twin Lights Liger king, he wasn't really affected by the radiation anymore.

Though him being able to use it was not possible. None of the beasts that were under Lin Wu could actually use it. This was something that had surprised Lin Wu, as he had thought they would be able to use it eventually as well.

But that seemed to be not possible for now. Though Lin Wu did have hopes for the Juvenile Club tailed lizards. They were yet to grow and they did have the same bloodline as Lin Wu, even if it was a partial one.

The Twin Lights Liger king felt the radiation surrounding him like a veil and found it to be strange. This was not his first time seeing it, but it was still a confusing thing for him.

'Just how does he do this and what kind of an energy is this?' The Twin Lights Liger king wondered.

He could tell that it wasn't any type of a spirit Qi and must be some other kind of an energy. After all, there were numerous types of energies in the world, spirit Qi and vital energy being just two of them.josei

"There we go. This should prevent others from noticing us easily. Additionally, it will stop the detections probes of the formation arrays." Lin Wu spoke.

Tim didn't need it technically since his body was able to naturally stop spirit Qi but Lin Wu did it anyway.

'There are always some other spirit tools and formations with different methods of detection.' Lin Wu thought to himself.

Being prepared for a tough situation was nicer than being ignorant, after all.

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