Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 804 Remaking The Crystal Spear

Chapter 804 Remaking The Crystal Spear

Lin Wu continued to watch as rune after rune joined and condensed to become an insignia. About six hours later, over a thousand small insignias were now covering the entirety of his tail's segment.

"That's a lot… this is not gonna be a normal spirit tool after all, hehehe~" Lin Wu felt amazed at it all.

He had seen many high grade spirit tools and weapons, even a peak grade one. Though the peak grade spirit tool he had seen was the Deep Holding Mantis clip, which was a spatial storage treasure and couldn't really be used for offense.

The thousand small insignias on the tail segment moved and flowed before joining into three clusters. Each of the clusters was filled with a massive amount of spirit Qi and Lin Wu guessed that these were to be the true nodes of the entire spirit weapon.

"Guess it's time to do my part." Lin Wu muttered as he activated his innate skills.

What he was doing here was imprinting a copy of his innate skills onto the nodes. It was similar to how he had the remote skill activation function for his subordinates and servants. But this was far better than that since it had multiple arrays supporting it.

Not to mention, it was being based off entirely on Lin Wu's body.

If Lin Wu tried to put something like this in his servants and subordinates, it simply wouldn't work.

It was similar to how one could use a cell phone as a computer, but a supercomputer was still needed for complex and high leveled operations.

In case of the Pentagem implants, they could execute a skill only once.

After they were used, it would have to be personally reset and recharged by Lin Wu. But that would not be the case for the spear that the system was making right now. It would be able to continually use the innate skills as long as it had a steady supply of spirit Qi.

Of course, there were many limitations to it. Such as the fact that the proficiency of it would be greatly less and so will the power. There was a chance to upgrade it in the future, but to do that both Lin Wu and the system would have to be stronger.

Time continued to pass and twelve more hours passed before Lin Wu was done with this stage. It was rather tiring for him mentally, as he had to put all his focus on this. The system couldn't do it on its own either, as Lin Wu consciously needed to use his innate skills.

And the innate skills that Lin Wu had imbued into it were the Cellular Manipulation skill and the Cellular Crystallization skills. Each of the innate skill was imprinted into one of the nodes.

This left the third node empty, but its functions were different. It would not be bearing a skill in it, but would rather be the operative core of it all!

The reason this spear would be different and be able to bear such a high level operation of his innate skill was due to the fact that it was actually going to be alive. This was also the reason why Lin Wu had left Vital energy within it.

Being detached from his body, the spear would need that vital energy to stay 'alive'. It would consume a certain amount of it all the time, and Shirong would have to feed it more to keep on using it. Which Lin Wu didn't think he would have an issue with.

'The guy's been doing it all the time anyways…' Lin Wu thought.

Lin Wu was at least thankful that the ability to absorb spirit Qi and vital energy was instinctive to his body. And the same was for the fake spear before. Thus, he didn't need to do much there. Though the system still improved that and increased its speed and conversion rate.

"How much is the rate of storage and conversion be system?" Lin Wu questioned after his work was done.



ANSWER: From anything the spear is made to consume, 20% will be lost during the absorption. Sixty percent will be stored for the host to use later and twenty percent will be transferred to the owner.


"Hmm… that's not bad. The earlier percentage of loss was like… 40% wasn't it?" Lin Wu recalled.

When Lin Wu had learned this before, he had felt his heart ache at the 40% of all that he had lost. He could have gotten nearly double the amount that he had gotten from the spear.

While the amount he would get would still be the same, about 60%, the 20% going to Shirong will be his long term investment.

"Hehe! It's the perfect investment. It will continue to invest into itself and keep on growing without much of my intervention." Lin Wu chuckled.

Shirong would kill creatures, gain spirit Qi from them, the spear would store it and later Lin Wu would take that. A part would also be given to Shirong, who would get stronger and hunt more beasts and people, further increasing the spirit Qi gained.

It would be a continual loop and the best for Lin Wu.josei

It only made him feel like he should make more of these later.


"But even doing that takes a lot of spirit Qi. It's fine in the case of Shirong since he brought the spirit Qi with him, but for others I'll have to use my own." Lin Wu said to himself as he watched the system finish up the second last stage.

Lin Wu's current goals were to get the avatar to the Shell Expansion stage of the Dao Shell realm, so he would much more prefer to pull most of his spirit Qi in that rather than other things. And since it was a goal that would be completed relatively faster too, he didn't mind it.

"Oh? Time to shape the thing." Lin Wu said as he started to shrink the tail segment.

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