Rosie's Games

Chapter 81

Chapter 81: Ominous Feeling 4

Dorothy tightened her grip on the blanket that covered her naked body. She stared at Jeames who was snoring lightly next to her. They were inside a simple room— Jeames' room. There was nothing but a small cabinet, a chair, and a bed. Not even a table or a balcony decorated the bleak room. Even the toilet was outside of the room.

Yet, Dorothy found this strangely peaceful.

Dorothy grew up training to become the next blessed one. She woke up at four and started exercising both her mind and her body thinking that she would soon receive the blessing, just like her father and grandfather.

She grew up without friends and spent most of her time learning etiquette and even the languages of the other seven empires. She wanted to become the most powerful blessed person and she was prepared to do everything and anything to make her father and mother proud, to make the Lux Family proud.

Then… she failed to receive the blessing.

Until now, Dorothy could never forget the look in everyone's eyes when… the blessing did not come. She was not able to manifest the light.


She had been good, kind and understanding. She had been gracious and never hurt someone. Dorothy was pure and no one, not even Jeames whom she liked since she was younger, was able to touch her hand.

So… why?

What went wrong?

The tragedy did not end there.

Dorothy soon received news of the possibility that she would be married off to the Duke from the North— the barbarian who loved to behead his enemies and wear a mask that is as dark as his hair. He was someone who plundered and killed women just because he wanted to have some fun!

How could she allow something like this to happen?

So, Dorothy tried to involve her younger sister. Rosalind Lux— the useless Rosalind whose very existence had reminded her mother that she would not be able to bear another child. The same Rosalind that everyone had considered the speck of dirt in their spotless family.

The black-haired woman.

Dorothy never saw Rosalind as a threat. She never saw her as anything at all. Since Dorothy was old enough to understand things, her mother had already told her that Rosalind was nothing to worry about. So… why not let her marry the Duke instead?

Someone who had been leeching off the Lux Family should be sacrificed to the North! Not Dorothy! No, not her!

Dorothy did everything well! She followed the rules! She had been the perfect heir. It wasn't her fault that the Goddess did not grant her the blessing! Why are they trying to punish her for something she did not do?

Dorothy got up and slowly put on her dress.

On that night, all she wanted to do was ruin Rosalind's reputation. This would have given their grandfather the perfect reason to throw that woman to the North. But Rosalind worked with the Duke and ruined Dorothy's reputation instead.

Not only that, she even schemed to let Dorothy marry someone as promiscuous and shameless as Anthony Delibar! That woman needed to be punished!

There was a loud boom and then the sound of the rain woke her up from her stupor. She looked at Jeames who also seemed to wake up because of the rain.

Their eyes met and for a moment, Dorothy just wanted to stay in his arms for the night.

But she cannot do that.

Almost immediately, the expression on Jeames's face changed. It was laced with worry and gentleness.

"Are you alright? Are you feeling any pain?" he asked as he approached her. She immediately turned her head away, blushing.

"You are naked."

"Oh! I— " she heard him rummage for his clothes somewhere. After a few minutes, she felt his arms around her. He— he put a robe on top of her dress. "It will be cold outside."

"I heard that Rosalind will join the awakening," Dorothy said. She did not understand why the woman wanted to join when she had black hair. Perhaps, Rosalind just wanted to use this opportunity to rub in the fact that Dorothy was not the blessed one. How hateful! josei

"Stop worrying about her. Aren't you cold?"

She met his eyes. "I am," she whispered. "But your arms are enough to warm me up."

Jeames smiled. Then he lifted her chin and leaned down to kiss her.

"Thank you," he said. "It was an honor to be with you."

"I should be the one thanking you," she replied. "And please do not forget Rosalind. She cannot leave the Empire." Dorothy could not stop thinking about Rosalind. She could not help it. "I— I apologize for talking about something…" she knew that she had ruined the mood just from the look in his eyes.

"There is no need to apologize," Jeames said. He took a step back before he strapped on his sword to his hips and wore his own robe. "It looks like the rain won't stop anytime soon. We need to go back before the sun rises," he said.

Seeing his hardened expression, Dorothy immediately said. "I want to spend the night with you."

Jeames stared at her eyes as the coldness slowly vanished. He smiled gently. "I will be in your rooms when we arrive." He held his hand towards her.

However, Dorothy did not accept it. Instead, she stared at him.

Jeames and her grew up together. However, she knew that Jeames never wanted to become a knight. He wanted to become an adventurer. The only reason why he came back was because of what happened to her. Because of her, Jeames decided to stay by her side.

"Stop worrying about Rosalind. I will deal with her."

"Truly?" Dorothy could not help but smile.

In response, Jeames nodded. "You might not know this but Rosalind had always liked me since we were younger. I was able to convince her to marry the Duke. I am confident that coaxing her to do something stupid would be as easy as eating a pie."

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