Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 202

Chapter 202: Disobeying and information

At this moment the 2 women on the ground started to wake up. They were both confused at what was happening and also at their situation.

They were both having a huge headache and when they were about to use their hands to hold their heads, they noticed they were tied up on the ground.

What was happening here, the last thing they remembered was the attack and then coming towards the room, everything after that was black, they remembered nothing more than that.

It was truly weird. Controlling her headache a bit, the Lady Manager started looking around, to understand something about her situation.

Raising her head a bit she was able to see the pensive Captain Mao at the corner and was even more confused.

After that, she started rotating her head on the right, until Tianlong Yun and Tianlong Xia entered her vision field.

They were kissing passionately as if not caring at all about what was happening, and who was around them.

Trying to say something to disturb the couple, and attract their attention, she opened her mouth but no words came out of it.

This discovery shocked her, she clearly wanted to speak inside, but her mouth didn't seem to obey her brain's wishes and orders.josei

Did she become mute?

But how, and why did this happen to her?

What the hell was wrong with this situation?

When she was about to scream inside her mind, and also cry her heart out, she heard the sweet voice of Tianlong Xia,

Tianlong Xia:" Don't worry, neither of you is mute. I just don't like getting disturbed when my husband is kissing me."

Her words left both women shocked and confused beyond belief. What was happening here, how was possible to control someone's speaking just like that.

What Realm had this woman reached to achieve something like this?

With this thought in mind both of the women in the ground started checking their meridians and Qi, it's flow and density, to understand what was happening.

But, everything seemed normal, there was no disturbance to the Qi. This just made them more afraid and cautious towards this woman.

Sensing this Tianlong Xia started laughing a bit. And with a smile in her face, she said simply,

Tianlong Xia:" Hahaha… you don't have to be this cautious towards your master do you?"

Her words shocked the women even more, what did she mean when she said something like this? What nonsense was she sprouting?

Just then, the Lady Manager remembered something, earlier when she was unconscious she had seen a dream.

In that dream, someone was trying to chain her soul and being, with some fire chains. She remembered she fought the attacker with all she had.

For some time it seemed like she was going to win, but suddenly some golden fire chains appeared out of nowhere and all her strength seemed useless.

At the last moment, not wanting to surrender to her attacker she tried to kill herself, but even death was denied to her, by that golden fire.

Was it possible that what she thought to be only a nightmare was real? Did that really happen and now her soul and being was in the hands of someone else?

With that thought in mind, her conscious entered that strange space where it could observer her resting soul, and what she saw just made her want to scream out loud.

It was true, everything she thought was true, she had been enslaved. Apparently that woman was really their master now.

Getting out of her sea of consciousness, the Lady Manager found some hidden strength inside her, and also enduring all her pain she was going through trying to overrule her master's influence on her, she tried to attack Tianlong Xia.

To her, she was the most hated person. She had taken the most precious and valuable thing to her, her freedom, her life, her future.

Those things were all in Tianlong Xia's hands from now on, so the only thing she could think at the moment was attacking, and hurting her enslaver.

Tianlong Xia was really surprised at this woman's willpower and desire for freedom, but how could she allow her newly gotten slave to get out of her control, and right in front of her husband.

Focusing on her Tianlong Xia immediately gave the Lady Manager her first order of stepping down. And just as Lady Manager's hand was about to touch Tianlong Xia's face, her hand froze.

No matter how much will she tried to put in that hand to reach her destination, nor how much pain she endured, she still couldn't touch Tianlong Xia's face.

On the other hand, the fact that she had kept control and didn't let her slap reach didn't make Tianlong Xia happy.

An unworthy worm had tried to challenge her seal and hurt her in front of her husband, her pride had taken a huge hit.

Seeing her expression and also feeling and knowing her feelings and thoughts, Tianlong Yun turned towards Captain Mao and said,

Tianlong Yun:" Get out of the room, and stay guard at the entrance, don't let anyone access this place.���

Captain Mao woke up from his reverie hearing his order and immediately as a startled rabbit accepted his order,

Captain:" Yes Master."

