Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 731 - Kentucky Fried Dao Treading Realm Supreme Elder

Chapter 731 - Kentucky Fried Dao Treading Realm Supreme Elder


While waiting for dinner time, Lin Wu decided to check up on two of the other human subordinates he had. They had been in the tomb for a while now and had been cultivating in seclusion this entire time.

'Tian Xiaoge is important too now. With her involvement in the Frozen Cloud sect and the Tian clan, it might be good to pay some attention to her as well.' Lin Wu thought to himself.

"System, show me Tian Xiaoge and Pei Jun." Lin Wu ordered.




1. Pei Jun

Cultivation Base: Infant Soul Stage of the Nascent Soul realm

Functions available: a. Communication 

b. Detonate


2. Tian Xiaoge 

Cultivation Base: Pseudo Nascent Soul realm

Functions available: a. Communication 

b. Detonate


Two windows appeared in front of him and let him observe the two humans. They looked to be in the same state as the last time he saw them and were cultivating diligently. Waves of spirit Qi spun around them rhythmically and were steadily absorbed into their bodies.

"Oh? They are close to a breakthrough, too. Pei Jun should reach the Child Soul stage in a month or so while Tian Xiaoge is about to reach the Nascent soul realm." Lin Wu muttered.


He teleported to the hall where Tian Xiaoge was sitting, wanting to check her in person.

'Just as I thought… there are already signs of the Heavenly Tribulation around her. How long will this be? A week or maybe ten days from now…' Lin Wu estimated.

He looked at the faint spatial fluctuations that could only be felt once it was observed in detail and could tell that they were getting stronger bit by bit. Having confirmed this, Lin Wu teleported back to his hall without Tian Xiaoge even knowing he was there.

"Hmm… now that I think of it… Tian Xiaoge will be the second one to breakthrough after learning the Taiji Refinement Scripture. No, wait… She will actually be the first one. I initiated the breakthrough for Wang Xiong and even helped him directly. 

So he is not the 'proper' subject for it, I guess. And Pei Jun doesn't even count since he was in the Nascent soul realm even before that." Lin Wu muttered.

He thought over it for a bit before giving the system some orders. They mainly were to keep an eye on Tian Xiaoge and to get the Tribulation attenuation formation array ready. Lin Wu didn't know what kind of phenomena would appear with Tian Xiaoge but he just hoped it won't be anything dramatic.

'The last thing I want is a repeat of last time…' Lin Wu thought, recalling the breakthrough of the Twin Lights Liger King and Tim.

They were still recovering from the aftermath of that, and it cost them quite a bit. 

Though Lin Wu wasn't worried about Pei Jun's breakthrough, as it was just a minor breakthrough within the realm. It won't cause any phenomenon and should just be smooth. It was the least troublesome breakthrough quite likely.

Lin Wu continued to check on all his subordinates and servants, observing what their state of cultivation was. Other than these two, there was no one else that was close to a breakthrough for now.

And just like this, enough time passed.


"Master, the Dinner is ready!" The voice of a monkey beast could be heard as it appeared at the end of the hall.

"Perfect timing." Lin Wu said and went along with the beast.

Well, it was just teleporting, though.

The two of them appeared in the dining hall where a vast plethora of dishes were letting of steam.

"Oh boy, this is gonna be good." Lin Wu couldn't help but say.

"The main highlight is being brought as we speak." The monkey beast said.


And just as he did, the doors of the dining hall opened as the Leader of the Emeraldine Monkeys appeared. He held a large platter in his hand, which held golden brown chunks kept on it.

They let off faint steam as a tantalizing aroma emanated from it.

"There it is!" Lin Wu said with excitement.

The platter was set down at the very center of the dishes before the Emeraldine Monkey waved his hand.

"Please begin, My king. I hope you will like what we made." He said.

"With pleasure." Lin Wu said as he extended his tail.

He had already shrunk his body as much as possible so that it would be more 'accommodating' for him to eat. Two spikes came out of his tail and allowed him to use it like a fork.

Lin Wu picked up one of the golden brown pieces and threw it into his mouth.


Despite the fact that the piece was rather small compared to Lin Wu's mouth, the crunchy outer coating was perfect.

"Now that's worth the title of Kentucky Fried Dao Treading Realm Supreme elder!" Lin Wu said proudly.

Seeing that Lin Wu liked it, the Leader of the Emeraldine Monkeys took a breath of relief and smiled. Though his smile was a bit crooked and his canines protruded out of the side of his lips, making him look rather terrifying.

If a child saw it, they would run to their mother crying.

Lin Wu continued to eat and tried the other dishes as well, finding them to be good too. Though when he compared the amount of spirit Qi he was getting from finishing an entire dish and just a single piece of the 'Kentucky Fried Dao Treading Realm Supreme Elder' he realized the difference.

"Damn, just a few pieces are enough to be compared to several other dishes. Just how much spirit Qi is in this?" Lin Wu was surprised.

When he had forcefully eaten the Dao Embryo of the Supreme elder, he had gotten nothing from it. It was as if it turned into nothingness in his mouth and nothing was gained.. This let him know that eating Dao Embryo's or doing anything to them would be useless.

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