Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 792 Calling In The Lian Clan Envoys

Chapter 792 Calling In The Lian Clan Envoys

"Now this is a dark place… Can't say I'm feeling all too well." Lian Xiaojian said.

The three envoys of the Lian clan had been called by Lin Wu and were now walking through the entrance of the Taiji Celestial's tomb. Of course, they didn't know this was a tomb and were merely told that it was where Lin Wu resided.

They didn't even know his name properly either, with mostly just calling him the king and nothing else. It was instructed by Lin Wu and gave them him feeling of being mysterious and enigmatic.

"We should be careful, Young master. The runes and inscription carved on the walls and floor aren't simple." Elder Ruanjian warned.

"So it really is dangerous." Lian Xiaojian said, feeling a bit cold.

Kai Li though was mostly calm and looked around freely. By now, she had confirmed some of her assumptions.

'So there really is an ancient tomb here huh… those runes are just like what the old records said.' Kai Li thought to herself, but didn't say anything.

She looked at Lian Xiaojian and Elder Ruanjian for a few seconds before moving her gaze back to the dark depths of the corridor.

'A foolish young master and an elder that can only follow his duty. The perfect combination to have for my expedition.' Kai Li thought to herself.

It was the best for her, since both of them didn't really mind her. Lian Xiaojian was simply too inexperienced to say anything, while Elder Ruanjian was more concerned with following his young master and didn't mind her as long as nothing happened.

This gave Kai Li some free hand to act and move around. She had already done a survey of the millennium forest in the two weeks they had been here and had learned a few things.

While the depths of the forest, the sixth ring was restricted, she could still see the many orchards and farms that were built all over. Additionally, she ended up encountering some strange behavior from the beasts.

She discovered areas that could only be called as fighting areas.

The beasts would enter there, pay something to the organizing beasts and then fight against each other. The winner would receive some kind of a token and would leave contently.

Kai Li was actually allowed to enter the arena too after she paid generously and got to witness it all. She even saw some human tactics being used by the beasts!

She had to admit the beast tournament she saw was far more entertaining that the hundreds of cultivator tournaments she had seen. It wasn't that the beasts were too strong and used peerless skills, either.

Rather, it was the unique and different method of fighting that made it more entertaining and fun to watch.

To Kai Li, this was all full of great potential; potential to make a blinding amount of gold.

'And the beast king that could make all this possible… now that will be interesting to see.' Kai Li thought with a smile.

Just as she thought all this, the corridor they were walking on came to an end.

"Oh? Isn't this a teleportation circle?" Lian Xiaojian recognized after reading some of the runes.

"It is indeed… and one that is far more powerful than any I've seen before." Kai Li added.

She truly was interested now, because as far as she knew, a teleportation array as complex as this was enough to cover a distance past an entire continent. But similarly the energy requirement would be massive.

'To just activate a pan continent formation array the creator would need to be at the Dao Treading realm, wouldn't they? Just how strong would one have to run a multi continent teleportation formation array?' Kai Li wondered.

The three came to stand in front of the circle but didn't know what to do next.

"Are we supposed to use it?" Lian Xiaojian asked.

And as if responding to him, the runes on the floor started to glow lightly.

"Seems like it." Kai Li said as she took the first step.

"You should be a little more careful, junior elder Kai Li." Elder Ruanjian warned.

"It doesn't matter at this point, elder Ruanjian. If the King of the Millennium forest wanted to harm us, he wouldn't need tricks like this at all. You should be able to tell that much." Kai Li replied.

As much as Elder Ruanjian didn't want to admit it, he knew that the junior elder was right. He could tell that the king was not simple at all, and even his entire power would possibly not be enough to stop an attack.

Lian Xiaojian looked at Elder Ruanjian for a moment before walking into the circle as well. The elder joined them a second later.

As soon as all of them were in the circle, the runes activated and a strong wave of spirit Qi spread from it. Elder Ruanjian tensed a bit as he could tell the spatial fluctuations were just a bit too strong for a normal teleportation.

'Is this really taking us somewhere within this tomb or someplace else?' Elder Ruanjian wondered.


The runes shone brightly before the three envoys felt their senses being cut off. And by the time they returned, they found themselves in another place altogether. Elder Ruanjian's spirit sense spread to get an idea about the place and could not find the borders of the room, telling him that they were in a rather large area.

'Certainly not a 'room'.' Elder Ruanjian thought.josei


Then in front of them, a green glow lit up, catching their attention.

"Welcome, envoys of the Lian Clan." Lin Wu finally spoke.

The three envoys felt scared at the large being that had appeared in front of him. It was larger than anything they had seen until now and towered over them all.

"That pressure… I can't feel any spirit Qi here… no wait… I can't mobilize any spirit Qi of my own either." Elder Ruanjian said, only scaring the other two even more.

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