Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 788 An Investment With An Explosive Return

Chapter 788 An Investment With An Explosive Return

Lin Wu's words of shock had come out audibly and Shirong had heard them too.

"Is there a problem, senior?" Shirong asked with concern.

To him, if Lin Wu had acted like this, then there must be some issue with the spear.

'I hope its not too damaged or something.' He thought.

"There are some problems yes." Lin Wu nodded his head. "It will take me a bit longer than I originally estimated." He added.

"I see… you can keep it till you are done with it senior. I'll wait patiently till then." Shirong said, not minding it all.

After all, he was looking at a wait time of unknown proportions before. At least now he had somewhat of an estimate for it all. Having some answer was better than no answer.

But he didn't know that Lin Wu had reacted like that for an entirely different reason.

'What the fuck did this guy feed to the spear?!' Lin Wu screamed in his mind.



TARGET: Crystal Spear

SPIRIT QI STORED: 45,658,151 units (liquid spirit Qi)

VITAL ENERGY STORED: 41,684,554 units


Seeing the little window with some massive information, Lin Wu was absolutely stunned.

He couldn't fathom just how Shirong got the fake crystal spear to accumulate this much spirit Qi and vital energy. As far as he knew, the crystal spear could absorb about 10% of Shirong's spirit Qi when he cultivated naturally and if it was directly given the chance to absorb, it could take a maximum of 80%.

That was the peak efficiency of absorption that it had. But even with it all, Lin Wu was sure that Shirong certainly didn't increase the storage of spirit Qi by simply cultivating.

After all, if it was just by cultivating, the amount of spirit Qi that Shirong cultivated would have been over 400 million units. And that was a massive amount such that Lin Wu had never obtained that much yet.

Forget 400 million, simply fifty million would be enough to send someone without any cultivation all the way to the Dao Shell realm.

'If he could cultivate that much spirit Qi in ten years, he would have already reached the Dao Treading realm, that's for sure.' Lin Wu reckoned.

With this fact in mind, Lin Wu guessed that Shirong definitely used other materials to compensate for it.

Lin Wu had gotten the system to make the spear such that it could still absorb the spirit Qi even if there was no one to control it. Of course, there were certain restrictions on it so that it would not be found.

Lin Wu didn't want anyone else than Shirong finding out about it and then tracing it back to him. Thus, he made the system hide everything very well. After absorption, the spear would condense and store it deep within it, while also walling it off entirely.

This made it so that no spirit sense could tell just how much energy was hidden within. Though this function was originally intended so that Lin Wu wouldn't have others finding out that he crystal spear was suspicion.

Instead of that, the feature came in handy to hide the spirit Qi.

After all, such a massive amount of spirit Qi was something that would get anyone greedy. It was an amount one would get if they converted the spirit Qi of an entire low or mid grade spirit stone mine.

With such a high baseline, it was important to keep it hidden. Lin Wu doubted even Shirong knew just how much spirit Qi this little spear contained.

'The little investment I made came by over a few thousand percent in return…' Lin Wu thought as his eyes lightly shone.

He knew exactly what he was going to do with this and it had come had the right time too.josei

'This will speed some of my plans up.' Lin Wu thought to himself.

Lin Wu put away the spear for now and decided to continue his talk with Shirong. There were still many things that needed to be addressed and he needed to fully turn Shirong to his side too.

"Now then… since you are here, do you want to ask me anything more?" Lin Wu prompted.

"Umm, yes senior." Shirong nodded his head. "You mentioned the Skull god was the threat, and he is the level of threat that can case the Ming Dao world to be in danger. How is that possible?" he questioned.

"The Skull god you faced there in the Dread Coil Marsh was merely the avatar of the true Skull god. That person has great cultivation level and has ruled over several worlds while also destroying many more." Lin Wu answered.

"Really? If he's so strong, then why didn't he come down to our world directly and sent a weak avatar instead?" Shirong asked, feeling confused.

"Of course, while he does indeed have the power to go against the restrictions of the Ming Dao world's will, there is something else restricting him." Lin Wu replied. "Something that you know of."

"And what is that?" Shirong questioned, feeling curious.

"The four guardian beasts… even the Skull god would have to give them face or end up facing opposition from them. He wouldn't dare to act openly in a world that has the guardian beasts' base in them." Lin Wu answered, surprising Shirong for several reasons.

"So they command such power… but wait, you said four guardian beasts? We only have three." Shirong said, finding it to be suspicious.

"That is something I found unusual, too. The four guardian clans send their beacons to all worlds that they can. But these beacons only awaken when the residents of these worlds reach a certain level.

But in the case of the Ming Dao world, something unexpected happened. The fourth beast, the Vermillion bird's beacon, never awakened." Lin Wu explained.

Shirong's brows narrowed as he recalled seeing certain statues in the Dread Coil Marsh.

"I think… I saw the Vermillion bird before." Shirong stated.

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