Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 536 The Witch Elara (Part 2)

Chapter 536 The Witch Elara (Part 2)

The column Kaizen was taking cover in shook from the impacts of Elara's spells, but it managed to provide effective temporary protection for him. Kaizen knew he couldn't hide there forever, for the explosions would destroy the column sooner or later, or it might give Elara time to conjure an even more powerful spell. That being the case, while he was sheltering Kaizen quickly thought of a strategy to overcome Elara. He knew that his <Psychokinesis> was effective in weakening her barrier, but it was not enough to take her down completely. Still, there was an even more effective way to use this ability.

Behind the column, Kaizen concentrated his energy again, focusing on the blade of the Sword of Night, which seemed to be angrier than usual, and somehow Kaizen could tell the reason for that.

'You're angry that I haven't used you in a while, aren't you? Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about you.' Kaizen says mentally, looking at the black blade of the sword he made with the core of an evil spirit.

Kaizen waited for the right moment and, with a sudden leap, came out from behind the column, spinning his sword in a circular motion amid a dash driven by <Psychokinesis> like a push.josei

Elara, surprised by the sudden attack, tried to conjure another barrier, but the combination of physical and psychic strength proved overwhelming. Her barrier, because it was still forming, shattered like a glass window under the intensity of the attack and Kaizen's blade quickly approached.

ƥandasnovel.com At the last instant, Elara managed to partially deflect the blow, but the Ragnarok Sword still cut part of her dark cloak and the side of her cheek. She took a few steps back, displaying an irritated and determined look.

"You are persistent and resourceful, Kaizen. I have to admit that." she said, regaining her composure.

Kaizen remained alert, watching Elara's every move. He knew he could not underestimate her, for she was still a formidable opponent. Combining their skills had had some effect, but he needed to go further. A simple scratch on the side of the face made no difference. For him, this last strike was another failure.

'I need to be even faster.' Kaizen thought.

Elara swung her staff and began to cast a rapid sequence of spells toward Kaizen. He dodged deftly, using the columns once again, but realized that he would not be able to avoid all the attacks indefinitely, so he allowed some to hit him to find out how much damage he would receive while moving forward.

[You lost 80 HP.]

[You lost 103 HP.]

[You lost 201 HP.]

'So, her magic gives scaling damage. I've seen a champion who did that in Myth 2, but never here...' Kaizen thought, taking cover in another column.

Scaling damage is a unique and very rare type of damage that only a specific type of mage usually uses, the spam mages. Many types of mages use spell spamming to annoy the enemy, as a support for continuous damage or DPS, but only spam mages are totally focused on spamming spells, i.e. that deal subsequent damage. With this in mind, spam mages also co-coil their continuous attacks with items or spells that increase the scaling damage. So for example the first projectile might do 10 damage, but the second projectile does twice as much damage, and the second projectile also doubles the amount of damage, so some spam mages can literally melt huge enemies, as the damage increases according to the amount of hits.

As Kaizen was once a professional, he could deduce this from receiving only a few attacks and this already put him on his guard, because he could not afford to receive too many hits, otherwise he might die before he could even use a healing spell.I think you should take a look at pandasnovel.com

Still, this characteristic of Elara's spells caused a brilliant idea to arise in Kaizen's mind. While dodging the spells, he used his <Psychokinesis> in subtle ways to manipulate the gravitational field around them. And Elara's spells began to clash against each other, cancelling each other out and changing direction to a single center. As the spells were hitting each other, the explosions between them gradually began to get stronger, consuming more of Elara's mana.

Elara, who was now floating in the air so as not to be caught by surprise by yet another advance, was confused by the unexpected reaction of her own spells and slowed the intensity of her attack for a brief moment. That was all the time Kaizen needed.

With a bold leap, he advanced directly toward Elara, ignoring the remaining spells. He looked up and observed Elara floating in the air, momentarily vulnerable.

Using his <Psychokinesis>, Kaizen concentrated his mana and directed it to a single point above Elara, since if an attack went straight at Elara, she could still protect herself. He imagined a powerful vortex of energy spinning rapidly, drawing everything towards him, and gradually the vortex began to form, creating a powerful suction force that pulled Elara, who was in the way, towards him.

Elara tried to resist, fighting against the gravitational force, but it was in vain. She was pulled relentlessly towards the center of the vortex. Elara was quickly pulled towards Kaizen, who grabbed her neck, looking her in the eyes. When the vortex ended, a bit of dust drifted across the room, making the wind howl in the ears of the two players.

"It's over." Kaizen said, looking into her eyes as she closed the fingers of her left hand. "You lost."

Elara's countenance was one of pure amazement, but gradually her eyes began to emanate enormous admiration and a joyful smile appeared on her face. "It's just as I imagined, you are incredibly powerful!" She exclaimed. 


Edited by: DrHitsuji

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