Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 710 - The Supreme Elder Awakens!

Chapter 710 - The Supreme Elder Awakens!


While Lin Wu was giving Tian Chu a reward and fulfilling her wish, something else was happening deep in the Frozen Cloud sect.

In a peak separate from the others in the Frozen Cliff Division, a man was cultivating. He was sitting in a small hall, that was located inside the peak. The peak itself wasn't that big, and could even be said to be merely a hill.

From the outside, it looked nothing significant and if someone passed by it, they won't even find it special. There was no spirit Qi fluctuations coming from it that might interest someone or make them think that it held a great secret.

But if one entered its depths, they would find that its outer appearance was a mere facade. The inside of it was filled with a massive amount of spirit Qi and below it, one could even find a spirit stone mine!

There were several spirit Qi gathering and amplifying runes carved in the hall and made up a formation array that was perfect for someone cultivating in seclusion.

And the one taking benefit of this all was an old man. He looked to be in his nineties and had white hair. Though half of his hair was gone and he was balding too. His eyebrows were already gone and he only had a beard left on his face that was tied into a knot.

Corporeal spirit Qi swirled around him as he breathed and entered his body each time he inhaled.

The old man had his eyes closed the entire time and who knows how long he had been like this. 


But then the sound of something shattering could be heard. The sound echoed in the empty hall that was illuminated with the glow of spirit Qi and runes. The old man inadvertently opened his eyes, finding it distracting.

His eyes looked down at his left hand lazily at the bracelet with a single bead that was now cracked. But then in the very next second, his eyes went wide. Blood flowed into his eyes and soon they turned bloodshot.


Chilling air leaked out from his body and the entire hall was covered with frost. Not just that, but the frost was strong enough to leak through the formations arrays of the hill and freeze the entire thing solid.

Almost a minute later, the old man's lips moved.

"WHOOOOOOOOOO DARESSSSSSSS!!!!!" A earth shaking shout filled with sorrow and rage was heard.

The entire hill shook and the sound spread around the entire Frozen Cloud sect. Even Wang Xiong who was in the Frozen Brook Division and protected by the defensive formation array heard it.

"What was that?" Ye Jin asked, feeling the hair on the back of her neck stand.

Goosebumps appeared on several disciples' bodies and an unsettling chill started to spread in the sect.

Wang Xiong who recognized the voice had a serious expression on his face.

"The Supreme elder…" He answered.



"AHH!" Ye Jin cried out in shock as the ground shook. 

"Careful!" Wang Xiong pulled Ye Jin back as a pillar suddenly collapsed where she was standing just now.

"W-what happened?" the other disciples rushed into the hall hearing the cry and the sound of the fallen pillar.

Wang Xiong looked at them and replied in a grave tone, "be prepared… we are at the end. Get everyone ready to act, this will be our final push." 

"As you command chief disciples Wang Xiong!" The disciples replied with their fists cupped.

They quickly left to do their assigned task while Wang Xiong looked out at the sect. There was a large mass of snow that had been shot up into the sky and looked like a large spout of smoke rising into the sky.

Wang Xiong narrowed his eyes and rubbed the jade slip in his hand.

"He is coming, senior…" 


The explosion was even louder than the shout before and could be seen from almost everywhere in the sect. It was different than a normal explosion in which one might see flames and fire.

In this explosion, there was a burst of Frosty air that spread everywhere. Snow started to fall from the sky and soon turned into a blizzard. And along with all this, strong spirit Qi fluctuation spread to the very edges of the sect.

They were strong enough that the weaker disciples that were at the Qi refining realm directly fell to the ground. 


Tian Han who was pondering to himself was rudely shaken and fell to the side from the explosion and the shout. 

"What the hell was that?" Tian Chu asked feeling the power in the air.

"Not what… who…" Lin Wu replied as he looked at the warnings that were popping up in front of him one after the other.




WARNING: Dangerous subjects detected!



TARGET IDENTIFIED: The Supreme elder of the Frozen Cloud sect

CULTIVATION BASE: Dao Treading Realm

Note: Exact stage under the Dao Treading Realm is unknown!


Seeing the window Lin Wu's expression turned serious. His toothy smile disappeared and a stern face spread instead.

"Tian Chu, Tian Han! Get away from here!" Lin Wu ordered.

"Right away master!" Tian Chu replied.

"Wait for a second! What is happening? Who was that?" Tian Han asked finding it all a bit too overwhelming.

Today was possibly the worst day of his life and he had been going through one twist after the other and they never seemed to be ending.

"Seems like the final big shot is coming." Lin Wu answered. "Now that the son is dead, the father has to take revenge." 

Hearing this Tian Chu and Tian Han understood who Lin Wu was talking about.

"FUCK THAT! I'm outta here!" Tian Han flew away at a rapid speed, unaware that his control over his cultivation base had improved even more.

"Wait for me!" Tian Chu said, following behind Tian Han, unable to keep up with his new speed.

Lin Wu looked at the map and saw the rapidly approaching marker.

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