Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 798 A Blunder

Chapter 798 A Blunder

Lin Wu watched as Lian Xiaojian and Elder Ruanjian were returned to the hall.

But what happened next was certainly not something that he was expecting.josei

The fatty started at Lin Wu with a bewildered expression before it changed it an ugly crying face.


"What the…" Lin Wu then saw Lian Xiaojian falling faster than a meteor.

"BOOHOO!!!! SAVE ME GREAT SENIOR!!!!!" Lian Xiaojian started crying.

Kai Li watched it with absolute confusion while Elder Ruanjian continued to sweat.

"What's happening?" Kai Li couldn't help but ask.

"Stand up! I say stand up!" Lin Wu ordered.

But Lian Xiaojian seemed to be unable to listen to his words. It was only after elder Ruanjian himself pulled him up did the man stop crying.

"Forgive me senior…" Lian Xiaojian apologized.

"Now tell me… what is the meaning of this? Why are you crying?" Lin Wu asked.

~sob~ sob~

"D-don't you know, senior? You are the one that gave me the crystal slip." Lian Xiaojian said between his sobs.

Lin Wu furrowed his brows as he tried to think what was going on here.

'I just gave him the information about his physique and how to awaken it? Why is he crying like this?' Lin Wu thought, feeling confused.

Seeing that the conversation was not progressing, Elder Ruanjian decided to interfere.

"King Lin Wu, our young master's life is now in your hand—… tail. You have to save him." Elder Ruanjian spoke.

Kai Li looked at the two of them, feeling even more confused.

"What do you mean young master Lian Xiaojian's life is in danger, Elder Ruanjian?" Kai Li questioned.

"King Lin Wu gave Young master information about his physique. He has an innate physique and if he does not awaken it, he will die." Lian Ruanjian answered.

He then passed on the crystal slip to Kai Li, so that she could take a look as well. Lin Wu meanwhile, stood in silence as he started to get a grasp on what was happening here.

'They couldn't have… could they?' Lin Wu wondered if the two of them had made a blunder.

Kai Li read through the crystal slip and finally understood what the young master was crying about.

"This is bad…" Kai Li muttered.

Even she could see the great implications of it. She was even more worried since right now she had the young master of the clan with her, and if something bad happened to him, it wouldn't reflect well on her.

While in this case it wasn't a direct harm, potential death was a great problem.

'It's not that there is no solution… but persistent injury for a long time? Can the young master even survive that? Won't that just be cutting his life short?' Kai Li wondered how to go about this matter.

She looked back to Elder Ruanjian and felt a bit relieved.

'No… I don't need to worry about this as much. Elder Ruanjian is the one assigned to Young master, so he should know better. I best focus on the deal instead,' Kai Li thought to herself.

She had not understood the further implications like Elder Ruanjian had. Kai Li didn't think that the issue wasn't with just Lian Xiaojian but also the patriarch. After all, she wasn't as acquainted with Lian Dajian as Elder Ruanjian, who had followed him since before he was the patriarch.

What none of the three knew was that they had made a big mistake. Though it could also be considered a mistake on Lin Wu's part.

'Seems like the wording has got them caught… but it's not all bad.' Lin Wu thought as a few ideas appeared in his mind.

He knew that the Young master and Elder Ruanjian had mistaken the terms of death for his physique.

'They think that Lian Xiaojian will die if the physique is not awakened, but that is not so… rather his physique will only kill him if he continues to get fat. Hehehe~ perhaps I really can make a pawn out of him.' Lin Wu chuckled inwardly.

He looked back at the crying Lian Xiaojian, whose fat face had only turned worse with the snot and tears running on it. Elder Ruanjian was tensed and his forehead was covered in sweat.

"Tell me what the issue is." Lin Wu stated calmly, beginning his act.

Elder Ruanjian took a breath before speaking.

"King Lin Wu, since you know our young master had an unawakened Innate Physique, you should also know how to save him, right?" Elder Ruanjian inquired.

"I do, and I added that to the crystal slip, too. You already know the methods." Lin Wu replied.

"Y-yes, I know. But… that method is… not really something that has a good success rate, is it?" Elder Ruanjian asked.

"You could say that." Lin Wu nodded his head lightly.

Lian Xiaojian only sobbed louder, seeing Lin Wu's casual attitude.

"Please… please save me King Lin Wu! I'll do everything you say!!!" Lian Xiaojian couldn't hold back anymore.

"Y-yes! Please help our Young master King Lin Wu. The Lian clan shall not let this go unrewarded. You will be handsomely compensated for it, I assure you of this." Elder Ruanjian hurriedly spoke.

A slight smile appeared on Lin Wu's face, but he held it back, for he knew it was not the correct time.

Kai Li too watched on, wondering what Lin Wu would do.

'While the patriarch values profit over most things… Lian Xiaojian still is close to his heart and he even resembles him. I don't think he would mind paying something to save his life. Besides… if the physique is awakened, young master will definitely benefit from it.' Kai Li analyzed.

She knew that even if it was not a matter of death, simply the awakening of an innate physique was something that warranted a great cost. Innate physiques could greatly change a cultivator and increase their power.

If someone could awaken an innate physique, that along would be worth a great cost to pay.

And as far as Kai Li knew, there was no one in the Lian clan who had an innate physique.

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