Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 758 - Dropping One Shocking News After The Other

Chapter 758 - Dropping One Shocking News After The Other

After the 'discussion' that happened between the beasts and the elders of the various powers that were located around the Millennium forest, a great change happened.

No one had expected this to happen, but the three kingdoms: The Ling Kingdom, The Pale Marble Kingdom and the Luguo Kingdom; declared the Millennium forest an independent kingdom!

For the commoners, this was an absurd piece of new as they couldn't even comprehend it. For them, the Millennium forest was just that… a forest. But now the kingdoms were proclaiming it to be a kingdom.

They didn't even know who was the ruler of this 'kingdom' and they didn't know that there were humans living there. They had this misunderstanding that some humans had established a base there.

The Kingdoms didn't clarify this to the commoners for now either. As they themselves knew just how absurd it would be for the commoners. And not just that, it could even incite panic.

After all, to most humans, beasts were beneath them in terms of intelligence. And even the stronger beasts with great cultivation base having the same intelligence level as that of humans were still considered below humans.

To humans, the beasts were 'Uncivilized' and 'Uncultured'. At most, they could be equated to savages. 

Revealing such new openly to the commoners would not do the kingdoms any good and it could even trigger a mass exodus. The kingdoms certainly didn't want something like this as it would not only strain their administrative machinery but it might even weaken their economy.

If that happened, forget about taking advantage of the Millennium forest's inheritance ground. They might not even have enough resources to take care of their own citizens. If that happened, the sects that were located within their borders might take the opportunity to reap the rewards.

They didn't want this to happen, either.

The sects too, took different actions. They didn't even let the disciples know about it and simply kept it on the elders' level. They locked all information down and their disciples were all recalled to the sect as well.

Thankfully, it was not too strange for the disciples as they simply thought that they were being recalled for the upcoming Long Continent Grand Sect tournament. While it was a bit early to recall that, it was still an acceptable excuse.

For now, the news about the Millennium forest becoming a kingdom had not reached the other kingdoms and powers of the Long Continent. But it was only a matter of time.

All it took it was two more days after the return of the elders.

This time the information came from an even more credible source… The Frozen Cloud sect!

But that was just one of the pieces of shocking news the Frozen Cloud sect dropped. The first piece of the news was that the Frozen Cloud sect now had three Chief Disciples, and that they had fifteen new Nascent soul realm elders in their ranks.

All the sects that heard this were absolutely stunned. 

The other top sects who heard this were greatly suspicious about it all. After all, they had been planning on pulling down the Frozen Cloud sect this entire time, and now the sect had this new card.

It could be said that the other top sects had spent a decent amount of time and effort in preparing their plan against the Frozen Cloud sect. And yet… that had been all doused in the waters of disappointment.

While the Frozen Cloud sect was certainly not back to its peak, they were no longer under the threat of being kicked out of the top ten sects. At the very least, they had regained about 75% of their stability.

This way, while they might not be able to keep their rank, they would at least not be kicked out entirely.

Then came the next piece of news from them: The Millennium forest was now an independent kingdom and the Frozen Cloud sect shall be their ally!josei

When this was learned by the other powers not around the Millennium forest they were stunned. They wondered if the Frozen Cloud sect had gone insane after their massacre. But since there had been a recovery of their elders' numbers, it was not exactly right either.

They tried to obtains more information from their spies and soon learned another spicy piece of news… The Millennium forest truly had a great inheritance ground and it was rumored to be the reason behind the Frozen Cloud sect's rebound.

This of course, incited great desire among the different sects and they wanted a piece of the pie too. 

But they were in for a shock when the three kingdoms around the Millennium forest echoed the same as The Frozen Cloud sect and the smaller sects within the borders of those kingdoms joined them too!

In just a matter of three days, the Millennium forest, which was just a forest with a forbidden zone in it for several years, became an independent kingdom. And not just an independent kingdom, but a kingdom with twelve allies!

Such a progression was stunning to all the sects and kingdoms.

So much so that when the news reached the Long clan, they especially decided to send people to look into this matter.

The other top clans, such as Ji clan and Lian clan, did the same. The Lian clan was especially excited since they knew the rise of a new kingdom meant new economic projects. Which, with their experience and expertise, only meant more profit.

But their excitement was dulled when they heard that the rulers of the Millennium forest weren't some new human power… It was beasts!

This in itself greatly concerned all the powers, and they sent out decrees to the new 'allies' of the Millennium Forest.

Lin Wu had been keeping his ear to the ground and had gotten as much information as he could from his sources. The crystal slip that he had given to Minister Ting was kept by the king personally and he got to hear everything that happened there.

Additionally, he also had Wang Xiong, and his other sources providing him information.

Tian Han and Tian Xiaoge were a part of it too and gave their side of input as well. Their information mostly consisted of the attitudes of the southern powers that were located beyond the Tian clan.

It was also surprising to the two of them, as they had not expected such a development to happen either.

It was a route that they had not expected Lin Wu to take. While they knew he wanted to make an organization of his own, this was not just an organization… this was an entire kingdom!

Making a kingdom was not easy in the current times and no new kingdom had been born for hundreds of years.

And even if one was to be made, it needed approval from the guardian clan, as well as the tacit approval from the other powers.

Without them, the nearby powers of the new kingdom's location would never let them rise.

And yet… this unknown beast king of the Millennium forest had gotten all of it in one go. 

He secured the alliance of nearby kingdoms, then got the sects to join and finally addling one of the top sects to his roster of allies.

Such progression honestly terrified the more astute schemers of the various powers.

They couldn't help but think that there was something wrong with it all, but they couldn't pick at it from here either. And just as they wanted to see it themselves, they were presented the opportunity.

The call for a proper meeting was sent out by Lin Wu, the moment he heard the Long clan, Ji clan, Lian Clan and other top sects were going to come.

"Hehehe! May as well net them all in one go." Lin Wu chuckled to himself. 

If the other powers wanted to try their hand at the Inheritance ground, he wouldn't mind it at all. In fact, it would only be beneficial for him the more people joined and passed the trials.

'The more they try, the weaker they will get… they won't even know as their people will switch teams…' Lin Wu thought to himself.

It was all a sensitive plan, and he needed to proceed rather carefully from here onwards. 

This would be Lin Wu's first official interaction with the other great powers of the Long continent. But thinking of the clans, he was reminded of something.

"Hmm… though I wonder who the Ji clan will send… will Shirong come again?" Lin Wu questioned himself.

If Shirong really came, Lin Wu would be rather happy as he'll have a strong pawn to add to his list again. 

Shirong was his first great pawn, and he had lost it back then. But now the situation had changed and he could better control the variables. Lin Wu was also not afraid of retaliation as much since the entire Millennium forest was basically a large Formation array. 

With the beasts joining in and the offensive formations activated, Lin Wu was confident of taking down at even Dao Treading realm cultivators… if they came, of course. He knew the Frozen Cloud sect's patriarch was going to come, and so was Yun Bai.

He wondered if the top three clans will send Dao Treading realm experts too, or would they just be Dao Shell realm ones?

'Perhaps I should make a little show for them too…' Several ideas popped up in his mind.

It was all exciting for him and he realized just how many ventures were now opening up for him.

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