Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 775 A Pleasant Stay

Chapter 775 A Pleasant Stay

There was a reason why Lin Wu had picked The Emeraldine Sky Light Monk Ape rather than the Slim Arm Ape king who had interactions with humans before. He was simply far too sly.

And this slyness was what Lin Wu liked, since he too was sly. He wanted to know the secrets of the envoys, to know how to use them best.

Lin Wu had been listening to everyone with the monitoring formations and no one was the wiser. Of course, his servants and subordinates knew that he had great senses, but even they didn't know he could hear all their words.

This was something Lin Wu had kept a secret so that he would always have an advantage. After all, he knew more than ever before just how valuable information could be.josei

"They are certainly having some interesting conversations, aren't they?" Lin Wu said as he listened to the patriarch.

Lin Wu trusted Wang Xiong, Pei Jun and Tian Xiaoge and knew that they would not say anything they were not supposed to.

"The king shouldn't make us wait that much. I reckon it wouldn't be more than a week." Pei Jun spoke.

"A week, huh... The other envoys might not like that." Patriarch Bing stated.

"Whether they like it or not, they will have to bear with it. If not, they are free to leave at any time. It's not like they are being forced to stay here after all. It was their choice." Wang Xiong replied.

"Hmm... That's true. Though I wonder if they will do something else instead." Patriarch Bing muttered.

Lin Wu had decided on making them all wait for a week and asses them in this time. He would listen to their conversation and figure out what made them tick.

The system would also scan continually and extrapolate data for its simulations.

'it'll be fun to see if any of them make a mistake or act out...' Lin Wu thought to himself.

Unfortunately for Lin Wu, nothing of that sort happened even after five days had passed. In fact, the envoys seemed to have gotten rather comfortable with their stay in the forest.

Since they were not actually restrained to the courtyards, they could go around and take a look. They were in the fifth ring of the forest, thus the beasts here were all intelligent. Thus, there was no chance of a conflict unless they were the ones who did something first.

The Envoys of the Lian clan were particularly enjoying their stay. Lian Xiaojian and Junior Elder Kai Li would tour the orchards and observe the various beasts working. Though Lin Wu wondered if the fatty liked it more because of the fruits that the beasts would give them.

Of course, they didn't give them for free either as they would give the beasts something else in exchange. Usually this was some pill or spirit stones. The beasts had learned the exchange of goods well enough in their time with Lin Wu and gladly did the exchange.

After all, the value of things Lian Xiaojian and Kai Li would give was many times the value of the spirit fruits the beasts would give them. To the two, these fruits were a rarity and didn't mind spending for it.

Though they were particularly surprised at seeing the open attitude of beasts. They were sure that the beasts wouldn't interact with them at first, but giving an offering made things easier.

Of course, this soon spread to the other guests and they too tried doing the same.

They traded different things, including spirit stones, and got what they wanted in exchange.

The direct subordinates of Lin Wu, like the mole beast, found out about it and decided to pay better attention to the beasts interacting with the humans. They even gave them a few tips on doing better business.

After all, many of these beasts were working on the orchards and other fields on their own and would contribute the produce to Lin Wu. It was the same as a king taking taxes from his subjects while the subjects also getting to keep a part of their produce.

Thus, as long as the sales weren't in conflict with Lin Wu's goals, he was entirely fine with it.

"At least this is serving as a good test for the beasts…" Lin Wu said, seeing the positive exchanges.

This was in line with his goal of making the Millennium forest an 'orthodox' power in the Long Continent.

As long as there was trade and exchange between various parties with and around his kingdoms, they were bound to get more accepting of them.

Even if Lin Wu's end goal was of domination, he knew taking the hard route wasn't always the right choice.

,m And considering that he wasn't an all-powerful expert in this world yet, there were still others that could threaten him. Thus, he needed to buy some time till he reached that point as well.

Though not all guests were interacting with the beasts, some of them chose to stay in the courtyard and simply cultivate. The environment in the forest was rather good, and in some cases even better than what they could get in their sects.

Hence they took this chance to cultivate as much as possible. The high concentration of spirit Qi even loosened the bottlenecks of a few.

The opportunity that they got here was something that couldn't be attained easily in their respective sects. They would need to gain merits or pay an equivalent value to be able to use the spirit Qi rich halls for a cultivation session like this.

Shirong was one of them and simply stayed in his courtyard while cultivating. Patriarch Bing did the same while Pei Jun and Tian Xiaoge stayed put with him. Wang Xiong though went and talked with the other beasts and discussed some matters.

As much as he wanted to come directly to Lin Wu, he knew it was not the time.

Wang Xiong was acquainted with several of the beasts thus he had a good time talking with them too. Though only a few could actually talk properly with him. The link that he had as part of the Emeraldine Legion could only translate a part of the words the beasts spoke.

Lin Wu was still getting the system to improve it so that at least his human subordinates could talk with the beasts properly.

Finally, seven days ended up passing and Lin Wu decided that it was enough.

'Should bring the patriarch in first… he was promised the first, after all.' Lin Wu thought to himself.

But he knew that he couldn't call them in directly since it was actually the Long Clan's Envoy Long Qingao who had asked for him first. It would be against the order, thus he chose a different method.

Lin Wu contacted Wang Xiong and told him that he would be teleporting them into the tomb.

"Patriarch, it is time." Wang Xiong returned to the courtyard and informed.

"The king is calling us?" Patriarch Bing asked.

"Yes… but we won't be going there the normal way." Wang Xiong replied.

"Then how?" He questioned.

"Just stay calm and wait, we will be taken to him automatically in a few moments." Wang Xiong answered.

Hearing this, a thought came to Patriarch Bing's mind, and he understood.


In the next second, a teleportation formation appeared around them as runes started to swirl around their bodies. Patriarch Bing watched as the runes turned into a kind of a teleportation formation that he had never seen before.

It even used runes that were unreadable to him.

'Just what is the king's capabilities if he can do this…' he thought.


Back at the Taiji Celestial's tomb, Lin Wu had already prepared for the patriarch's arrival.

He waited in a dark hall, and saw as the teleportation formation appeared there.

But unlike the larger one that had appeared in the Courtyard, this one was much smaller. It was only wide enough to accommodate a single person.

And from it appeared a single person too, being none other than Patriarch Bing.

The man felt his vision returned and looked around the dark hall. There was barely any light here, and even that came from the faint glow of the formation runes that were already fading away.

It was at this time that he noticed his disciples were not there with him.

"Wang Xiong? Pei Jun? Tian Xiaoge? Are you here?" he called out.

He could have tried using his spirit sense, but had been warned beforehand to not use it wantonly in the location they were about to be sent to by Wang Xiong. Patriarch Bing understood the meaning behind it and didn't use it.

But after receiving no response, he wanted to try sensing at least the spirit Qi fluctuations in the area.

'Huh?' but he was stunned to feel nothing.

"It can't be…" Patriarch Bing tried to use his spirit Qi, but found that it was blocked!

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