In the next instant after that, he was out of the room.

Tianlong Xia was hit by the sudden realization of the bond she shared with her future husband, and that made her feel a bit ashamed. Stuttering she said to her lover,

Tianlong Xia:" So-sorry Darling, I lost my composure."

Tianlong Yun was satisfied by her cute apology and appearance and said with a light smile,

Tianlong Yun:" Don't worry Love. Now we are alone, you can do whatever you want."

Lady Manager looking at this situation with her hand still raised towards Tianlong Xia's face was thinking that this couple was a pair of psychos.

Now that she looked better into it, this guy seemed like someone she had seen earlier, but where and how she still couldn't remember correctly.

But she didn't have much time to think about that, because at this moment came her first order from Tianlong Xia, who now had a mischievous smile on her face.

Immediately as she received her order Lady Manager wanted to protest and not obey, but she couldn't refuse a direct order from her master.

Like this, she took away her hand, approached in front of Tianlong Yun, and kneeled.

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun even through their connection could only feel that Tianlong Xia was up to some mischief and nothing more, he didn't know what order she gave to the Lady Manager.

But he soon got his answer, when he saw the Lady Manager unzip his pants, and pull out his sleeping dragon from his boxers.

Tianlong Yun just turned his head towards his beautiful wife for an answer, which immediately came,

Tianlong Xia:" Well Darling, Ling'er seems to hate men and their bodies, so I thought it would be a good punishment for her. Furthermore, sooner or later she would end up doing something like this."

Tianlong Yun didn't seem to agree being used as a punishment object from his wife, but he didn't hate it either, so he decided to just enjoy what he was getting.

Tianlong Xia seemed to have taken a huge burden from her shoulders seeing her hubby didn't get mad at her, and she started to inform him on what she found in Lady Manager's memories,

Tianlong Xia:" It seems like we have hit the jackpot Darling.

Her name is Chen Ling, she is the granddaughter of one of the old men in control of the organization for this country.

Apparently EITS is beyond China and is an International organization. The whole thing is controlled by a council of 7 people, one for each continent.

Her grandfather is the one in control of EITS in China, and also, one of the potential candidates for the council.

The identity of the other members of the council is known only by the council members.

Just like we suspected they are an organization full of people with special abilities and cultivators. Their strength in China is comparable to 3rd rank sect in the Immortal World, but worldwide they are 1st rank.

The organization here in China has thousands of people in the Qi Refining Realm, hundreds in Foundations Establishment Realm, around 20 in Golden Core Realm, less than 10 in the Nascent Soul Realm, and only 2 in Soul Formation Realm.

As for the organization worldwide we can just multiply it by 7 to get an estimated figure.

The only thing which might be a problem for us is that there are some old fogies in the Great Ascension Realm in their headquarters, so we have to take them into consideration, even though they already have a foot on the grave.

There is also something really important to be mentioned, apparently, there is a classification of the biggest forces on this planet, and EITS is treated only as an information agency, the top three are more powerful in the surface.

The first is the Masons, people with high abilities, cultivators, and all kinds of experimental subjects. They are the strongest because they have something from everything, and their numbers are unknown.

The second is the Royals, they have only people, or more precisely beasts with high cultivations and shapeshifting abilities. They are treated as barbarous and illiterate.

The third is the Orientals, mostly comprised of cultivators from China and the Asian countries. But they also have their share of special abilities and experimental subjects.

As for this place, China and EITS in here, the 2 people in the Soul Formation Realm are her grandfather and his old friend.

Apparently they wanted to solidify their relationship and wanted to marry her and his old friend's son together, who has a bad reputation.

She didn't accept their marriage and tried to run away with her cousin lover, but she was found out and her lover was killed. She was sent here in exile until she changed her mind."

Saying until here she somehow had a bit of sympathy for Chen Ling, but remembering her stubbornness, and her humiliation, it disappeared immediately.

Throwing a look towards her lover to see if he was still hearing her, she saw him looking back in her eyes. She was really happy, even in a situation like this, her husband was thinking of her.

Meanwhile Chen Ling…


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