Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 781 Ceremony

Chapter 781 Ceremony

At the ceremony, the group of roommates gathered in the great hall, where everyone was waiting for the start.

The stage was decorated with flowers and the soft lights of the hall highlighted the platform where the organizers and coordinators were about to give their welcome speeches. The ceremony began with inspiring words from some mentors and department coordinators, highlighting the importance of collaboration, teamwork and overcoming challenges, including congratulating everyone on their performance in the tournament.

As the speeches unfolded, Klaus watched the stage, noticing that there was still a vacant seat right next to Stephanie J. West, the national director of the Special Program. In fact, she was the next to take the stage. Stephanie was an imposing woman with her gray hair elegantly pulled back. Atop the stage, her eyes scanned the crowd before settling on Klaus, who felt slightly uncomfortable under her penetrating gaze.

"Dear students, staff and guests, it is a pleasure to be here with you all this morning," Stephanie began, her firm voice echoing through the hall. "This program represents not only a unique opportunity for each of you, but also a commitment to excellence and innovation for our nation. In this country, we are taught to value diversity, resilience and the constant quest for knowledge, as well as the fact that nothing can stop us..."

As the principal continued her speech, the hall fell into a respectful silence. Stephanie's words were charged with emotion, and her every gesture conveyed authority and commitment.

Suddenly, Stephanie paused, her eyes meeting Klaus' once again, and a subtle smile formed on her lips. "Thanks to the tournament, we had the honor of knowing that this program has not only students of academic excellence, but also of courage and leadership, which were two of the greatest characteristics that shaped this country. And to exemplify these values, I'd like to call someone very special to the stage."

Murmurs of curiosity spread through the audience as Stephanie extended her hand towards Klaus.

"Klaus Park, please join me here."

Surprised, Klaus hesitated for a moment before standing up. He looked at his friends and they started whispering for him to go, even more excitedly than he was.

Then Klaus stood up and started walking towards the stage. He felt the gaze of his colleagues on him as he crossed the hall. Stephanie held out her hand to greet him and said:

"This young man exemplifies not only academic talent, but also dedication to the community and the courage to face challenges. Despite having excellent grades, an unquestionable performance in his department and in all the physical activities he sets out to do, he finds time to be one of the big stars of the game run by the company that sponsors the Special Program, Hongué Holdings. It is therefore with great honor that I offer him a prominent position as Ambassador of the Special Program. Will you accept?"

Klaus was taken aback, but he realized what was happening, so he nodded, and the audience applauded him euphorically.

"Speech! Speech!" His friends started shouting as a kind of revenge for the prank he pulled on them earlier, and unfortunately for Klaus, the rest of the audience went along with the idiots.lights

Klaus, with a shy smile, made his way to the pulpit set up in the center of the stage. He adjusted the microphone, looked at the audience and began to speak.

"Thank you, director, for this incredible opportunity and for taking me by surprise like this." He said, letting out a breath of air through his nose with a smile and the audience laughed too. "I honestly didn't expect this, and it's an immense honor to accept the role of Special Program Ambassador, but..."

Klaus's eyes wandered around the crowd, finding the smiling faces of his friends and the familiar faces of other people, including those he'd had problems with. He took a deep breath and continued, his voice gaining confidence with every word.

"When I entered this program, I never imagined that I would be here, on this stage, representing something so significant. My journey here has been full of challenges, moments of doubt and, of course, achievements. I believe the same applies to most of us here. We all gain and lose something as we pass through those entrance gates."

As Klaus spoke, flashbacks of his journey ran through his mind. He recalled the long days of study, the intensive training in the Archery Department and the warm evenings with people he cared about. A feeling of nostalgia and gratitude filled his heart, and he knew it was time to share his experience with everyone.

"You know, when I first picked up a bow, I wasn't the best at what I did and I had no idea I could get this far. However, I learned something crucial along the way: success is not just about innate talent, but about tireless dedication, resilience in the face of failure and passion for what you do."

The attentive looks from the audience seemed surprised.

"There were times when I thought about giving up, when the challenges of being here seemed insurmountable. Away from your family, away from home, out of your comfort zone. However, it is in these moments that we find our true inner strength. We all have the ability to overcome obstacles, even when it seems that we can't. The key is to persist, to believe, to believe in ourselves. The key is to persist, believe in yourself and work tirelessly towards our goals."

Klaus continued his speech with a few stories about his roommates, which lightened the mood as a whole.

Talking about the tournament that brought him to everyone's attention, Klaus emphasized the importance of embracing opportunities, however challenging they may initially seem, as many students with potential didn't want to take part in the tournament. He emphasized how all this was not just a hobby, but a path for each of them to find what they would like to do for a living.

"I want to encourage each of you to pursue your dreams with fervor. Be it in academia, sport or any other area that resonates with you. Face challenges head on, knowing that every obstacle is an opportunity for growth, and don't hesitate when you find something you like, because you never know if the second chance will knock on your door."

Applause rang out in the hall as Klaus ended his speech and everyone rose from their seats.josei

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