Rosie's Games

Chapter 242

Chapter 242: Four Pillars of the Rothley Family 1

"Why would he directly send his messenger here knowing that —"

"It's fine," Rosalind said. It is not like she could hide everything forever. Moreover, this must be a part of Lucas's plan.

"Are you going to show yourself to everyone? I don't think His Grace would agree to—"

"I am to become his wife," Rosalind lifted her chin and met the older man's eyes. "What would the people who think of him as their hero think about him having a weak wife?"

"A sorceress for a wife? That would cause chaos in the South."

"The South will be too busy to care," Rosalind said. If Cirid had indeed fallen, then the South would be very busy. The tide would first go to Rakha then to the other kingdoms. Worse, it would go to the Aster Empire and kill thousands, if not millions, of people. With the disease and the tide, the South would be very— very busy.

Why would they concern themselves with someone else's marriage when they were struggling to fight against beasts?

"Very well, bring the messenger here!" General Lytton commanded. Not long after, a man wearing a black with gold and red suit walked in. He bowed to the General and then towards Rosalind.

"King Zadock Marlin is inviting the future Duchess of the Rothley Family, Lady Rosie, to join him and Queen Aurinda for dinner.'' The man then handed her an envelope with the wax seal of the Wugarian Empire's Royalty, the Marlins.

The Marlin family had been ruling Wugari for hundreds of years. However, many people claimed that the one who held the real power in Wugari was the Rothley Family.

She opened the envelope and read the invitation inside. She was asked to wear red or black and to arrive at five in the afternoon. Dinner would start at six and end at nine.

"Three hours," Rosalind looked at the General. In response, the General nodded at her. "Thank you for the invitation, I will be there."

The man nodded and once again bowed towards them.

"Zadock must have known about the attack last night, and yet he still dared to invite you for a leisure dinner," General Lytton said, displeasure apparent in his tone.

"Let us not think about that matter for now," Rosalind said. "We have more important things to attend to."

"Right, we need to prepare. If you are right and the tide is upon us, it would be very hard to fight against them with our current numbers," Magda said thoughtfully. "With the Duke gone and Denys busy with the Duke's orders, I do not think we can withstand an attack for five days."

"The Duke should be back by then," General Lytton said, his voice full of certainty. "Wugari had stood tall for hundreds of years, how could a mere beast tide affect us?"

"Although, I am still curious why this is happening now," Magda said. "Beasts liked to live in the North. Why would they want to run to the south?"

Even Rosalind, who experienced a lot of things in her past life, could not answer that.

"So, we lack manpower," Rosalind stated.

"How many strong warriors do we have right now?" she asked.

"Huig and I are the only ones directly working under the command of the Duke on this section of the wall. There are currently four main walls around Wugari, however, there are only three walls that usually get the brunt of the attack. Each wall has one or two people directly working under His Grace and also has one general. General Lytton is the one for this particular section. Each general has their own trustworthy people, but most of them belong to a stronger family like the Bohan Family of assassins, the Lytton family of warriors, the Madilu family of archers, and the Etonde Family of fists. Those are the four pillars under the Rothley Family," Magda explained.

Rosalind nodded in response. In fact, she had heard of their names before. Those were the four families famous in the south, not just because of their allegiance to the Duke of Wugari, but because of their individual prowess.

Those four families had different specialties in which they excelled at. The Lytton Family was known as the generals and the warriors. The Bohan Family was known for their stealth and assassinations. The Madilu family were so good at anything that involved a target and it was rumored that they had never missed and, finally, the Etonde has a body as hard as a rock. Many said that ordinary swords would never pierce through them.

"Good," Rosalind said. "We will be needing all of them." josei

"Can you make them stronger?" General Lytton asked.

"I can," Rosalind said. In her past life, she used her light Blessing to make hundreds of soldiers stronger. There was no reason that she could not enhance the abilities of people who already had special abilities. In fact, Rosalind was quite excited to do this to people who were already considered the best in their field.

She could not wait to see how strong these people would become!

Of course, this was all in her head. What happened was the complete opposite of her expectations.

Not long after, the General called an emergency meeting with the other generals and the heads of the four families. They were not exactly surprised when everyone inside the room started questing Rosalind's identity.

With the absence of the Duke, General Lytton found it hard to explain to them that Rosie the Sorcerer was going to become the new Duchess of Wugari. She will soon become the wife of the man that they were serving. In short, they would be under her command and would have to bow when they saw her in the near future.

"Why would we let a mere sorcerer touch our body!?" a man with a mohawk hairstyle asked. He moved his body towards General Lytton, emphasizing his bulging muscles. If Lucas was considered tall, this man was a giant. He looked to be around seven foot tall with a muscular build. His gruff voice echoed inside the room. "Lytton, I do not want to question your intelligence, but did a donkey hit your head while you were sleeping the other night?"

That man was the current head of the Etonde Family. Fabian 'Elephant' Etonde.

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