Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 63 Klank

Chapter 63 Klank

Surprised, Klank sped down the valley, wondering what had happened.

As expected, there were many bloodstains along the path. He followed the bloodstains and turned to one side. What he saw made him stop walking, frightened.

Beside the stacked bodies of the Goblins was a broad-shouldered man wearing a dark green cloak. In the sun, the figure looked like an animal covered in blood.

"Man, did you just kill all these Goblins?" Klank saw no one else except for the black-haired player.

The Goblins were still bleeding, so they had died a short time ago. Klank couldn't believe someone could kill so many Goblins on the such favorable ground for them.

Although the Goblins were only Primal Rank creatures, considering their speed and numbers, even those who exceeded 30 levels would not dare to provoke them. After all, there were many weak points in the human body, and no one wanted to risk losing everything if one of the Goblins hit a supercritical attack.

There were at least four dozen dead Goblins on the ground. Even the Blood Lily would need help to get that in this region. Klank couldn't believe that anyone could have done it alone.

"You want to get the drops? A silver coin for each." Kaizen was merely considering what to do with the Goblins, and he didn't get hostile with Klank as he didn't feel hostility from the stranger.

"A silver coin apiece? Are you sure?" Klank looked at him with surprise.

Although most players could hunt Goblins, they were scarce, especially near the regions near starting cities. The only place Klank knew he could find Goblins was in this valley, but almost no one took a chance in the East; he was only doing this because he didn't have many options left. Goblin drops were relatively expensive because of this.

Those who required these drops for some quest, item, potion, or spell and who were relatively wealthy were always willing to pay for them so that they wouldn't have the trouble of hunting.

Generally, Primal Rank creatures that were easy to kill could have their drops sold for something around 30 bronze coins, while those that were difficult or rare, such as Goblins, could be sold for up to 10 times that amount, and whoever sold them still wouldn't be left with stock.

Klank calculated and found that he could double or triple the price if he resold the drops of all these Goblins.

"Yes, 1 silver coin each." Kaizen nodded.

From the surprised and reflective expression on Klank's face, Kaizen had already realized that the value of the Goblins' drops was much higher than he had expected. However, his current goal was different. It would be terrible for him to arrive at the Howling Cliff with a full inventory and a weight debuff.

Moreover, Kaizen did not want to waste his time and energy returning to Holinda now. He had more important things to do in his personal life and online. Yes, he would have a certain loss of profits, but like wholesalers, he had to leave some profit to the retailer.

Klank was happy with the stranger's positive response.

"Sure, I'll take them all. How many do you have?" He was more than willing to buy.

"Here? A total of fifty-one. I'll give you a discount and charge you only fifty silver coins." Kaizen spoke casually and did not expect this ordinary-looking guy to be so rich as to buy them all.

"All right!"

Klank, who was around 5.6 tall, with green hair and red eyes, immediately opened the system interface. A few seconds later, Kaizen saw a notification pop up in front of him.

[The player 'Klank' wishes to transfer 120 silver coins to you. Do you accept the trade? YES/NO.]

Noticing the obvious divergence in value between what he asked for and what he was about to receive, Kaizen looked at Klank.

"Dude, I will give you sixty silver coins for these Goblins. The other sixty silver is a down payment for any goodies you may have in the future. I will always give you a good price and pay even more for drops of mutant or higher creatures."

120 silver coins was a small amount for Klank, and it would cost him as much as a can of soda, in other words, almost nothing.

Besides, this man in front of him was so tough that he killed all the Goblins by himself, so it was highly likely that he could also hunt creatures higher than the Mutant Rating level. If it were possible to buy drops of these creatures from him, spending hundreds of gold coins in the future would be nothing to Klank.

"I didn't imagine you would... Never mind." Without much thought, Kaizen clicked YES.

"Rich? Is that what you were going to say? Well, it's only 120 silver, that's nothing. However, you're not wrong. Honestly, money is all I have. If you get drops of mutant, epic, or mythical creatures in the future, please get in contact. The price won't be a problem. Klank boasted, afraid to miss this great opportunity."

Kaizen smiled wryly because he didn't believe he would find an Epic or Mutant Ranked creature so soon.

"Good. What is your address? I'll find you if I have something." Kaizen appreciated Klank's generosity and thought he might be an even better buyer than the Adventurer's Association in the future.

"Bro, my name is Klank, and I am currently living in the Copper Sturgeon, a shelter in the center of the Royal Capital. My room number is 87, what about you? What is your name and where do you live?"

"Kaizen. That's the only thing that interests you. Prepare some gold coins. I will go to room 87 as soon as I have something." The black-haired player nodded, bidding Klank goodbye, and left the Valley of the Goblins.

Although Kaizen wanted someone to be his duo, he didn't even consider adding Klank to his list of friends because he didn't want some stranger around who might betray him in the future. Kaizen has experienced many situations like this in other MMORPGs he has played. He wanted someone loyal and genuine, one that he could trust with his backup.

But who could this person be? Kaizen already had an idea about this, and it would just take a few more days to talk to this person about it.

"I will wait for you! You must go to the Royal Capital! Remember that price is definitely not a problem..." Klank gestured to Kaizen's back as he waved his hand.


Edited by: DrHitsuji

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