Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 51 No One Wants As An Enemy

Chapter 51 No One Wants As An Enemy

"If I remember correctly, in this group there was an archer, two men with axes, and a boxer, but the latter was too weak for someone who fights hand-to-hand." Kaizen continued.

Jeewok and Salles looked at each other suspiciously at Kaizen's words.

They knew that the new guild members had only been playing Rise Online for a few weeks, but it shouldn't be possible for them to be defeated by someone who doesn't even wear armor.

"Ha-ha! Come on, man. They said that to us too. No shame on you, but they wouldn't be defeated by someone who doesn't even have armor yet. We won't believe in your stupid shit-talking. Said Jeewok with a snobbish smile.

Salles agreed with a gesture and then added. "Then you'd better reveal soon who's your leader and where's the rest of your group. You don't want to experience what a fight is like inside a safe zone, really."

"Easy, guys, we won't go that far today. The Metal Dragons Guild has a reputation to uphold, even with four of our own members had died. I really don't think he's lying about having actually defeated Kerplunk and the others."

Korgrak didn't even have to move or raise the pitch in his words to make Jeewok and Salles calm down.

"Listen, Korgrak. That's your name, right? Is there any way we can speed things up around here? I'm hungry, and I still have a lot of things to do before I go to bed." Kaizen said and then yawned. "Tell me what you want, and I'll see what I can do."

'Who does this motherfucker think he is to talk to the master like that?" Jeewok gritted his teeth and stewed his chest to go at Kaizen, but Salles put his arm in front of him.

"As you wish..." Korgrak looked understandingly at the black-haired man. "Kaizen, in compensation for killing four of our members, we want all the information you collected from the Spider's Den Boss. Name, attack patterns, drops, absolutely everything."josei

"All right, I can give you that info. However, since I was just defending myself from your friends, whether you believe me or not, all of this will not be for free." Kaizen gave a wink with his right eye to the masked figure. "Think of it as a favor I will be doing to you, Korgrak."

"That doesn't seem like a bad offer to me..." The masked man put his hands behind his back. "All right, let's forget the issue about the killings. We accept it."

After the deal was sealed by a handshake, Kaizen said all he knew about the Scarlet Demon Spider through a data transfer over the game interface. Turning everything he knew about the Boss of the Medullar forge into just a tiny book.

Jeewok and Salles were very surprised. It was not normal for Korgrak to lose his spirit; it was just that he was usually not as compassionate as he was with this newcomer. They were curious about the reason that motivated him to do this, so Jeewok had the confidence to question his leader about it after Kaizen left the place.

"Boss, didn't we come out at a loss in this negotiation? Replacing the equipment of Kerplunk, Liziel, Onboard and Opally will cost our guild coffers a lot."

"You are right, we came out at a loss today. However, Jeewok, you and Salles should learn that there are certain types of people that no one wants as an enemy, and that guy who was here, believe me when I say, is that type of person." replied Korgrak in his usual robotic voice.

Kaizen thought the same way as Korgrak, because although he knew that he could try to escape or sell the information in exchange for some money, he also knew that the best thing to do at that moment was not to make an enemy with a group he cants stand to fight.

Also, somehow Korgrak knew Kaizen's nickname without ever having seen him in his life before. Since Kaizen noted that the matter was unrelated to Magma, the only way for Korgrak to know that kind of information was because he also had the <Analyzing Eye> or at least a similar ability.

In any case, this problem was ended, at least at the time, so Kaizen continued to search for the Auction House.

As he continued his relentless search, the sun slowly set, and when it finally got dark, a large building teeming with players caught Kaizen's eye. This place stood out from the stillness of the city night without the merchants shouting offers and more offers because people kept coming and going.

So Kaizen approached the place and asked a man who seemed to be waiting for someone to come out:

"Excuse me, can you tell me what kind of place is this? A brothel?"

"Hehe! Well, I wish there was something like that in Holinda, but no, it's not a brothel. Actually, it's an Auction House." The man laughed at the newcomer's suggestion and replied politely.

Upon hearing the man, Kaizen felt very relieved. A few minutes ago, he believed that he would never find this place without searching the web. The feeling was one of completeness, of total satisfaction. He thanked the player who answered him, climbed the marble stairs of the place, and finally entered the Auction House.

"I wonder what the winning bid was?" He asked himself the same question as when he entered the game earlier.

The price of a normal, Primal Ranked, Swift Arrow was typically 50 Bronze coins. If all 32 arrows of this type that Kaizen produced were sold for this price, he would get 16 silver coins, considering that each silver coin is worth 100 bronze coins.

Nevertheless, Kaizen certainly hoped to earn more than the standard market value on the Mutant Grade Swift Arrows. Nevertheless, he didn't believe that he was the only person who could make this kind of arrow, as Therkara claimed when she saw the arrows. He also didn't believe these arrows were as common and cheap as those of Primal Classification. If each one of them was sold seven times more expensive than normal items, Kaizen would already be very satisfied.

Soon, an anxious thought made him worry. Would even a rich user spend so much money buying arrows? First of all, consumable items were cheap compared to equipable items.

This doubt was eating away at Kaizen internally.

'Yes, don't expect too much.'

The decoration inside the auction house was magnificent; however, Kaizen didn't care about that and uttered as quickly as he could:

"Open World Market."

Kaizen opened the auction window while thinking of countless possibilities. What if he hadn't sold any arrows? What if the Mutant Classification drove buyers away?

His mind was wracked with a whirlwind of thoughts and doubts. Then.

"K-keok...!" Kaizen swallowed the saliva stored in his mouth as he confirmed the bidding price for the Swift Arrows.


Edited by: DrHitsuji

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